[21] Interrogābat quoque sānctus Brendānus illum, quōmodo potuissent ovēs esse tam magnae, sīcut ibi vīsae sunt: erant enim maiōrēs quam bovēs. [22] Cui ille dīxit: “Nēmō colligit lac dē ovibus in hāc īnsulā, nec hiemps distringit illās, sed in pāscuīs semper commorantur diē noctūque: ideōque maiōrēs sunt hīc quam in vestrīs regiōnibus.” [23] Profectīque sunt ad nāvim et coepērunt nāvigāre, datā benedictiōne vicissim.

    The procurator explains why the sheep are so large.  Then the monks sail to the next island.

    [21] sīcut ibi vīsae sunt: probably “as they were seen to be there”; it could also mean “as they seemed to be there."

    [23] datā benedictiōne vicissim: the young man and Brendan’s party exchanged blessings.

    ovis –is n. sheep 21
    maior māius bigger
    lac lactis n. milk 22
    ovis –is n. sheep
    distringō –ere –strīnxī –strīctus o stretch out; make claims on; afflict
    pāscuum –ī n. or
    pāscua –ae f.
    commoror commorārī commorātus to linger, stay, live (in a place)
    maior māius bigger
    regiō regiōnis f. region; direction, line
    nāvigō nāvigāre nāvigāvī nāvigātus to go by ship, sail; to row 23
    benedictiō –ōnis f. a blessing
    vicissim or vice in turn
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