[49]     Sānctus Brendānus post octo diēs fēcit onerāre nāvim dē omnibus quae sibi distribuit praedictus vir, et dē illō fonte omnia vāscula implēre fēcit. [50] Ductīs omnibus ad lītus, ecce praedīcta avis cito volātū vēnit et resēdit super prōram nāvis; at vērō vir Deī agnōvit quod aliquid sibi voluit indicāre. [51] “Nōbīscum celebrābitis diem sānctum Paschae, et istud tempus praeteritum quod fuit, in futūrō annō; [52] et ubi fuistis in praeteritō annō in coenā Dominī, ibi eritis in annō futūrō in praedictō diē.

[53]     “Similiter noctem Dominicam Paschae celebrābitis ubi prius celebrāstis, super dorsum Iascōniī. [54] Inveniētis quoque īnsulam post trēs mēnsēs, quae vocātur Īnsula Familiae Ailbēī: ibi celebrābitis Nātīvitātem Dominī.” Cum haec dīxisset, reversa est in locum suum. [55] Frātrēs coepērunt extendere vēla et nāvigāre in ōceanum, et avēs cantābant quasi ūnā vōce: “Exaudī nōs, Deus salūtāris noster, spēs omnium fīnium terrae, et in marī longē!”

    After eight days Brendan orders the ship to be loaded with provisions, including water from the spring.  The informative bird returns to tell him what's going to happen next: they will return next year to spend the Easter holidays on the same three "islands" as this year.   But they will also sail for three (or eight) months to the Island of Ailbe, for Christmas.

    [49] fēcit onerāre nāvim: = fēcit (famulōs suōs) onerāre nāvim.

    fēcit: faciō in CL can mean “cause it to happen that,” but with a subordinate clause not the infinitive.

    dē omnibus: CL would omit the preposition.

    [50] at vērō: in CL a strong adversative (“but truly”), but here merely a connective (“and”).

    quod aliquid sibi voluit indicāre: “that (the bird) wanted to point out something to him.”

    [51] et istud tempus praeteritum quod fuit: “this time that has just gone by”; also object of celebrābitis: in future years they will celebrate with the birds not only Easter, but the time that comes afterwards.

    [52] ubi fuistis in praeteritō annō in coenā Dominī: on the Island of Sheep, where they celebrated Maundy Thursday / Holy Thursday.

    [53] noctem Dominicam Paschae: “the vigil of Easter Sunday” (O’Meara).

    [54] post trēs mēnsēs: the manuscripts have post octō mēnsēs, which seems right, but Orlandi and Guglielmetti insist on trēs, in part because of 12.1.

    Īnsula Familiae Ailbēī: for the island of St. Ailbe see chapter 12familia here means “monastic community.”

    [55] Exaudī nōs ... in marī longē: Psalm 64.6 (65.5): “Hear us, O God, our saviour, who art the hope of all the ends of the earth and in the sea afar off” (Exaudi nos, Deus salutaris noster, spes omnium finium terrae, et in mari longe).  Note the relevance to sailors; it will be sung again at 27.8; the monks sang verse 2 at 11.5.

    octō; octāvus –a –um 8; 8th 49
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself [OLD 28]
    onerō onerāre onerāvī onerātus to load, burden
    distribuō distribuere distribuī distribūtus to distribute, divide
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention 50
    vasculum (vāsculum) –ī n. small vessel or container; jar
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself [OLD 28]
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    cito citius (comp.) citissime (superl.) quickly
    volātus –ūs m. flight
    resideō residēre resēdī ressus to be seated, remain seated; to stand back, stand still
    prōra –ae f. the extreme forward part of a ship; the prow
    āgnōscō āgnōscere āgnōvī agnitus to recognize, acknowledge
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention 51
    pascha –ae f. Easter (LL)
    praeteritus –a –um past 52
    cēna (coena) cēnae f. dinner
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    similiter similarly 53
    dominicus –a –um of or belonging to a lord or master
    pascha –ae f. Easter (LL)
    dorsum –ī n. the back
    Iasconius –(i)ī m. Iasconius
    mēnsis mēnsis m. month 54
    Ailbeus –ī Ailbe (a man's name)
    nātīvitās –ātis f. birth, nativity
    extendō –ere –tendī –tentus
    to stretch forth; stretch 55
    vēlum vēlī n. sail; curtain; cloth
    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus to go by ship, sail; to row
    ōceanus –ī m. the ocean
    cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus to sing
    exaudiō exaudīre exaudīvī exaudītus to hear
    salūtāris –e healthful; (ML) offering salvation
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