[1]     Quādam vērō diē appāruit illīs īnsula ā longē, quasi nūbēs. Dīxit sānctus Brendānus: “Fīliolī, cognōscitis vōs illam īnsulam?” [2] At illī dīxērunt: “Minimē.” At ille ait: “Ego cognōscō. [3] Ipsa est enim illa īnsula in quā fuimus alterō annō in coenā Dominī, ubi noster bonus prōcūrātor commorātur.” [4] Tunc frātrēs coepērunt nāvigāre ācriter prae gaudiō, quantum vīrēs eōrum poterant sustinēre. [5] Cum haec vir Deī vīdisset, dīxit: “Nōlīte, puerī, stultē fatīgāre membra vestra. [6] Nōnne Deus omnipotēns est gubernātor et nautor nostrae nāviculae? Dīmittite sibi, quia ipse dīrigit nostrum iter sīcut vult.”

    They see an island in the distance, which Brendan knows is the Island of Sheep.  The monks row hard to get there, but Brendan tells them to trust in God.

    [2] illa īnsula: the Island of Sheep (chapter 9).

    in coenā Dominī: on Maundy Thursday / Holy Thursday.

    [6] Dīmittite sibi: “trust in Him”; CL would be dīmittite eī or illī.

    nūbēs nūbis f. cloud 1
    fīliolus –ī m. little son, dear son
    minimē No!, not at all 2
    cēna (coena) cēnae f. dinner 3
    prōcūrātor –ōris m. administrator, steward
    commoror commorārī commorātus to linger, stay, live (in a place)
    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus to go by ship, sail; to row 4
    ācriter acrius acerrimē keenly, energetically
    prae in front of, in the face of (ML); by means of, because of, in view of (prep. + abl.)
    stultus –a –um foolish, stupid 5
    fatīgō fatīgāre fatīgāvī fatīgātus to tire, wear out
    nōnne introduces a direct question expecting the answer "yes" 6
    gubernātor –ōris m. helmsman
    nautor –ōris, m. sailor (ML; CL nauta –ae m.)
    nāvicula –ae f. boat (ML); (CL) small boat
    quia because; that
    dīrigō (dērigō) –ere –rēxī –rēctus to make straight, direct, guide
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