[33]     “Attamen senectus aut languor in membrīs nostrīs minimē amplificātur; in hāc īnsulā nihil ad comedendum indigēmus quod igne parātur, neque frīgus aut aestus superat nōs umquam. [34] Sed cum tempus missārum venit aut vigiliārum, incenduntur lūmināria in nostrā ecclēsiā, quae dūximus nōbīscum dē terrā nostrā, dīvīnā praedestīnātiōne, et ārdent usque ad diem, et nōn minuitur ūllum ex illīs lumīnāribus.”

[35]     Postquam bibērunt, tribus vicibus abbās solitō mōre pulsāvit signum, et frātrēs ūnanimiter cum magnō silentiō et gravitāte levāvērunt sē ā mēnsā, antecēdentēs sānctōs patrēs ad ecclēsiam. [36] Gradiēbantur vērō post illōs sānctus Brendānus et praedictus pater monastēriī. [37] Cum ergō intrāssent ecclēsiam, ecce: aliī duodecim frātrēs exiērunt obviam illīs, flectentēs genua cum alacritāte. [38] Sānctus quoque Brendānus, cum illōs vīdisset, dīxit: “Abbā, cūr istī nōn refēcērunt nōbīscum simul?” [39] Cui ait pater: “Propter vōs, quia nōn potuit nostra mēnsa nōs omnēs capere in ūnum. Modo reficient, et nihil illīs dēerit. [40] Nōs autem intrāmus ecclēsiam et cantāmus vesperās, ut frātrēs nostrī, quī modo reficiunt, possint ad tempus cantāre vesperās post nōs.”

    The abbot adds that they do not age or get sick, and that their religious services are lighted miraculously.  The meal concludes with them taking a drink three times.  As the diners leave, Brendan sees twelve more monks come into the refectory, and the abbot explains that there wasn't space for them because of the guests.  The abbot suggests that the first group of diners go to church to sing vespers.

    [34] incenduntur lūmināria: the source of these lamps is revealed at 12.65ff.

    quae dūximus nōbīscum: the antecedent of quae is lūmināria.

    [35] frātrēs ... antecēdentēs sānctōs patrēs: the monks (frātres) went ahead of (antecēdentēs) Ailbe and Brendan (sānctōs patrēs).

    [39] Modo reficient: “they will eat now.”

    [40] intrāmus ... et cantāmus vesperās: probably jussive subjunctives of first conjugation verbs (ML but rare) or the present is used as a future. They were going to Vespers (sunset).

    ad tempus: “at the appropriate time.”

    attamen nevertheless, however (at + tamen) 33
    senectūs senectūtis f. old age
    languor –ōris m. feebleness, weariness
    minimē No!, not at all
    amplificō amplificāre to enlarge, increase
    comedō comedere (comesse) comēdī comēsum to eat up, consume
    indigeō indigēre indiguī to be in need of, require (+ gen.)
    frīgus frīgoris n. cold
    aestus aestūs m. heat
    missa –ae f. the Mass (religious service) (LL) 34
    vigilia vigiliae f. a keeping of the watch; religious vigil [OLD 4]
    incendō incendere incendī incensus to set on fire, ignite
    lūmināre –is n. lamp
    ecclēsia –ae f. congregation, church (LL)
    dīvīnus –a –um divine
    praedestinātiō –ōnis f. predestination
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    minuō minuere minuī minūtus to reduce, diminish
    lūmināre –is n. lamp
    bibō bibere bibī to drink 35
    vicis (gen.) f. a recurring occasion, a turn, a time
    abbās –ātis m. abbot, the head of a monastery
    solitus –a –um customary
    pulsō pulsāre pulsāvī pulsātus to hit
    ūnanimiter harmoniously, in total agreement
    silentium (silentum) silenti(ī) n. silence
    gravitās gravitātis f. weight
    levō levāre levāvī levātus to lift up
    antecēdō –cēdere –cessī –cessum to go before
    ecclēsia –ae f. congregation, church (LL)
    gradior gradī gressus sum to step, walk 36
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    monastērium –ī n. a monastery
    ecclēsia –ae f. congregation, church (LL) 37
    duodecim; duodecimus –a –um 12; 12th
    obviam (adv.) in the way, so as to meet
    flectō flectere flēxī flexus to bend
    genū (genus) genūs n. knee
    alacritās –ātis f. enthusiasm, quickness
    abbās –ātis m. abbot, the head of a monastery 38
    reficiō reficere refēcī refectus to restore, revive (transitive) (ML) to take food, eat (intransitive)
    quia because; that 39
    modo only, just; now, just now (at the present time); just now (in the immediate future) [OLD 5b]
    reficiō reficere refēcī refectus to restore, revive (transitive) (ML) to take food, eat (intransitive)
    ecclēsia –ae f. congregation, church (LL) 40
    cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus to sing
    vesperae –ārum f. pl. pers, Evensong (ML)
    modo only, just; now, just now (at the present time); just now (in the immediate future) [OLD 5b]
    reficiō reficere refēcī refectus to restore, revive (transitive) (ML) to take food, eat (intransitive)
    cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus to sing
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