[15] Quārtō autem diē invēnērunt calicem dē genere cōnōpēī et patēnam dē colōre columnae, iacentēs in quādam fenestrā in latere columnae contrā austrum. [16] Quae statim vāscula sānctus Brendānus apprehendit, dīcēns: “Dominus noster Iēsus Chrīstus ostendit nōbīs hoc mīrāculum, et, ut ostendātur multīs ad crēdendum, mihi dēdit ista bīna mūnera.” [17] Statim praecēpit vir Deī frātribus dīvīnum officium peragere et posteā corpora reficere, quia nūllum taedium habēbant dē cibō sūmere aut pōtū postquam vidērent illam columnam.

[18] Trānsāctā vērō illā nocte, coepērunt frātrēs nāvigāre contrā septentriōnem. [19] Cum autem trānsiērunt quoddam forāmen, posuērunt arborem et vēla in altum, et aliī tenēbant ex frātribus fībulās cōnōpēī quōusque omnia praeparāssent in nāvī. [20] Extēnsīs vēlīs, coepit prōsper ventus post illōs flāre, ita ut nihil illīs opus fuisset nāvigāre nisi tantum tenēre fūniculōs et gubernam. [21] Sīc ferēbātur per octo diēs nāvicula contrā aquilōnem.

    On the fourth day, in a kind of window on the fourth side, they find a chalice, made from the same material as the net (silver but harder than marble), and a paten, made from the same material as the pillar (crystal). Brendan says that this is a miracle, sent by Christ to confirm their faith.  They conduct Mass, have a meal, and then sail out through the net.  A favorable wind drives them north.

    [15] invēnērunt calicem dē genere cōnōpēī et patēnam: the pillar is now like an altar, prepared for Mass (Holy Communion) with a silver chalice and paten (dish) for the wine and bread.

    [16] Quae statim vāscula sānctus Brendānus apprehendit = Quae vāscula sānctus Brendānus statim apprehendit.

    ut ostendātur multīs: perhaps a reference to relics kept at Clonfert. 

    [17] dīvīnum officium: presumably the Mass.

    nūllum taedium habēbant dē cibō sūmere aut pōtū: either" they had no weariness (requiring them) to take (something) of food or drink” or “they had no time to take food or drink.”

    [18] coepērunt frātrēs nāvigāre: they started by rowing, as we infer from the next sentence.

    [19] trānsiērunt: we might have expected trānsiēbant; as we will see, crossing the opening took some time.

    in altum: “on high.”

    aliī tenēbant ex frātribus: = aliī ex frātribus tenēbant. CL would be quīdam fratrum; see 22.6.

    quōusque omnia praeparāssent in nāvī: while there were getting ready to sail; CL would be praeparārent.

    [20] ut nihil illīs opus fuisset nāvigāre: here nāvigō is clearly “row.”

    calix –icis m.

    cup, goblet, chalice15

    cōnōpium –(i)ī n.

    net (ML; CL cōnōpēum, ī, n.: mosquito net)

    patēna –ae f.

    paten used for the Mass (ML; CL pan, shallow dish)

    columna –ae f.

    column, pillar

    fenestra –ae f.


    columna –ae f.

    column, pillar


    against; towards, in the direction of (OLD 14a)

    auster –trī m.

    the south wind; the south

    vasculum (vāsculum) –ī n.

    small vessel or container; jar16

    apprehendō apprehendere apprehendī apprehēnsum

    to take hold of

    Iēsūs –ū m.

    Jesus (Christ)

    Christus –ī m.


    mīrāculum –ī n.

    a marvel

    bīnī –ae –a

    2 by 2

    dīvīnus –a –um


    peragō peragere perēgī perāctum

    to finish

    reficiō reficere refēcī refectus

    to restore, revive (transitive) (ML) to take food, eat (intransitive)


    because; that

    taedium –ī n.

    leisure, slack time; weariness; disgust, aversion

    pōtus pōtūs m.

    a drinking, a drink

    columna –ae f.

    column, pillar

    trānsigō trānsigere trānsēgī trānsāctum

    to carry through, complete; to spend, pass18

    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus

    to go by ship, sail; to row


    against; towards, in the direction of (OLD 14a)

    septentriōnes –um m.

    the north (wind, stars)

    forāmen –inis n.

    aperture, hole, cavity

    vēlum vēlī n.

    sail; curtain; cloth

    altum altī n.

    the deep, the sea; a high place (in the sky)

    teneō tenēre tenuī tentus

    to hold, keep; to reach in journeying, make (OLD 5a)

    fībula –ae f.

    bolt, bar, pin; the meshes of the net

    cōnōpium –(i)ī n.

    net (ML; CL cōnōpēum, ī, n.: mosquito net)

    quoūsque or
    quō ūsque

    as long as (OLD 2)

    praeparō –parāre –parāvī –parātus

    to prepare, make preparations

    extendō –ere –tendī –tentus

    to stretch forth; stretch19

    vēlum vēlī n.

    sail; curtain; cloth

    prōsper or, more frequently,
    prōsperus –a –um

    (of winds) favorable

    flō flāre flāvī flātus

    to blow

    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus

    to go by ship, sail; to row

    teneō tenēre tenuī tentus

    to hold, keep; to reach in journeying, make (OLD 5a)

    fūniculus –ī m.

    a slender rope, a cord

    guberna -ae, f.

    helm; rudder (ML; CL gubernāculum, ī, n.)


    through; by means of (OLD 14)20

    octō; octāvus –a –um

    8; 8th

    nāvicula –ae f.

    boat (ML); (CL) small boat


    against; towards, in the direction of (OLD 14a)

    aquilō –ōnis m.

    the north wind; North

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