[1] Dēfīnīvit igitur Sānctus Brendānus, et hī quī cum eō erant, ieiūnium quadrāgintā diērum, semper per trīduānās, et posteā proficīscī. [2] Trānsāctīs iam quadrāgintā diēbus, et salūtātīs frātribus, commendātīsque omnibus praepositō monastēriī suī, quī fuit posteā suus successor in eōdem locō, profectus est contrā occidentālem plāgam cum quattuordecim frātribus ad īnsulam cuiusdam sānctī patris, nōmine Aende. [3] Ibique dēmorātus est tribus diēbus et tribus noctibus.

    After fasting for forty days, Brendan and his fourteen monks sail off to visit St. Enda of Aran (presumably to ask his advice).

    Similarly, Aeneas consulted with Anius, a priest of Apollo (Vergil, Aeneid 3.80–84); such consultations feature in other medieval stories.

    [1] semper per trīduānās: = semper per trīduānās (diēs); they fasted every third day.

    [2] commendātīsque omnibus: “with all things entrusted.”

    praepositō: dative. The praepositus (“prior”) was head of an individual church or cell; he was subordinate the the abbot, who was head of the churches and cells collectively.

    quī fuit posteā suus successor in eōdem locō: i.e., he was Brendan’s successor as abbot of Clonfert; his identity is unknown.

    ad īnsulam cuiusdam sānctī patris, nōmine Aende: i.e., Saint Enda of Aran (d. c. 530 CE), “the patriarch of Irish monasticism.” He is thought to have founded the first monastery in Ireland, at Killeany, on Inishmore, one of the Aran Islands, off the west coast of Ireland.

    dēfīniō dēfīnīre dēfīnīvī (dēfīniī) dēfīnītus to ordain, designate [OLD 4b] 1
    ieiūnium –iī n. a fast
    quādrāginta; quādrāgesimus –a
    40; 40th
    per through; by means of [OLD 14]
    trīduānus –a –um lasting three days
    trānsigō trānsigere trānsēgī trānsāctum to carry through, complete; to spend, pass 2
    quādrāginta; quādrāgesimus –a
    40; 40th
    salūtō salūtāre salūtāvī salūtātus to greet; bid farewell to [OLD 3]
    commendō commendāre commendāvī commendātus to entrust, recommend, approve
    praepositus –ī m. chief, overseer, steward; (ML) prior
    monastērium –ī n. a monastery
    successor –ōris m. a follower, successor
    contrā against; towards, in the direction of [OLD 14a]
    occidentālis –e of the west, westerly
    plaga –ae f. open expanse, tract; region
    quārtus –a –um
    decimus –a –um
    14, 14th
    Aedne m. Enda
    dēmoror –ātus sum to linger, delay, stay3
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