[5]     Fīnītō sermōne virī Deī, ecce ūnus ex habitātōribus eiusdem īnsulae ēgrediēbātur forās, quasi ad aliquod opus peragendum. [6] Erat ille hispidus valdē et igneus atque tenebrōsus. Cum vērō vīdisset famulōs Chrīstī trānsīre iuxtā illam īnsulam, reversus est in suam officīnam. [7] Vir Deī iterum sē armāvit, et ait frātribus: “Fīliolī, tendite in altum plūs vēla, et simul nāvigātē quantōcius, atque fugiāmus istam īnsulam.”

[8]     Citius dictō, ecce, praedictus barbarus occurrit ad lītus illīs ē regiōne, portāns forcipem in manibus cum massā igneā dē scōriā, immēnsae magnitūdinis atque fervōris. [9] Quī statim super famulōs Chrīstī iactāvit praedictam massam, sed illīs nōn nocuit: trānsīvit enim illōs, quasi spatium ūnīus stadiī, ultrā. [10] Nam ubi cecidit in mare, coepit fervere, quasi ruīna montis igneī fuisset ibi, et ascendēbat fūmus dē marī sīcut dē clībanō ignis.

    One of the islanders appears, sees the monks in their boat, and goes back inside.  Brendan knows that danger is coming and urges a speedy escape, but the islander comes back and throws a huge lump of burning slag at them, using tongs.  He misses, but the hot slag makes the water boil.

    [5] quasi ad aliquod opus peragendum: “as though to do some job or other.”

    et igneus atque tenebrōsus: having just left his forge he was red in the face and covered in soot.

    [7] tendite in altum plūs vēla: CL would be tendite vēla altius.

    et simul nāvigātē quantōcius: navigō here is “row.”

    [8] Citius dictō: “before he had finished speaking” (O’Meara).

    ad lītus illīs ē regiōne: “towards the shore, directly at them.”

    ē regiōne: “in a straight line, directly” (OLD regiō 2b).

    immēnsae magnitūdinis atque fervōris: probably modifies massā igneā.

    [9] spatium ūnīus stadiī: about 200 yards; accusative of extent of space, AG § 425.

    quasi ruīna montis igneī fuisset ibi: “as though in that place there was the collapse of a fiery mountain”; i.e., there was a volcano. CL would be esset.

    sīcut dē clībanō ignis = sīcut igins dē clībanō, “like fire [i.e. smoke] from an oven.”

    fīniō fīnīre fīnīvī fīnītus

    to finish5

    habitātor –ōris m.

    a tenant, occupant, inhabitant


    outside, on the outside

    peragō peragere perēgī perāctum

    to finish

    hispidus –a –um

    shaggy, hairy6


    powerfully; intensely, exceedingly

    igneus –a –um


    tenebrōsus –a –um

    dark, murky

    famulus –ī m.


    Christus –ī m.



    next to (prep. + acc.)

    officīna –ae f.


    armō armāre armāvī armātus

    to equip, arm7

    fīliolus –ī m.

    little son, dear son

    vēlum vēlī n.

    sail; curtain; cloth

    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus

    to go by ship, sail; to row


    as quickly as possible

    cito citius (comp.) citissime (superl.)


    dictum dictī n.

    word; saying

    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus

    to say beforehand; mention

    litus –ī m.

    besmearment, anointing

    regiō regiōnis f.

    region; direction, line

    forceps –ipis f.

    pair of tongs

    māssa –ae f.

    lump, mass

    igneus –a –um


    scōria –ae f.

    slag, waste from smelting

    immēnsus –a –um


    fervor –ōris m.


    famulus –ī m.


    Christus –ī m.


    iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus

    to throw through the air, hurl

    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus

    to say beforehand; mention

    māssa –ae f.

    lump, mass

    spatium spati(ī) n.

    space; expanse (OLD 3)

    stadium –iī n.

    a stade (a Greek unit of measurement, equal to 625 Roman feet); a furlong (1/8 of a mile, 660 feet)

    ferveō fervēre ferbuī or
    fervō fervere fervī

    to boil10

    ruīna ruīnae f.


    igneus –a –um


    fūmus –ī m.


    clībanus –ī m.

    portable earthenware oven

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