This site represents an online version of Ingo Gildenhard's book, Cicero, Philippic 2, 44–50, 78–92, 100–119. Latin Text, Study Aids with Vocabulary, and Commentarypublished by Open Book Publishers in August, 2018. The DCC edition differs from the book in adding vocabulary in the DCC style, that is, with all words not in the DCC Latin Core Vocabulary glossed in running lists. We have also added macrons to the Latin text and re-arranged some of the essay material to better fit our format. I am deeply grateful for the willingness of OBP to continue our partnership in sharing content both ways, and for the cordial cooperation of Prof. Gildenhard in this republishing. Thanks are due to Bret Mulligan and his Bridge application, and to Lara Frymark for preparing the vocabulary lists. Luke Nicosia (Dickinson '21) provided invaluable help in uploading and formatting the entire text. Luke's and Lara's work was made possible by the Roberts Fund for Classical Studies at Dickinson College.

Chris Francese. Carlisle, Pennsylvaia, January 14, 2020.


The sections from Philippic 2 included in the present textbook will serve as one of the set texts for the OCR Latin AS and A Level specifications from 2019–2021. It is a challenging pick, not least since Cicero serves up a smorgasbord of topics in his invective assault on Antony: he finds occasion to weigh in on modes of fornication, electoral procedures, Rome’s civic religion, political incidents and developments before and after the assassination of Caesar, and many other matters, all the while deploying a wide range of generic and discursive registers. Luckily, the availability of excellent resources facilitates engagement with the speech, including the commentaries by Mayor (1861), Denniston (1926), Ramsey (2003), and Manuwald (2007) (on Philippics 3–11, but of relevance to the entire corpus), the bilingual edition with commentary by Lacey (1986), and the translation by Shackleton Bailey (1986).

As in earlier commentaries, I have tended to summarize and cite (also at length), rather than refer to, primary sources and pieces of secondary literature: for my primary audience (students, but also teachers, in secondary education), a ‘see e.g.’ or a ‘cf.’ followed by a reference is at best tantalizing, but most likely just annoying or pointless. Gestures to further readings are not entirely absent, however, since I have tried to render this commentary useful also for audiences who have more time at their hand and can get access to scholarly literature, such as students wishing to do an EPQ. The commentary tries to cater for various backgrounds: it contains detailed explication of grammar and syntax, bearing in mind students who study the text on their own; and it tries to convey a flavour of Latin studies at undergraduate level for those who are thinking of pursuing classical studies at university.

Unless otherwise indicated, texts and translations of Greek and Latin texts are (based on) those in the Loeb Classical Library.

Along with my other volumes in this series, this one would not have been possible without the gallant support of John Henderson, who kindly explained to me what Philippic 2 is all about while turning around an unusually unwieldy draft with his customary speed and bountiful comments, now all incorporated in the commentary, and Alessandra Tosi, who has shepherded this project from first idea to final product with much-appreciated patience and enthusiasm. I am also grateful to Liam Etheridge for his nifty copy-editing, Bianca Gualandi for her magically swift generation of the proofs, and King’s, my College at the University of Cambridge, which has generously contributed a grant to help cover the cost of publication.

Dedico questo libro ai miei suoceri, Vivi e Lucio.

Ingo Gildenhard

Cover image: Pavel Svedomsky (1849-1904), "Fulvia with the Head of Cicero" (detail). Oil on canvas. Pereslavl-Zalessky History and Art Museum  (Russian Federation). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Suggested Citation

Ingo Gildenhard, Cicero: Philippic 2.44–50, 78–92, 100–119. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-947822-12-2.