[11]     At venerābilis pater invēnit sex fontēs irriguissimōs, herbīs virentibus ac dīversīs rādīcibus. [12] Post haec reversus ad frātrēs suōs, portāns sēcum dē prīmitiīs īnsulae, dīcēns illīs: “Ascendite dē nāvī et fīgite tentōrium et cōnfortāminī dē optimīs frūctibus terrae istīus quam Dominus ostendit nōbīs.” [13] Ita, per quadrāgintā diēs, reficiēbant dē ūvīs et herbīs ac rādīcibus fontium. [14] Post vērō praedictum tempus, ascendērunt nāvim, portantēs sēcum dē frūctibus quantum poterat nāvis eōrum portāre.

    Brendan finds six freshwater springs surrounded with edible plants and roots.  He returns to the ship bringing some of the island's bounty.  They live off this bounty for forty days and then load the ship with as much of it as it can carry.

    [12] cōnfortāminī: “strengthen yourselves with,” i.e., “refresh yourselves with.”

    [13] dē ... rādīcibus fontium: They ate root vegetables growing around the wells (springs).

    venerābilis –e venerable, deserving of respect11
    sex; sextus –a –um 6; 6th
    irriguus –a –um watered
    herba herbae f. grass; herb, edible plant
    vireō virēre viruī to be green
    rādīx rādīcis f. root
    prīmitiae –ārum f. the first fruits; first offerings12
    tentōrium –iī n. tent
    cōnfortō confortāre to strengthen much; comfort (LL)
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)13
    quādrāginta; quādrāgesimus –a –um 40; 40th
    reficiō reficere refēcī refectus to restore, revive (transitive) (ML) to take food, eat (intransitive)
    ūva –ae f. grape
    herba herbae f. grass; herb, edible plant
    rādīx rādīcis f. root
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention14
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