[24]     Appropinquantibus autem ad portum dēstinātum ipsīus īnsulae, omnēs avēs cantābant, quasi ūnā vōce, dīcentēs: “Salūs Deō nostrō, sedentī super thronum, et agnō.” [25] Et iterum: “Deus Dominus, et inlūxit nōbīs. Cōnstituite diem sōlemnem in condēnsīs usque ad cornū altāris.” [26] Tam vōcibus quam ālīs resonābant diū, quasi dīmidium hōrae, usque dum sānctus pater cum suā sānctā familiā, et omnibus quae erant in nāvī dēlātīs, resēdit in tentōriō suō. [27] Ibi quoque cum suīs famulīs celabrāvit fēsta Paschālia usque ad octāvās Pentēcostēn. [28] Praedictus namque prōcūrātor vēnit ad illōs, sīcut praedīxerat, in diē Dominicō octāvīs Paschae, portāns sēcum omnia alimōnia quae ad ūsum vītae hūmānae pertinēbant.

    As they arrive at the Paradise of Birds, on Easter morning, the birds sing songs of praise until the monks settle into their tent. The monks stay there till the octave of Pentecost, living on provisions supplied by the procurator.

    [24] Appropinquantibus: = appropinquantibus (illīs), a one-word ablative absolute (AG § 419.c).

    Salūs Deō nostrō, sedentī super thronum, et agnō: Revelation 7:10: “And they cried with a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation to our God, who sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb’” (Et clamabant voce magna, dicentes, “salus Deo nostro, qui sedet super thronum, et Agno”).

    [25] Deus Dominus, et inlūxit ... ad cornū altāris: Psalm 117.27 (118.27): “The Lord is God, and he hath shone upon us. Appoint a solemn day with shady boughs, even to the horn of the altar” (Deus Dominus, et inluxit nobis. Constituite diem solemnem in condensis, usque ad cornu altaris).

    [26] tam ... quam: "both .. and"

    in diē Dominicō octāvīs Paschae: the first Sunday after Easter (Dominica in albis, the Sunday on which the white clothes of Easter are put away). Octāvīs is an ablative of time when.

    appropinquō appropinquāre appropinquavī to approach, draw near 24
    portus portūs m. harbor
    dēstinō dēstināre dēstināvī dēstinātus to determine, intend
    cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus to sing
    thronus –ī m. an elevated seat, a throne
    agnus agnī m. lamb (male)
    illūceō illūcēre — — to shine in or on 25
    sollemnis –e customary
    condēnsus –a –um thick, crowded
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    altāre –is n. altar
    āla ālae f. wing 26
    resonō resonāre resonāvī resonātus to resound
    dīmidium dīmidiī n. half
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    resideō residēre resēdī ressus to be seated, remain seated; to stand back, stand still
    tentōrium –iī n. tent
    famulus –ī m. servant 27
    fēstum fēstī n. festival, holiday
    paschālis –e of or relating to Easter, paschal
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    octāvus –a –um eighth
    Pentēcostē –ēs f. Pentecost
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention 28
    namque for in fact
    prōcūrātor –ōris m. administrator, steward
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    dominicus –a –um of or belonging to a lord or master
    octāvus –a –um eighth
    pascha –ae f. Easter (LL)
    alimōnium –(i)ī n. or
    alimōnia –ae f.
    food, nourishment
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