[6]      Ēlevantēs sē frātrēs ā terrā, ēlevātōque frātre ā praedictō sānctō patre, ecce vīdērunt Aethiopum parvulum salīre dē sīnō suō et ululantem vōce magnā, dīcēns: [7] “Cūr mē, vir Deī, iactās dē meā habitātiōne, in quā habitāvī septem annōs, et facis mē aliēnārī ab hērēditāte meā?” [8] Sānctus Brendānus ad hanc vōcem dīxit: “Praecipiō tibi in nōmine Dominī nostrī Iēsu Chrīstī ut nūllum hominem laeseris usque ad diem iūdiciī.”

[9]     Iterum conversus vir Deī ad praedictum frātrem ait: “Sūme corpus et sanguinem Dominī, quia anima tua modo ēgrediētur dē corpore. [10] Hīc etenim habēbis locum sepultūrae tuae. Ēn frāter tuus, quī vēnit tēcum dē monastēriō nostrō, in īnfernō habet locum sepultūrae.” [11] Itaque, acceptā eucharistiā, anima frātris ēgressa est dē corpore, suscepta ab angelīs lūcis, videntibus frātribus. Corpus autem eius conditum est in eōdem locō ā praedictō sānctō patre.

    After the monks and the thief stand up, the Ethiopian boy jumps out from the thief's chest and complains that Brenand has defeated him.  Brendan tells the thief to take Holy Communion, since he is about to die and be buried there on the island; another of the three extra monks will be buried in Hell. The soul of the thief is taken up by "angels of light," and Brendan buries his body.

    [6] dīcēns: CL would be dicentem.

    [8] Praecipio tibi, etc.: note Paul’s exorcism at Acts 16.18: “I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to go out from her” (Praecipio tibi in nomine Iesu Christi exire ab ea).

    usque ad diem iūdiciī: “until Judgement Day,” i.e., the end of the temporal world.

    [9] Sūme corpus et sanguinem Dominī: in special circumstances Holy Communion could be administered without conducting Mass.

    [10] Ēn frāter tuus ... in īnfernō habet locum sepultūrae: Brendan directs the thief’s attention to another of the three late-arriving monks, whose fate we will learn at 24.4-8.

    [11] ab angelīs lūcis: Second Corinthians 11.14: “And no wonder: for Satan himself transformeth himself into an angel of light” (transfigurat se in angelum lucis).  

    ēlevō –āre –āvī –ātum to raise, lift up 6
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    Aethiops –pis Ethiopian, African, dark-skinned
    parvulus –a –um very small
    saliō salīre saluī saltus to leap, jump
    ululō ululāre ululāvī ululātus to howl
    iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus to throw through the air, hurl 7
    habitātiō –ōnis f. a dwelling
    habitō habitāre habitāvī habitātus to inhabit
    septem; septimus –a –um 7; 7th
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself [OLD 28]
    aliēnō aliēnāre to transfer, lose possession of, alienate
    hērēditās hērēditātis f. inheritance
    Iēsūs –ū m. Jesus (Christ) 8
    Christus –ī m. Christ
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention 9
    quia because; that
    modo only, just; now, just now (at the present time); just now (in the immediate future) [OLD 5b]
    etenim and indeed 10
    sepultūra –ae f. a burial, interment
    ēn or em look!
    monastērium –ī n. a monastery
    īnfernus –ī m. the underworld (LL; CL īnfernus –a –um)
    sepultūra –ae f. a burial, interment
    eucharistia –ae, f. thanksgiving; Holy Communion, the Eucharist 11
    angelus –ī m. messenger, angel
    condō condere condidī conditus to inter, bury [OLD 4]; to preserve (of foods etc.,) [OLD 2b]
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
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