[1]     Quādam vērō diē vīdērunt īnsulam longē ab illīs. Dīxit sānctus Brendānus: “Vidētis illam īnsulam?” Aiunt illī: “Vidēmus.” [2] Dīcit illīs: “Trēs populī sunt in illā īnsulā: populus puerōrum, et populus iuvenum, tertius vērō populus seniōrum. Porrō ūnus ex frātribus vestrīs illīc peregrīnābitur.” [3] Frātrēs interrogābant quisnam esset ex eīs. Cum autem persevērāssent in illā sententiā, et vīdisset illōs trīstēs, ait: “Iste est ille frāter quī permānsūrus est ibi.” [4] Fuit autem praedictus frāter ūnus ex tribus frātribus quī subsecūtī sunt sānctum Brendānum dē suō monastēriō, dē quibus praedīxerat frātribus anteā, quandō ascendērunt nāvim dē patriā suā.

    The Island of the Three Choirs / The Island of the Anchorites.  They see another island in the distance and Brendan knows that it has a choir of elders, a choir of young men, and a choir of boys.  He also knows that one of the monks will stay on the island, identifies him as one of extra three monks who joined at the last minute (Chapter 5), whose fate was predicted by Ailbe (12.64).

    [2] illīc peregrīnābitur: “will be a pilgrim there,” i.e., “will spend time there as a pilgrim.”

    [3] Iste est ille frāter: Brendan points to the monk in question, identified in the next sentence.

    [4] autem: in CL this would mean “however”; here that meaning is felt only faintly if at all.  We perhaps think that Iste est ille frāter is all the information that is coming: “however,” we learn, the monk in question was one of the three monks who joined later (see 5.1ff.).

    iuvenis iuvenis m. youth 2
    senex senis old, aged
    porrō next
    illic illaec illuc there; in that place (illīc); to that place illūc)
    peregrīnor peregrīnārī peregrīnātus sum to go on a pilgrimage (ML; CL travel about)
    quisnam (quīnam) quaenam quidnam whoever?, whatever? (in indirect questions) [OLD 1b] 3
    per–sevērō –āre to persist, persevere
    permaneō permanēre permānsī permānsum to remain
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention 4
    subsequor sequī secūtus sum to follow (closely)
    monastērium –ī n. a monastery
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    anteā before, formerly
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