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357. The genitive is used with certain special verbs.

a. The genitive sometimes follows potior (get possession of); as always in the phrase potīrī rērum (to be master of affairs).

illīus rēgnī potīrī (Fam. 1.7.5)
to become master of that kingdom

Cleanthēs sōlem dominārī et rērum potīrī putat. (Acad. 2.126)
Cleanthes thinks the sun holds sway and is lord of the universe.

Note— But potior usually takes the ablative (see § 410).

b. Some other verbs rarely take the genitive.

1. By analogy with those mentioned in § 354.

neque hûius sīs veritus fēminae prīmāriae (Ter. Ph. 971)
and you had no respect for this high-born lady

2. As akin to adjectives which take the genitive.

Fastīdit meī. (Plaut. Aul. 245)
He disdains me.
[Cf. fastīdiōsus]

Studet tuī. (quoted N. D. 3.72)
He is zealous for you.
[Cf. studiōsus]

3. In imitation of the Greek.

Iūstitiaene prius mīrer, bellīne labōrum? (Aen. 11.126)
Shall I rather admire his justice or his toils in war?

Neque ille sēpositī ciceris nec longae invīdit avēnae. (Hor. S. 2.6.84)
Nor did he grudge his garnered peas, etc.
[But cf. invidus, parcus]

Labōrum dēcipitur. (Hor. Od. 2.13.38)
He is beguiled of his woes.

labōrum levās. (Pl. Rud. 247)
You relieve me of my troubles.

358. The apparent genitive animī (really locative) is used with a few verbs and adjectives of feeling and the like.

Antiphō mē excruciat animī. (Ter. Ph. 187)
Antipho tortures my mind. (me in my mind)

quī pendet animī (Tusc. 4.35)
who is in suspense

animī fallit. (Lucr. 1.922)
My mind deceives me.

So, by analogy:

Dēsipiēbam mentis. (Pl. Epid. 138)
I was out of my head.

aeger animī
sick at heart

cōnfūsus animī
disturbed in spirit

sānus mentis aut animī (Pl. Trin. 454)
sound in mind or heart

Suggested Citation

Meagan Ayer, Allen and Greenough’s New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-947822-04-7.