[22]     Cum autem vespera hōra obumbrāsset Tīthim, ecce innumerābilis multitūdō daemonum cooperuit faciem Tīthis in circuitū, vōciferantēs atque dīcentēs: [23] “Recēde, vir Deī, ā nōbīs, quia nōn possumus appropinquāre sociō nostrō usque dum ab illō recēdās, nec faciem prīncipis nostrī ausī sumus vidēre dōnec sibi reddāmus suum amīcum. [24] Tū vērō redde statim nōbīs nostrum morsum, et nōlī istum hāc nocte dēfendere.” [25] Quibus ait vir Deī: “Nōn ego dēfendō, sed Dominus Iēsus Chrīstus concessit sibi istam noctem hīc esse usque manē.” [26] Cui aiunt daemonēs: “Quōmodo invocās nōmen Dominī super illum, cum sit ipse trāditor Dominī?” [27] Quibus dīxit vir Deī: “Praecipiō vōbīs in nōmine Dominī nostrī Iēsu Chrīstī ut nihil illī malī faciātis usque manē.”

    That evening demons come to take Judas back to Hell, but say they cannot do it while Brendan protects him.  Brendan replies the Christ has given permission for Judas to spend the night on the rock, and tells the demons to leave him (Judas) alone until morning.

    [22] faciem Tīthis: the repetition of Tīthis is strange and may be a copyist’s error for (e.g.) faciem abyssī.

    [23] sociō nostrō: i.e., Judas. Brendan’s presence keeps the demons away.

    prīncipis nostrī: the “leader” of the demons is Satan.

    dōnec sibi reddāmus suum amīcum: Satan’s “friend” is Judas. CL would be eī, huic, illī, etc.

    [24] nostrum morsum: the "bite" (the thing bitten by the demons) is Judas; for the metonym, see on 25.16.

    [25] concessit sibi: CL would be eī, huic, illī, etc.

    usque manē: “until (tomorrow) morning.”

    [27] ut nihil illī malī faciātis: = ut faciātis illī nihil malī.  Malī is a  partitive genitive.

    vesperus –a –um of or belonging to the evening, evening22
    obumbrō obumbrāre obumbrāvī obumbrātus to overshadow; darken
    Tīthys Tīthyos f. a sea goddess, wife of Oceanus; the sea (ML; CL Tēthys –yos f.)
    innumerābilis –e innumerable
    daemōn –onis m. spirit, a spirit intermediary between humans and gods
    co-operiō –operīre –operuī –opertum to cover over
    Tīthys Tīthyos f. a sea goddess, wife of Oceanus; the sea (ML; CL Tēthys –yos f.)
    circuitus –ūs m. circuit, circle; outer edge, perimeter (OLD 5)
    vōciferor –ātus sum to raise the voice; cry out
    quia because; that23
    appropinquō appropinquāre appropinquavī to approach, draw near
    socius –iī m. ally, comrade
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    amīcus amīcī m. male friend
    morsus morsūs m. bite24
    Iēsūs –ū m. Jesus (Christ)25
    Christus –ī m. Christ
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    māne (indecl.) the morning; in the morning; early next day
    daemōn –onis m. spirit, a spirit intermediary between humans and gods26
    invocō invocāre invocāvī invocātus to call upon; invoke
    trāditor –ōris m. a traitor
    Iēsūs –ū m. Jesus (Christ)27
    Christus –ī m. Christ
    faciō facere fēcī factus to do, make; to act, conduct oneself (OLD 28)
    ūsque until (often with ad or dum)
    māne (indecl.) the morning; in the morning; early next day
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