[10]     Frātrēs quoque Passiōnem Dominī celebrābant cum magnā dīligentiā usque in Sabbatum Sānctum. [11] Fīnītīs ōrdinibus diēī Sabbatī, immolātīsque victimīs spīritālibus Deō, atque coenā cōnsummātā, dīxit īdem prōcūrātor ad sānctum Brendānum et ad illōs quī cum eō erant: [12] “Proficīsciminī et ascendite nāvim, ut celebrētis sānctam Dominicam noctem resurrēctiōnis ubi celebrāstis alterō annō illam, et diem similiter usque in sextam hōram. [13] Posteā nāvigātē ad īnsulam quae vocātur Paradīsus Avium, ubi fuistis in praeteritō annō ā Paschā usque in octāvās Pentēcostēn, [14] et asportāte vōbīscum omnia quae necessāria sunt dē cibō et pōtū. Ego vērō vīsitābō vōs diē Dominicā alterā.” [15] Et ita fēcērunt; onerāvitque ipse nāvim pānibus et pōtū ac carnibus cēterīsque dēliciīs, quantum poterant capere. [16] Sānctus Brendānus, datā benedictiōne, ascendit in nāvim, et coepērunt statim nāvigāre ad aliam īnsulam.

    They conduct their celebrations on the Island of Sheep until Holy Saturday.  Then the procurator explains that, as in the previous year, they will go to first to the "island" (the whale Iasconius) to celebrate Easter Eve and Easter morning, and then on to the Paradise of Birds for the rest of Easter Sunday and beyond, till the Octave of Pentecost.

    [10] Passiōnem Dominī: i.e., Good Friday.

    Sabbatum Sānctum: Holy Saturday (the day before Easter).

    [11] Fīnītīs ōrdinibus diēī Sabbatī: they performed the offices prescribed for Holy Saturday.

    immolātīsque victimīs spīritālibus Deō: as at 9.4 it is unclear whether the reference is to actual animal sacrifice or to the metaphor of Christ’s sacrifice for the world, and thus to Holy Communion; spīritālibus seems to suggest the latter, though real animal sacrifice would also have spiritual significance.

    [12] sānctam Dominicam noctem resurrēctiōnis: the night before Easter.

    et diem: Easter.

    in sextam hōram: i.e., noon.

    [13] ubi fuistis in praeteritō annō ā Paschā usque in octāvās Pentēcostēn: see 9.20 and 11.51–53.

    [14] diē Dominicā alterā: the Sunday after Easter. Possibly an allusion to Jesus’ appearance to the disciples eight days after the Crucifixion (John 20.26–29).

    [16] ad aliam īnsulam: in fact this is Iasconius the whale.

    passiō –ōnis f. a suffering; Christ’s Passion, suffering and death on the Cross 10
    dīligentia dīligentiae f. care, diligence
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    Sabbata –ōrum n.pl. the Sabbath; Saturday (LL)
    fīniō fīnīre fīnīvī fīnītus to finish 11
    Sabbata –ōrum n.pl. the Sabbath; Saturday (LL)
    immolō immolāre immolāvī immolātus to offer in sacrifice; to give as a symbolic offering to God
    victima –ae f. an animal offered in sacrifice; a victim
    spīritālis –e spiritual, sacred, religious
    cēna (coena) cēnae f. dinner
    cōnsummō –āre to consume (ML; CL to add up; complete; accomplish)
    prōcūrātor –ōris m. administrator, steward
    dominicus –a –um of or belonging to a lord or master 12
    resurrectiō –ōnis f. resurrection, rising from the dead
    similiter similarly
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    sex; sextus –a –um 6; 6th
    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus to go by ship, sail; to row 13
    paradīsus –ī m. Paradise
    praeteritus –a –um past
    pascha –ae f. Easter (LL)
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    octāvus –a –um eighth
    Pentēcostē –ēs f. Pentecost
    asportō –āre to carry away, remove 14
    necessārius –a –um necessary, essential
    pōtus pōtūs m. a drinking, a drink
    vīsitō –āre to go to see, visit
    dominicus –a –um of or belonging to a lord or master
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself [OLD 28] 15
    onerō onerāre onerāvī onerātus to load, burden
    pānis pānis m. bread
    pōtus pōtūs m. a drinking, a drink
    carō carnis f. meat, flesh
    dēlicia dēliciae f. (often pl.) or
    delici(ōl)um –ī m.
    charm, delight
    benedictiō –ōnis f. a blessing 16
    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus to go by ship, sail; to row
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