[33]     “Māne vērō, secundum praeceptum sānctī patris, profectus sum ad praedictum lītus, et invēnī sīcut ipse mihi praedīxerat. [34] Cum autem ascendissem nāviculam, coepī nāvigāre per trēs diēs et trēs noctēs; quibus trānsāctīs dīmīsī nāvim ubicumque ventus voluisset illam iactāre. [35] Porrō septimō diē appāruit ista petra, in quam statim intrāvī, dīmissā nāviculā atque percussā pede meō ut īsset unde vēnerat. [36] Cōnfestim vīdī illam cursū vēlōcissimō sulcantem undās per aequora, ut redīret in patriam suam. Ego vērō mānsī hīc usque hodiē.

[37]     “Prīmā namque diē quā intrāvī hūc, circā hōram nōnam, luter portāvit mihi prandium dē marī—īdēst piscem ūnum in ōre suō, et fasciculum dē grāminibus ad focum faciendum—inter suōs anteriōrēs pedēs, ambulāns super duōbus posteriōribus pedibus. [38] Cum posuisset ante mē piscem et grāmina, reversus est unde vēnerat. Ego vērō, acceptō ferrō, et silice percussō, fēcī ignem dē grāminibus, et parāvī mihi cibōs dē illō pisce.

    Paul (he says) did what "Patrick" demanded, and was taken by the boat to the rock he lives on now.  When Paul kicked the boat away, it sailed miraculously home.  Paul stayed on the rock, and an otter brought him fish and firewood.  Paul (apparently) had iron and flint, so he made a fire and cooked a meal.

    [33] Māne: “tomorrow morning.”

    et invēnī: = et invēnī (naviculam).

    [34] quibus trānsāctīs: the antecedent is trēs diēs et trēs noctēs.

    dīmīsī nāvim: “I released the ship (to go).”

    [35] atque percussā pede meō: = atque (naviculā) percussā pede meō. He pushed the boat away with his foot.

    ut īsset unde vēnerat: = ut (navicula) īsset unde vēnerat.

    [36] vīdī illam: = vīdī illam (naviculam).

    [37] circā hōram nōnam: the ninth hour (c. 3:00 PM) was the time of Christ’s death (Matthew 27:46-50; Mark 15:34-37; Luke 23:44-46). During fasts such as Lent Holy Communion would be celebrated at the office of None, after which the fast would be broken.

    luter portāvit mihi prandium dē marī: Jesus particularly favored fish as food for his followers (John 21.9).

    māne (indecl.) the morning; in the morning; early next day33
    secundum after, behind, according to (+ acc.)
    praedīcō praedīcere praedīxī praedictus to say beforehand; mention
    nāvicula –ae f. boat (ML); (CL) small boat34
    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus to go by ship, sail; to row
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)
    trānsigō trānsigere trānsēgī trānsāctum to carry through, complete; to spend, pass
    ubīcumque wherever, whenever
    iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus to throw through the air, hurl
    porrō next35
    septem; septimus –a –um 7; 7th
    petra –ae f. a rock, crag
    nāvicula –ae f. boat (ML); (CL) small boat
    percutiō percutere percussī percussum to strike, kill
    cōnfestim immediately36
    vēlōx –ōcis fast
    sulcō sulcāre sulcāvī sulcātus to drive a furrow through, plow through
    per through; by means of (OLD 14)
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    namque for in fact37
    novem; nōnus –a –um 9, 9th
    luter lutrī m. otter (ML)
    prandium –ī n. a midday meal, lunch
    piscis piscis m. fish
    fasciculus –ī m. a small bundle
    grāmen –inis n. grass (often in collective plural)
    focus –ī m. fireplace, hearth
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself (OLD 28)
    anterior –ōris foremost, front
    ambulō ambulāre ambulāvī ambulātum to walk
    posterior posterius later
    piscis piscis m. fish38
    grāmen –inis n. grass (often in collective plural)
    silex silicis n. flint
    percutiō percutere percussī percussum to strike, kill
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself (OLD 28)
    grāmen –inis n. grass (often in collective plural)
    piscis piscis m. fish
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