[11]     Trānsāctō iam tempore sollemnitātum, prōcūrātor quī cum illīs erat dīxit sānctō Brendānō: “Ascendite nāviculam et implēte utrēs fonte istō. [12] Erō namque socius itineris vestrī istā vice atque ductor; sine mē nōn poteritis invenīre Terram Reprōmissiōnis Sānctōrum.” [13] Ascendentibus autem nāvim, omnēs avēs quae in illā īnsulā erant quasi ūnā vōce dīcēbant: “Prōsperum iter faciet vōbīs Deus salūtārium nostrōrum.”

    After the celebrations the procurator tells them to prepare for another trip and says he will come with them, to guide them to the Land Promised to the Saints.  As they sail away the birds sing a verse from the Psalms.

    [11] fonte istō: see 11.41–43; 11.47.

    [12] Erō namque socius itineris vestrī: at 26.48 Paul had implied that the procurator would bid them farewell after the Octave of Easter.

    istā vice: “this time.”

    sine mē nōn poteritis invenīre Terram Reprōmissiōnis Sānctōrum: the procurator is now more explicitly compared to Christ, who is “the way” to God the Father; see John 14.5: “Jesus saith to him, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life (Ego sum via et veritas et vita.). No man cometh to the Father but by me.’ ”

    [13] Prōsperum iter,” etc.: Psalm 67.20 (68.19): “Blessed be the Lord day by day; the God of our salvation will make our journey prosperous to us” (Benedictus Dominus die quotidie; prosperum iter faciet nobis Deus salutarium nostrorum).

    trānsigō trānsigere trānsēgī trānsāctum to carry through, complete; to spend, pass11
    sollemnitās –ātis f. ritual observance
    prōcūrātor –ōris m. administrator, steward
    nāvicula –ae f. boat (ML); (CL) small boat
    ūter ūtris m. leather bag (for holding water, wine, etc.)
    socius –iī m. ally, comrade12
    vicis (gen.) f. a recurring occasion, a turn, a time
    ductor –ōris m. leader; pilot
    reprōmissiō –ōnis f. formal promise
    prōsper or, more frequently,
    prōsperus –a –um
    (of winds) favorable13
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself (OLD 28)
    salūtāris –e healthful; (ML) offering salvation
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