[39]     “Ita per trīgintā annōs semper tertiā diē īdem minister eāsdem escās—idest ūnum piscem—ad trēs diēs < ... > [40] < ...> tertiam partem piscis assī omnī diē, et nihil mihi erat sitis grātiā; [41] sed in diē Dominicō ēgrediēbātur forās pauxillum āquae dē istā petrā, unde potuī sūmere pōtum et vāsculum meum implēre ad opus manuum.

[42]     Post trīgintā quoque annōs invēnī istās duās spēluncās et istum fontem: ab ipsō vīvō per sexāgintā annōs, sine nūtrīmentō alterīus cibī nisi dē hōc fonte. [43] Nōnāgēnārius etenim sum in hāc īnsulā, tringintā annōs in vīctū piscium et sexāgintā annōs in pāstū istīus fontis; et quinquāgintā annōs fuī in patriā meā. [44] Omnēs annī vītae meae usque modo centum quadrāgintā sunt. Et hīc dēbeō modo, sīcut fuerat mihi prōmissum, expectāre diem iūdiciī in istā carne.

    For thirty years (Paul continues) the otter would bring a fish every third day, and there was also a small spring for water.  After thirty years Paul found the two caves and the spring. The spring provides (somehow) all the sustenance he needs.  He has lived, in all, 140 years, and is ready for death.

    [39] semper tertiā diē: i.e., every other day (because the Romans counted inclusively); “The Third Day” was also the day of Jesus’ Resurrection, as in the Nicene Creed: et resurrexit tertia die, secundum scripturas.

    ad trēs diēs < ... >: a verb meaning “carried,” with the idem minister (the otter) as its subject, has been lost.

    [40] < ...> tertiam partem piscis assī omnī diē: a verb meaning “I have been eating” has been lost.

    et nihil mihi erat sitis grātiā: “I had nothing for my thirst.”

    ad opus manuum: “to wash my hands.”

    [42] Post trīgintā quoque annōs invēnī, etc.: Realistically he could hardly have missed these features on such a small island. The “discovery” symbolizes his spiritual progress; he now receives his spiritual sustenance more directly from Christ.

    ab ipsō vīvō: = vīvō ab ipsō (fonte). We might have expected vīvēbam or vīxī.

    [44] usque modo: “until now” (see on 11.38).

    Et hīc dēbeō modo ... expectāre: = Et dēbeō modo expectāre hīc.

    per through; by means of (OLD 14)39
    trīgintā; trīcēsimus or
    trīcēnsimus –a –um
    30; 30th
    minister ministrī m. servant, waiter, steward
    ēsca –ae f. food
    piscis piscis m. fish
    piscis piscis m. fish40
    assus –a –um roasted
    sitis –is f. thirst
    dominicus –a –um of or belonging to a lord or master41
    forās outside, on the outside
    pauxillum –ī n. small quantity, a little
    petra –ae f. a rock, crag
    pōtus pōtūs m. a drinking, a drink
    vasculum (vāsculum) –ī n. small vessel or container; jar
    trīgintā; trīcēsimus or
    trīcēnsimus –a –um
    30; 30th42
    spēlunca spēluncae f. cave
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)
    sexāgintā; sexāgēsimus –a –um 60, 60th
    nūtrīmentum (nūtrīmen) –ī n. nourishment; fuel
    nōnāgēnārius –a –um consisting of ninety43
    etenim and indeed
    trīgintā; trīcēsimus or
    trīcēnsimus –a –um
    30; 30th
    vīctus vīctūs m. food
    piscis piscis m. fish
    sexāgintā; sexāgēsimus –a –um 60, 60th
    pāstus –ūs m. pasture, fodder, food
    quīnquāgintā; quīnquāgēsimus –a
    50; 50th44
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    modo only, just; now, just now (at the present time); just now (in the immediate future) (OLD 5b)
    quādrāginta; quādrāgesimus –a –um 40; 40th
    modo only, just; now, just now (at the present time); just now (in the immediate future) (OLD 5b)
    carō carnis f. meat, flesh
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