[20]     Illa domus, in quā residēbant, erat quasi īnserta per parietēs, in circuitū, dē appendentibus vāsculīs dīversī generis metallī, frēnīs et cornibus circumdatīs argentō.

[21]     Tunc sānctus Brendānus dīxit ministrō suō, quī solēbat pānem appōnere frātribus: “Fer prandium quod nōbīs Deus mīsit.” [22] Quī statim surrēxit: invēnit mēnsam positam, et linteāmina, et pānēs singulōs mīrī candōris, et piscēs.

[23]      Cum allāta fuissent omnia, benedīxit sānctus Brendānus prandium et dīxit frātribus suīs: “Quī dat ēscam omnī carnī, cōnfitēminī Deō caelī.” [24] Residēbant igitur frātrēs et magnificābant Deum. Similiter dē pōtū, quantum volēbant. [25] Fīnīta iam coena, et opus Deī perfīnītum, dīxit praedictus vir: “Requiēscite: ecce singula lectula et bene strāta. Opus est vōbīs ut repausētis membra vestra ex labōre nimiō nāvigiī vestrī.”

    The palace is furnished with various utensils on the wall.  When they are ready to eat, they find food and drink, and beds.

    [20] dē appendentibus vāsculīs dīversī generis metallī: "with hanging vessels of different kind(s) of metal"; the equipment was hung on the walls for storage.  appendentibus (ML) = pendentibus (CL).

    frēnīs et cornibus: "and with bridles and (drinking) horns."

    [21] ministrō suō: one of the fourteen monks, who apparently was responsible for serving the food.

    [22] Quī statim surrēxit: = Quī (minister) statim surrēxit.

    invēnit mēnsam positam: the table appears as if by magic.

    pānēs singulōs ... et piscēs: i.e., there was one loaf and one fish for each of the travelers, another sign that this was a miraculous event.

    [23] Quī dat ēscam ... Deō caelī: = cōnfitēminī Deō caelī, quī dat ēscam omnī carnī.  See Psalm 135.25 (136.25): “who giveth food to all flesh (qui dat escam omni carni), for his mercy endureth forever.”

    [25] Fīnīta ... perfīnītum: apparently two “nominative absolutes” (see The Latin of the Navigatio: Absolute Constructions), though fīnīta iam coena on its own could be fīnitā iam coenā.

    coenā: CL would be cenā.

    opus Deī: “the divine office,” i.e., the liturgy of the hours (as at 1.12); it was completed, we infer, with Compline.

    ecce singula lectula: as at 6.22 preparations have been made for their visit.

    resideō residēre resēdī ressus to be seated, remain seated; to stand back, stand still 20
    īnserō īnserere īnseruī īnsertus to attach, affix, join [OLD 2]
    per through; by means of [OLD 14]
    pariēs parietis m. wall (of a building)
    circuitus –ūs m. circuit, circle; outer edge, perimeter [OLD 5]
    appendō –pendere –pendī –pēnsum to hang upon; to weigh out
    vasculum (vāsculum) –ī n. small vessel or container; jar
    metallum –ī n. mine; metal
    frēnum –ī n. (frēnī –ōrum m.) bridle, harness
    circumdō circumdare circumdedī circumdatus place round, build around
    minister ministrī m. servant, waiter, steward 21
    pānis pānis m. bread
    appōnō –pōnere –posuī –positus to place near; appoint
    prandium –ī n. a midday meal, lunch
    mittō mittere mīsī missus to send, let go; to thrust; to put [OLD 13]
    linteāmen –inis n. linen cloth 22
    pānis pānis m. bread
    mīrus –a –um marvelous, wonderful
    candor –ōris m. radiance; whiteness
    piscis piscis m. fish
    benedīcō –dīcere –dīxī –dictum to bless 23
    prandium –ī n. a midday meal, lunch
    ēsca –ae f. food
    carō carnis f. meat, flesh
    resideō residēre resēdī ressus to be seated, remain seated; to stand back, stand still 24
    magnificiō –āre to extoll, praise [OLD 2]
    similiter similarly
    pōtus pōtūs m. a drinking, a drink
    fīniō fīnīre fīnīvī fīnītus to finish 25
    cēna (coena) cēnae f. dinner
    perfīniō perfīnīre perfīnīvī or perfīniī perfīnītum complete thoroughly
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    requiēscō requiēscere requiēvī requiētum to rest
    lectulum –ī n. little couch
    sternō sternere strāvī strātus to lay out, spread out; scatter
    repausō repausāre to rest (intransitive; ML; CL to stop awhile, take a break)
    nāvigium –iī n. rowing (ML; CL ship; voyage)
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