[45]     “Pergite igitur ad patriam vestram et vōbīscum asportāte vāscula plēna dē istō fonte; [46] necesse enim erit vōbīs, quia adhūc restat iter vestrum per quadrāgintā diēs, idest usque in Sabbatum Paschae. [47] Celebrābitis vērō Sabbatum Sānctum et Pascha atque sānctōs diēs Paschae ubi celebrāstis per sex annōs; [48] et posteā, acceptā benedictiōne prōcūrātōris vestrī, proficīscēminī ad Terram Reprōmissiōnis Sānctōrum, et ibi manēbitis quadrāgintā diēs; [49] et post haec Deus patrum vestrōrum dūcet vōs sānōs atque incolumēs in terram nātīvitātis vestrae.”

    Paul concludes with instructions.  They should take water from the spring to sustain them on their journey.  After forty days they will celebrate Holy Saturday and Easter where (he says) they celebrated them in each of the previous six years.  After this they will head for the Land Promised to the Saints, stay there for forty days, and then return home.

    [46] per quadrāgintā diēs: i.e., the period of Lent.

    [47] ubi celebrāstis per sex annōs: This turns out to be the "Island of Sheep" (27.3).

    sānctōs diēs Paschae: the week following Easter (the “Octave”).

    [48] acceptā benedictiōne prōcūrātōris vestrī, proficīscēminī: Paul apparently predicts that the procurator will bid them farewell at this point, but this turns out to be wrong (27.12).

    [49] Deus patrum vestrōrum: the phrase points to Brendan as a Moses figure, as, e.g., Exodus 3.13: “Moses said to God, ‘Lo: I shall go to the children of Israel and say them, “The God of your fathers (Deus patrum vestrorum) hath sent me to you.” ' "

    asportō –āre to carry away, remove45
    vasculum (vāsculum) –ī n. small vessel or container; jar
    quia because; that46
    restō restāre restitī to remain, be left; to stop, stay put
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)
    quādrāginta; quādrāgesimus –a –um 40; 40th
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    Sabbata –ōrum n.pl. the Sabbath; Saturday (LL)47
    pascha –ae f. Easter (LL)
    Sabbata –ōrum n.pl. the Sabbath; Saturday (LL)
    pascha –ae f. Easter (LL)
    pascha –ae f. Easter (LL)
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)
    sex; sextus –a –um 6; 6th
    benedictiō –ōnis f. a blessing48
    prōcūrātor –ōris m. administrator, steward
    reprōmissiō –ōnis f. formal promise
    quādrāginta; quādrāgesimus –a –um 40; 40th
    incolumis incolumis incolume uninjured49
    nātīvitās –ātis f. birth, nativity
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