[28]     Venerābilis pater cum suīs sodālibus coepit nāvigāre. Cum autem hōra nōna vēnerat, praecēpit suīs frātribus reficere corpora dē scaltīs Īnsulae Virōrum Fortium. [29] Cum haec dīxisset, vir Deī accēpit ūnam dē illīs. Ut autem vīdit magnitūdinem illīus et illam plēnam esse sūcō, admīrātus est et ait: [30] “Numquam vīdī nec lēgī dē scaltās tantae magnitūdinis.” Erant enim aequālis statūrae in modum pilae magnae. [31] Tunc praecēpit vir Deī vāsculum sibi afferrī, exprēmitque ūnam ex illīs, et attulit dē sūcō lībram ūnam, quam sānctus pater dīvīsit in duodecim unciās, dāns ūnīcuique singulam unciam. [32] Ita per duodecim diēs frātrēs reficiēbant dē singulīs scaltīs, tenentēs semper in ōre sapōrem mellis.

    After they set sail, Brendan decides to try the fruit brought by the two young men.  He picks up one fruit and is astonished at its size and juiciness.  The juice of one fruit can feed a monk for twelve days.

    [28] praecēpit: sc. Brendānus.

    dē scāltīs: the special berries mentioned at 17.6; see also 17.24.

    [29] ūnam dē illīs: = ūnam dē scaltīs; CL would more often be ūnam illārum.

    [30] in modum: “in the manner of, like.”

    [31] exprēmitque: CL would be expressitque.

    ex illīs: i.e., ex scaltīs.

    venerābilis –e venerable, deserving of respect28
    sodālis sodālis m. comrade
    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus to go by ship, sail; to row
    novem; nōnus –a –um 9, 9th
    reficiō reficere refēcī refectus to restore, revive (transitive) (ML) to take food, eat (intransitive)
    scaltae –ārum f.pl. blossoms or berries (ML)30
    sūcus –ī m. juice29
    admīror admirārī admirātus sum to wonder at, marvel
    scaltae –ārum f.pl. blossoms or berries (ML)
    aequālis –e equal, of the same age
    statūra –ae f. height, stature
    pīla –ae f. a ball, playing-ball
    vasculum (vāsculum) –ī n. small vessel or container; jar31
    exprimō exprimere expressī expressum to squeeze, squeeze out
    sūcus –ī m. juice
    lībra –ae f. a pound (in weight)
    duodecim; duodecimus –a –um 12; 12th
    uncia –ae f. ounce
    ūnusquisque each one
    uncia –ae f. ounce
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)32
    duodecim; duodecimus –a –um 12; 12th
    reficiō reficere refēcī refectus to restore, revive (transitive) (ML) to take food, eat (intransitive)
    scaltae –ārum f.pl. blossoms or berries (ML)
    teneō tenēre tenuī tentus to hold, keep; to reach in journeying, make (OLD 5a)
    sapor –ōris m. a flavor
    mel mellis n. honey
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