[6]     Dīxit sānctus Brendānus: “Ecce, Dominus noster Iēsus Chrīstus nōbīs dedit locum ad manendum in suā sānctā resurrēctiōne.” [7] Et addidit: “Sī nōn habuissēmus alia dispendia, exceptō istō fonte, sufficere crēdō nōbīs ad vīctum et ad pōtum illum.”

[8]     Erat autem super illum fontem arbor mīrae lātitūdinis in gīrum, nōn nimis altitūdinis, cooperta avibus candidissimīs. In tantum cooperuērunt illam ut folia et rāmī eius minimē vidērentur. [9] Cum haec vīdisset vir Deī, coepit intrā sē cōgitāre et tractāre quidnam esset, aut quae causa fuisset, ut tanta multitūdō avium potuisset esse in ūnā collēctiōne.

[10]    In tantum sibi erat taedium ut effūdisset lacrimās, prōvolūtīs genibus, atque dēprecāsset Deum, dīcēns: [11] “Deus, cognitor incognitōrum et revēlātor absconditōrum omnium, tū scīs angustiam cordis meī: [12] dēprecor tuam maiestātem, ut mihi peccātōrī dignēris per tuam magnam misericordiam revēlāre tuum sēcrētum, quod modo videō prae oculīs meīs. Nōn dignitātis aut meritī praesūmō, sed clēmentiae tuae.”

    Brendan says that this is the place to celebrate Easter; the water from the spring is all they need for food and drink.  Over the spring is a huge tree covered with white birds.  Brendan is baffled by this, and prays for understanding.

    [6] in suā sānctā resurrēctiōne: i.e., for the celebration of Easter; this turns out to mean the whole period between Easter and Pentecost (see 9.20).

    [7] sufficere crēdō ... ad pōtum illum: = crēdō illum (fontem) sufficere nōbīs ad vīctum et ad pōtum.  Brendan uses the best non-divine information he has, and turns out to be wrong.

    [8] avibus candidissimīs: the birds were "very white."

    [11] In tantum sibi erat taedium: "he was so upset."  Apparently the remarkable sight troubled him simply because he didn't understand it.

    [12] Nōn dignitātis ... sed clēmentiae tuae: “I presume not on my own dignity or merit, but on your clemency”; the normal construction in ML would be praesūmō with + abl.

    Iēsūs –ū m. Jesus (Christ) 6
    Christus –ī m. Christ
    resurrectiō –ōnis f. resurrection, rising from the dead
    dispendium –ī n. provisions, food supplies (ML; CL dispendium –(i)ī n.: expenditure) 7
    sufficiō sufficere suffēcī suffectum to suffuse
    vīctus vīctūs m. food
    pōtus pōtūs m. a drinking, a drink
    mīrus –a –um marvelous, wonderful 8
    lātitūdō lātitūdinis f. breadth
    gȳrus –ī m. circle
    altitūdō altitudinis f. height
    co-operiō –operīre –operuī
    to cover over
    folium foli(ī) n. leaf
    rāmus rāmī m. branch
    minimē No!, not at all
    tractō tractāre tractāvī tractātus to examine, consider [OLD 8] 9
    quisnam (quīnam) quaenam quidnam whoever?, whatever? (in indirect questions) [OLD 1b]
    collēctiō –ōnis f. a collecting, gathering
    taedium –ī n. leisure, slack time; weariness; disgust, aversion 10
    prōvolvō –ere –volvī –volūtus to topple over, go down
    genū (genus) genūs n. knee
    dēprecor dēprecārī dēprecātus sum to intercede with, entreat, beg [OLD 3]
    cognitor one who understands, knower 11
    incognitus –a –um unknown, unnoticed, unperceived
    revēlātor -ōris, m. one who reveals
    abscondō abscondere abscondī (abscondidī) absconditus (absconsus) to put out of sight
    angustiae –ārum f. narrow pass, narrowness
    dēprecor dēprecārī dēprecātus sum to intercede with, entreat, beg [OLD 3] 12
    māiestās –ātis f. greatness; majesty
    peccātor –ōris m. a transgressor, sinner
    dignō dignāre to consider worthy
    per through; by means of [OLD 14]
    misericordia misericordiae f. pity, mercy
    revēlō –āre to unveil, uncover
    sēcrētum –ī n. secret
    modo only, just; now, just now (at the present time); just now (in the immediate future) [OLD 5b]
    prae in front of, in the face of (ML); by means of, because of, in view of (prep. + abl.)
    meritus merita meritum deserved, due
    praesūmō –ere –sūmpsī –sūmptus to anticipate [OLD 3]; (ML) presume on the basis of
    clēmentia –ae f. mildness gentleness, mercy
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