[1]     Post haec sānctus Brendānus cum suīs sociīs coepit iter agere et frātribus dīcere: “Vidēte nē aliquis ex vōbīs aliquid dē substantiā istīus īnsulae tollat sēcum.” [2] At illī omnēs respondērunt: “Absit, pater, ut aliquid fūrtī violet nostrum iter.” [3] Tunc sānctus Brendānus dīxit: “Ecce, frāter noster, quem praedīxī vōbīs heri, habet frēnum argenteum in sinū suō, quem hāc nocte trādidit sibi diabolus.”

[4]     Cum haec audīsset praedictus frāter, iactāvit illum frēnum dē sinū suō, et cecidit ante pedēs virī Deī, dīcēns: “Peccāvī, pater, ignōsce! Ōra prō animā meā, nē pereat.” [5] Confestim omnēs simul prōsternēbant sē ad terram, dēprecantēs Dominum prō animā frātris.

    One of the monks steals a silver bridle, as Brendan had predicted.  He identifies the thief, who begs forgiveness.  The other monks prostrate themselves and ask God to forgive the thief.

    [1] aliquis ex vōbīs: CL would be aliquis vestrī.

    [2] At illī omnēs: CL would be et illī omnēs.

    aliquid fūrtī: partitive genitive.

    [3] praedīxī vōbīs heri: it was actually three days ago (6.3); either the author is being careless or there is a problem with the text.

    trādidit sibi: sibi refers back to frāter noster, i.e., it is an indirect reflexive (AG § 300)."

    socius –iī m. ally, comrade 1
    substantia –ae f. property, assets
    fūrtum fūrtī n. theft 2
    violō violāre violāvī violātus to profane, violate, stain
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention 3
    herī yesterday
    frēnum –ī n. or
    frēnī –ōrum m.
    bridle, harness
    argenteus –a –um (made of) silver
    diabolus –ī m. devil
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention 4
    iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus to throw through the air, hurl
    frēnum –ī n. (frēnī –ōrum m.) bridle, harness
    īgnōscō īgnōscere īgnōvī īgnōtus to pardon, forgive
    prō for, on behalf of (prep. + abl.) [OLD 3]; in view of, to judge from (+ abl.) [OLD 16b]
    cōnfestim immediately 5
    prosternō prosternere prostrāvī prostrātum to fall to one’s knees; fall flat on one’s face
    dēprecor dēprecārī dēprecātus sum to intercede with, entreat, beg [OLD 3]
    prō for, on behalf of (prep. + abl.) [OLD 3]; in view of, to judge from (+ abl.) [OLD 16b]
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