[5] Appropinquābant ergō ad praedictam īnsulam usque dum nāvis stetit in lītore. [6] Erat illa īnsula mīrae plānitiae, in tantum ut illīs vidērētur aequālis marī, sine arboribus aut aliquid quod ā ventō movērētur. Valdē erat spatiōsa, tamen cooperta scaltīs albīs et purpureīs. [7] Ibique vīdērunt trēs turmās, sīcut vir Deī praedīxerat; nam inter turmam et turmam spatium erat quasi iactus lapidis dē fundā. [8] Et semper ībant hūc atque illūc, et ūna turma cantābat standō in ūnō locō, dīcēns “Ībunt sānctī dē virtūte in virtūtem, et vidēbunt Deum deōrum in Syon.” [9] Dum ūna turma perfīniēbat illum versiculum, alia turma stābat et incipiēbat cantāre carmen praedictum, et ita faciēbant sine cessātiōne. [10] Erat autem prīma turma puerōrum in vestibus candidissimīs, et secunda in iacinctīnīs vestibus, et tertia turma in purpureīs dalmaticīs.

    When they get to the island they see it is flat and treeless, and covered with white and purple berries.  The three choirs stand apart from one another and take it in turns to sing a line from the Psalms.  The boys are dressed in white, the young men in blue, and the old men in purple.

    [5] usque dum: “until.”

    [7] nam: CL would be et.

    [8] standō: CL would be stans.

    “Ībunt sānctī ... in Syon”: Psalm 83.8: “for the lawgiver shall give a blessing; they shall go forth from virtue to virtue; the God of gods shall be seen in Zion” (ibunt de virtute in virtutem; videbitur Deus deorum in Sion)."

    [10] candidissimīs ... iacinctīnīs ... purpureīs: the colors symbolize innocence, vigor, and ripeness.

    appropinquō appropinquāre appropinquavī to approach, draw near 5
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    stō stāre stetī statum to stand; to stand firm [OLD 3a]
    mīrus –a –um marvelous, wonderful 6
    plānitiēs –eī f. level surface
    aequālis –e equal, of the same age
    valdē powerfully; intensely, exceedingly
    spatiōsus –a –um wide, spacious, large
    co–operiō –operīre –operuī –opertum to cover over
    scaltae –ārum f.pl. blossoms or berries (ML)
    purpureus –a –um purple
    turma turmae f. troop (of cavalry); company, choir 7
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    spatium spati(ī) n. space; expanse [OLD 3]
    iactus –ūs m. the action of throwing, a throw
    funda –ae f. sling
    illic illaec illuc there; in that place (illīc); to that place illūc) 8
    turma turmae f. troop (of cavalry); company, choir
    cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus to sing
    stō stāre stetī statum to stand; to stand firm [OLD 3a]
    virtūs virtūtis f. the power to perform miracles; miracle (ML; CL strength, courage, excellence)
    Syon (or Zion) the hill of Jerusalem; Jerusalem
    turma turmae f. troop (of cavalry); company, choir 9
    perfīniō perfīnīre perfīnīvī (perfīniī) perfīnītum complete thoroughly
    versiculus versiculī m. little verse, short line
    turma turmae f. troop (of cavalry); company, choir
    stō stāre stetī statum to stand; to stand firm [OLD 3a]
    cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus to sing
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself [OLD 28]
    cessātiō –ōnis f. inactivity, idleness
    turma turmae f. troop (of cavalry); company, choir 10
    iacintīnus –a –um hyacinth-colored, bluish-purple
    turma turmae f. troop (of cavalry); company, choir
    purpureus –a –um purple
    dalmatica –ae f. a long garment originally of Dalmatian wool, worn by priests during Mass
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