[5]     Sānctus Brendānus frātribus suīs ait: “Deus dedit nōbīs cōnsōlātiōnem post labōrem. [6] Accipite piscēs, quantum sufficit ad nostram coenam, atque assāte eōs ignī. [7] Colligite herbās et rādīcēs quās Dominus servīs suīs praepārāvit.” Et ita fēcērunt. [8] Cum autem effūdissent aquam ad bibendum, dīxit vir Deī: “Frātrēs, cavēte nē suprā modum ūtāminī hās aquās, nē gravius vexentur corpora vestra.”

[9]     At vērō frātrēs inaequaliter dīffīnītiōnem virī Deī cōnsīderābant: aliī singulōs calicēs bibēbant, aliī bīnōs, cēterī namque ternōs; [10] in quōs irruit sopor trium diērum et noctium, in aliōs quoque duōrum diērum et noctium, in reliquōs vērō ūnīus diēī et noctis. [11] At sānctus pater sine intermissiōne dēprecābātur Dominum prō frātribus suīs, quod per ignōrantiam contigit illīs tāle perīculum.

    Brendan tells the monks to catch some fish and cook them, and to gather vegetables, but warns them that the water is dangerous. Some monks drink three cups, and sleep three days and nights, some drink two cups and sleep two days and nights, and some drink a single cup and sleep a day and a night. Brendan prays for the monks, for putting themselves in such danger.

    [8] ūtāminī hās aquās: in CL ūtor would take an ablative.

    [9] cēterī namque ternōs: “and in fact the rest (were drinking) three.”  Namque can mean “certainly, to be sure” (OLD 1), as at 1.25.

    singulōs calicēs bibēbant: calicēs are either “cups” (literally) or units of measurement.

    [11] quod per ignōrantiam: note the interest in sins committed out of ignorance.

    cōnsōlātiō –ōnis f. a consolation, comfort 5
    piscis piscis m. fish 6
    sufficiō sufficere suffēcī suffectum to suffuse
    cēna (coena) cēnae f. dinner
    assō –āre to broil, to roast
    colligō colligāre to bind, to connect 7
    herba herbae f. grass; herb, edible plant
    rādīx rādīcis f. root
    praeparō –parāre –parāvī –parātus to prepare, make preparations
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself [OLD 28]
    bibō bibere bibī to drink8
    ūtor ūtī ūsus sum use; consume (food etc.) [OLD 2a]
    graviter heavily
    vexō vexāre vexāvī vexātus to afflict [OLD 4]
    inaequāliter unequally 9
    dīffīnītiō –ōnis f. decree, rule
    cōnsīderō cōnsīderāre cōnsīderāvī cōnsīderātus to consider
    calix –icis m. cup, goblet, chalice
    bibō bibere bibī to drink
    bīnī –ae –a 2 by 2
    namque for in fact
    ternī –ae –a 3 each
    inruō –ere –ruī to rush in 10
    sopor –ōris m. sleep; sound
    intermissiō –ōnis f. interruption, intermission
    dēprecor dēprecārī dēprecātus sum to intercede with, entreat, beg [OLD 3]
    prō for, on behalf of (prep. + abl.) [OLD 3]; in view of, to judge from (+ abl.) [OLD 16b]
    per through; by means of [OLD 14]
    ignōrantia –ae f. ignorance
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