[1] Cumque ille sōlus stetisset in lītore et benedīxisset portum, ecce trēs frātrēs supervēnerant dē suō monastēriō post illum, quī statim cecidērunt ante pedēs sānctī patris, dīcentēs: [2] “Pater, dīmitte nōs īre tēcum quō itūrus es; aliōquīn moriēmur in istō locō famē et sitī. Dēcrēvimus enim peregrīnārī diēbus vītae nostrae.” [3] Cum vir Deī vīdisset illōrum angustiam, praecēpit illīs intrāre nāvim dīcēns, “Fīat voluntās vestra, fīliolī.” [4] Et addidit: “Sciō quōmodo vōs vēnistis: iste frāter bonum opus operātus est; nam Deus praeparāvit aptissimum locum; vōbīs autem praeparāvit dēterrimum iūdicium.”

    Three additional monks from Brendan's monastery beg him to take them with him.  Otherwise, they say, they will starve to death (perhaps intentionally) as wandering monastic exiles. Brendan allows them to join, and says he knows that God will reward one of them for a good deed, but will punish the others.

    Teresa Carp (1984) argued that the traditional single extra passenger has been expanded to a symbolic three passengers: one is good, one is evil, and the other is a mixture of good and evil.

    [1] dē suō monastēriō: from Brendan's monastery.

    [2] Pater, dīmitte nōs īre tēcum quō itūrus es: Luke 9.57: “And it came to pass as they walked in the way that a certain man said to him [Jesus], ‘I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest” (Sequar te quocumque ieris).

    aliōquīn moriēmur in istō locō famē et sitī: the monks threaten a hunger strike, a traditional Irish practice when making petitions.

    peregrīnārī diēbus vītae nostrae: in medieval Ireland pilgrimage meant not travel to a specific holy place, but an indefinite wandering, sometimes to Atlantic islands, for spiritual purposes.

    [4] Sciō quōmodo vōs vēnistis: Brendan, thanks to his spiritual gifts, perceives that the three monks want to join him for different reasons, to be revealed later in the story. One is a genuine pilgrim who stays almost to the end (17.24–7), one is a thief (7.3–4), and one is guilty of an unspecified crime (24.7).

    iste frāter: we infer that Brendan points to one of the three.

    vōbīs autem praeparāvit dēterrimum iūdiciumus aliīsBrendan points to the other two.  In fact only one of them has a truly terrible end (24.4-8).

    stō stāre stetī statum to stand; to stand firm [OLD 3a] 1
    benedīcō –dīcere –dīxī –dictum to bless
    portus portūs m. harbor
    superveniō –īre –vēnī –ventu to arrive [OLD 2b]
    monastērium –ī n. a monastery
    aliōquīn or aliōquī otherwise 2
    sitis –is f. thirst
    peregrīnor peregrīnārī peregrīnātus sum to go on a pilgrimage (ML; CL travel about)
    angustiae –ārum f. narrow pass, narrowness 3
    fīliolus –ī m. little son, dear son
    operor –ārī –ātus sum to busy oneself with, perform 4
    praeparō –parāre –parāvī
    to prepare, make preparations
    dēterior dēterior dēterius;
    dēterior –ius;
    dēterrimus –a –um
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