[10]    Cum haec dīxisset, coepit cantāre in quantum potuit altius; cēterī namque ex frātribus aspiciēbant semper bēstiās. [11] Cum autem audīssent, bēstiae levāvērunt sē ā terrā et natābant in circuitū nāvis, ita ut nōn potuissent frātrēs ultrā vidēre in omnem partem, prae multitūdine dīversārum natantium. [12] Tamen nōn appropinquābant nāviculae, sed longē lātēque natābant, et ita hūc atque illūc, dōnec vir Deī fīnīvit missam, sē retinēbant. [13] Post haec, quasi fugiendō, omnēs bēstiae per dīversās sēmitās ōceanī ā faciē servōrum Deī natābant. [14] Sānctus Brendānus per octo diēs, prōsperō ventō et vēlīs extēnsīs, vix potuit mare clārum trānsmeāre.

    Brendan then sings as loudly as possible.  Many creatures appear and swim in circles around the boat.  When Mass is over they all swim away.  It takes the monks eight days (from Sunday to Sunday, counting inclusively) to cross the clear sea.

    [10] in quantum potuit altius: “as deeply (loudly) as he could.”

    cēterī namque ex frātribus aspiciēbant semper bēstiās: unlike Brendan, the other monks were afraid to sing and (instead) just kept looking at the creatures.

    [11] nōn potuissent frātrēs ultrā vidēre in omnem partem: there were so many creatures that the monks couldn’t see past them (ultrā) anywhere they looked (in omnem partem).

    [12] nāviculae: (dat sing.)  CL would be ad nāviculam.

    [13] quasi fugiendō: CL would be quasī fugientēs.

    [14] per octo diēs ... vix potuit mare clārum trānsmeāre: it took him eight days to get through the clear sea, and he barely made it in that time (vix).

    cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus to sing10
    namque for in fact
    bestia –ae f. beast, creature
    bestia –ae f. beast, creature11
    levō levāre levāvī levātus to lift up
    natō natāre natāvī natātus to swim
    circuitus –ūs m. circuit, circle; outer edge, perimeter (OLD 5)
    prae (prep. + abl.) in front of, in the face of (ML); by means of, because of, in view of
    natō natāre natāvī natātus to swim
    appropinquō appropinquāre appropinquavī to approach, draw near12
    nāvicula –ae f. boat (ML); (CL) small boat
    lātē widely, extensively
    natō natāre natāvī natātus to swim
    illic illaec illuc there; in that place (illīc); to that place illūc)
    fīniō fīnīre fīnīvī fīnītus to finish
    missa –ae f. the Mass (religious service) (LL)
    bestia –ae f. beast, creature13
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)
    sēmita –ae f. path, track
    ōceanus –ī m. the ocean
    natō natāre natāvī natātus to swim
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)14
    octō; octāvus –a –um 8; 8th
    prōsper or, more frequently,
    prōsperus –a –um
    (of winds) favorable
    vēlum vēlī n. sail; curtain; cloth
    extendō –ere –tendī –tentus
    to stretch forth; stretch
    trānsmeō –āre to go over or across, to go through
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