[1]     Igitur sānctus Brendānus cum suīs frātribus, acceptā benedictiōne virī Deī, coepērunt nāvigāre contrā merīdiem per tōtum Quadrāgēsimae tempus, et ferēbātur hūc atque illūc illōrum nāvicula. [2] Et erat illīs tantum cibus aqua, quam accēpērunt ab īnsulā virī Deī, per trīduum reficiendō sine ūllā ēsuriē et sitī, permanentēs laetī omnēs. [3] Tunc, sīcut predīxerat vir Deī, vēnērunt ad īnsulam prīstinī prōcūrātōris in Sabbatō Sānctō; [4] et ut vēnērunt ad portum, occurrit illīs obviam cum gaudiō magnō, omnēsque dē nāvī levāvit propriīs brāchiīs. [5] Perāctō vērō dīvīnō officiō diēī sānctī, apposuit cōram eīs coenam. Factō iam vespere, ascendērunt nāviculam, et īdem vir cum illīs.

    They sail south durning Lent and arrive at the three "islands" where they celebrated the previous six Easters.  This time they arrive at the Island of Sheep on Holy Saturday.  The procurator is there, and they stay on the island until the evening.

    [2] Et erat illīs tantum cibus aqua: = et erat (ut) cibus illīs tantum aqua. Water from Paul’s island, a symbol of Holy Communion, was all the food they needed.

    quam accēpērunt ab īnsulā virī Deī: see 26.45.

    reficiendō: CL would be reficientēs.

    permanentēs laetī omnēs: “nominative absolute” or anacolouthon.

    [3] ad īnsulam prīstinī prōcūrātōris in Sabbatō Sānctō: see 26.46.  There is no mention of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, perhaps as a sign that their travels are coming to an end.

    [4] occurit illīs ... levāvit: sc. prīstinus prōcūrātor.

    [5] Perāctō vērō dīvīnō officiō diēī sānctī: after celebrating Mass.

    benedictiō –ōnis f. a blessing1
    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus to go by ship, sail; to row
    contrā against; towards, in the direction of (OLD 14a)
    merīdiēs merīdiēī m. noon; the south
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)
    Quādrāgēsima –ae f. Lent (which lasts forty days; LL)
    illic illaec illuc there; in that place (illīc); to that place illūc)
    nāvicula –ae f. boat (ML); (CL) small boat
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)2
    trīduum –ī n. three days
    reficiō reficere refēcī refectus to restore, revive (transitive) (ML) to take food, eat (intransitive)
    ēsuriēs –eī f. hunger
    sitis –is f. thirst
    permaneō permanēre permānsī permānsum to remain
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention3
    prīstinus –a –um former, previous
    prōcūrātor –ōris m. administrator, steward
    Sabbata –ōrum n.pl. the Sabbath; Saturday (LL)
    portus portūs m. harbor4
    obviam (adv.) in the way, so as to meet
    levō levāre levāvī levātus to lift up
    brachium brachī(ī) n. arm
    peragō peragere perēgī perāctum to finish5
    dīvīnus –a –um divine
    appōnō –pōnere –posuī –positus to place near; appoint
    corām (adv. or prep. + abl.) face to face; in the presence of, in front of
    cēna (coena) cēnae f. dinner
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself (OLD 28)
    vesper, vesperae, (abl. vespere), f.: evening
    nāvicula –ae f. boat (ML); (CL) small boat
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