[1]   Sānctus Brendānus cum suīs naūtōribus nōn post multōs diēs vīdērunt Īnsulam praedictam familiae Ailbēī, ibique Nātālem Dominī celebrāvit cum suīs frātribus. [2] Hīs perfīnītīs diēbus fēstīs, venerābilis pater, acceptā benedictiōne abbātis et famulōrum suōrum, circuībat ōceanum per multum tempus, nisi in praedictīs fēstīvitātibus, id est Paschae et Nātālis Dominī. [3] Nam in illīs habēbat requiem in praedictīs locīs.

    They return to the Island of the Community of Ailbe for Christmas.  The annual cycle of sea voyages continues, with rests for Easter and Christmas.

    [1] Īnsulam praedictam Familiae Ailbēī: see 12.1ff..

    Nātālem Dominī celebrāvit: apparently their second Christmas since setting sail.  See 11.54 and 12.73-74 for their first Christmas.

    [2] circuībat ōceanum ... Nātālis Domini: this sentence summarizes the back story for the rest of the Navigatio: Brendan and his monks sail the ocean almost continually, but stay on particular islands (or a whale) for the Easter holidays, extending to Pentecost, and for the Christmas holidays.  We learn at 26.5 that the whole voyage took seven years.

    [3] in illīs: = in illīs fēstīvitātibus or illīs temporibus.

    nautor –ōris, m. sailor (ML; CL nauta, ae, m.)1
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    Ailbeus –ī, Ailbe (a man's name)
    nātālis –is m. birthday (dies natalis)
    perfīniō, perfīnīre, perfīnīvī or perfīniī, perfīnītum complete thoroughly2
    fēstus –a –um sacred, festive
    venerābilis –e venerable, deserving of respect
    benedictiō –ōnis f. a blessing
    abbās –ātis m. abbot, the head of a monastery
    famulus –ī m. servant
    circumeo (circueō) –īre –iī/–īvī circuitus to go around
    ōceanus –ī m. the ocean
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    festivitās –ātis f. festivity, joy; feast day
    pascha –ae f. Easter (LL)
    nātālis –is m. birthday (dies natalis)
    requiēs –ētis or –eī f. repose3
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
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