[55]      Abbās vērō cum sānctō Brendānō residēbat in ecclēsiā, expectantēs adventum lūminis. [56] Interrogāns beātus Brendānus sānctum patrem dē illōrum silentiō et conversātiōne, quōmodo potuit esse in hūmānā carne, [57] tunc praedictus pater cum immēnsā reverentiā et humilitāte respondit: “Abbā, cōram Chrīstō meō fateor: octōgintā annī sunt postquam vēnimus in hanc īnsulam. [58] Nūllam vōcem hūmānam audīvimus, exceptō quandō cantāmus Deō laudēs. [59] Inter nōs vīgintī quattuor, vōx nōn excitātur, nisi per signum digitī aut oculōrum, tantum ā maiōribus nātū. [60] Nūllus ex nōbīs sustinuit īnfirmitātem carnis aut spīrituum quī vagantur circā hūmānum genus postquam vēnimus in istum locum.”

    Brendan and the abbot stay in the church. Brendan asks how a life of complete silence could be endurable. The abbot replies that in the 80 years since they came to the island no one has been troubled by illness or demons.

    [56] Interrogāns beātus Brendānus: a “nominative absolute”

    et conversātiōne: “and about the way they communicated”

    [59] Inter nōs vīgintī quattuor: “among us twenty-four” (monks on the island)

    nisi per signum digitī aut oculōrum: to speak of “raising of the voice” by these means is illogical, but makes sense.

    tantum ā maiōribus nātū: “and (even in that case) only by those older in age.” nātū is a supine used as an ablative of specification (AG § 510).

    [60] Nūllus ex nōbīs: CL would probably be nēmō nostrum.

    abbās –ātis m. abbot, the head of a monastery 55
    resideō residēre resēdī ressus to be seated, remain seated; to stand back, stand still
    ecclēsia –ae f. congregation, church (LL)
    adventus adventūs m. arrival, advent
    silentium (silentum) silenti(ī) n. silence 56
    conversātiō –ōnis f habitual association; (ML) communal life, community
    carō carnis f. meat, flesh
    immēnsus –a –um immense 57
    reverentia –ae f. reverence, respect
    humilitās –ātis f. lowness
    abbās –ātis m. abbot, the head of a monastery
    corām (adv. or prep. + abl.) face to face; in the presence of, in front of
    Christus –ī m. Christ
    octōgintā; octōgēsimus –a –um 80; 80th
    cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus to sing 58
    vīgintī; vīcēsimus –a –um 20; 20th 59
    excitō excitāre excitāvī excitātus to stir up, arouse, put into motion
    per through; by means of [OLD 14]
    digitus digitī m. finger
    maior māius bigger
    nātus –ūs m. birth, age (used only in the abl.)
    īnfirmitās –ātis f. weakness 60
    carō carnis f. meat, flesh
    vagor –ārī –ātus sum to wander about
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