[61] Sānctus Brendānus ait: “Licet nōbīs nunc hīc esse, an nōn?” Quī ait: “Nōn licet, quia nōn est Deī voluntās. [62] Cūr mē interrogās, pater? Nōnne revēlāvit tibi Deus quae tē oportet facere antequam hūc vēnissēs ad nōs? [63] Tē enim oportet revertī ad locum tuum cum quātuordecim frātribus tēcum, ubi praeparāvit Deus locum sepultūrae vestrae. [64] Duo vērō, quī supersunt: ūnus peregrīnābitur in Īnsulā quae vocātur Anachorītārum, porrō alter morte turpissimā condemnābitur apud īnferōs.”
[65] Cum haec intrā sē tālia loquerentur, ecce, illīs videntibus, sagitta ignea, dīmissa per fenestram, incendit omnēs lampadēs quae erant positae ante altāria. [66] Quae cōnfestim reversa est forās praedicta sagitta; tamen lūmen praeclārum remānsit in lampadibus. [66] Iterum interrogāvit beātus Brendānus ā quō extinguēbantur manē lūmināria. [68] Cui ait sānctus pater: “Venī et vidē sacrāmentum reī. Ecce, tū vidēs candēlās ārdentēs in mediō vāsculōrum; [69] tamen nihil dē illīs exūritur ut minus sint aut dēcrēscant, neque remanēbit māne ūlla favīlla, quia spīritāle lūmen est.”
Brendan asks if he and his monks can stay on the island, but the abbot says they have a different destiny. Brendan and the original fourteen monks will return home. One of the surviving extra monks will end up on The Island of the Three Choirs (Island of the Anchorites), and the other will go to Hell. Suddenly a flaming arrow flies through a window, lights up the lamps on the altars, and leaves. Brendan asks who will put the lamps out in the morning. The abbot explains that the lamps do not burn the normal way: their light is spiritual.
[61] hīc esse: = manēre hīc. Brendan is tempted to think he has reached his destination.
[63] cum quātuordecim frātribus: for the original 14 companions see 2.1.
[64] Duo vērō, quī supersunt: either a “nominative absolute” or anacolouthon. For the three monks who joined Brendan at the last minute see 5.1.
ūnus peregrīnābitur in Īnsulā quae vocātur Anachorītārum: see 17.1–4; 25–27.
alter morte turpissimā condemnābitur apud īnferōs: see 24.4–10.
[65] haec intrā sē tālia: CL would be (e.g.) haec intrā eōs or talia intrā eōs.
[68] sacrāmentum: “mystery” (as at 10.12)
in mediō vāsculōrum: the pots are acting as candle holders.
[69] nihil dē illīs: CL would be nihil illōrum.
ut minus sint: a result clause; CL would be ut minōra sint.