[25]      Frātrēs vērō ībant vidēre quod dīxerat vir Deī dē illā bēluā. Cum autem vēnissent ad locum ubi erat cadāver anteā, nihil invēnērunt nisi tantum ossa. [26] Reversī sunt cōnfestim ad virum Deī, dīcentēs: “Abbā, sīcut dīxistī, ita est.” [27] Quibus ille ait: “Sciō, fīliolī, quia voluistis mē probāre sī vērum dīxī annōn. [28] Aliud signum dīcam vōbīs: portiō cuiusdam piscis hāc nocte veniet illūc, et crās reficiēminī inde.”

[29]     Sequentī vērō diē exiērunt frātrēs ad locum, et invēnērunt sīcut vir Deī praedīxerat, et attulērunt quantum poterant portāre. [30] Ait illīs venerābilis pater: “Ista dīligenter observāte sale conditā: inde habēbitis necessitātem. [31] Faciet enim Dominus serēnum tempus hodiē et crās et post crās, et cessābit impetus maris et flūctuum; posteā proficīscēminī dē locō istō.”

[32]     Trānsāctīs autem diēbus praedictīs, praecēpit sānctus Brendānus suīs frātribus onerāre nāvim et utrēs implēre atque alia vāscula, herbās ac rādīcēs ad suum opus colligere, [33] quia praedictus pater, postquam fuit sacerdōs, nihil gustāvit, in quā spīritus vītae esset, dē carne. [34] Onerātīs omnibus in nāvim, et vēlīs extēnsīs, profectī sunt contrā septentriōnālem plāgam.

    The monks go back to the remains of the monster to confirm that what Brendan said is true.  Brendan knows they didn't believe him, and says he'll send another sign: tomorrow they will find another section of the monster, providing more food.  Brendan tells them to preserve the new meat with salt, for the impending trip, since the bad weather is almost at an end.  They load the ship with (we assume) the salted meat, and also with water and vegetables.  Brendan, we now learn, has been vegan ever since he became a priest.

    [25] ībant vidēre: “infinitive of purpose” (ML); CL would use ut + subj.

    [27] sī vērum dīxī annōn: CL would be utrum vērum dīxī annōn.

    [30] sale conditā: i.e., “by heaping on salt.”

    [32] herbās ac rādīcēs ad suum opus colligere: we might have expected a conjunction, to show that colligere is parallel to onerāre and implēre.

    ad suum opus: “for their use.”

    [33] in quā: since the antecedent is nihil, CL would be in quō.

    bēlua –ae f. beast 25
    cadāver –eris n. dead body
    anteā before, formerly
    cōnfestim immediately 26
    abbās –ātis m. abbot, the head of a monastery
    fīliolus –ī m. little son, dear son 27
    quia because; that
    vērum –ī n. that which is true; truth
    annon or not
    portiō –ōnis f. part, section, portion 28
    piscis piscis m. fish
    illic illaec illuc there; in that place (illīc); to that place illūc)
    crās tomorrow
    reficiō reficere refēcī refectus to restore, revive (transitive) (ML) to take food, eat (intransitive)
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention 29
    venerābilis –e venerable, deserving of respect 30
    dīligēns –ntis careful
    observō observāre observāvī observātus to preserve, conserve; to watch over, guard, mind
    sāl salis m. salt, wit
    condō condere condidī conditus to inter, bury [OLD 4]; to preserve (of foods etc.) ]OLD 2b)
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself [OLD 28] 31
    serēnus –a –um serene, calm
    crās tomorrow
    cessō cessāre cessāvī cessātus to cease, desist
    trānsigō trānsigere trānsēgī trānsāctum to carry through, complete; to spend, pass 32
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    onerō onerāre onerāvī onerātus to load, burden
    ūter ūtris m. leather bag (for holding water, wine, etc.)
    vasculum (vāsculum) –ī n. small vessel or container; jar
    herba herbae f. grass; herb, edible plant
    rādīx rādīcis f. root
    quia because; that 33
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    gustō gustāre gustāvī gustātus to taste
    carō carnis f. meat, flesh
    onerō onerāre onerāvī onerātus to load, burden 34
    vēlum vēlī n. sail; curtain; cloth
    extendō –ere –tendī –tentus
    to stretch forth; stretch
    prōficiō prōficere prōfēcī prōfectum to advance
    contrā against; towards, in the direction of [OLD 14a]
    septentriōnālis –e northern
    plaga –ae f. open expanse, tract; region
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