(1) Vir prīmō imperiī tempore optimīs prīncipibus, ultimō mediīs conparandus. Innumerae in eō animī corporisque virtūtēs clāruērunt. Mīlitāris glōriae adpetentissimus, fortūnā in bellīs prōsperā fuit, vērum ita ut nōn superāret industriam. Nam etiam Gothōs post cīvīle bellum variē prōflīgāvit, pāce hīs ad postrēmum datā, ingentemque apud barbarās gentēs memoriae grātiam collocāvit.

(2) Cīvīlibus artibus et studiīs līberālibus dēditus, adfectātor iūstī amōris, quem ab omnibus sibi et līberālitāte et docilitāte quaesīvit. Sīcut in nōnnūllōs amīcōs dubius ita in reliquōs ēgregius, nihil occāsiōnum praetermittēns, quō opulentiōrēs eōs clāriōrēsque praestāret.

    On the character of Constantine

    (1) prīmō ... ultimō: "at the beginning of his (Constantine's) reign ... by the end..."

    conparandus: supply est. This comparison structure takes a dative.

    ita ut: "in such a way that..." result clause (AG 537)

    nōn superāret industriam: supply fortuna: "not more than his diligence deserved" (Bird)

    Gothōs: see Goths

    variē: "in various engagements"

    hīs: "to these," dative plural demonstrative pronoun referring to Gothōs

    pāce hīs ad postrēmum datā: ablative absolute using a perfect passive participle (AG 419)

    memoriae grātiam collocāvit: "left great regard for his memory" (Bird)

    (2) cīvīlibus artibus: law, civil administration, oratory

    studiīs liberālibus: literature, scholarly learning

    adfectātor: "a zealous seeker of"

    iūstī amōris: "earned affection" as opposed to feigned love or fear

    quem: amor

    docilitāte: "gentleness"

    Sīcut: "although" (OLD sicut 1.c), answered by ita, which need not be translated

    dubius: "untrustworthy," "unreliable" (OLD dubius 8)

    nihil occāsiōnum: "no opportunity," partitive genitive (AG 346)

    eōs: amīcōs

    praestāret: "rendered" + predicate adjective (OLD praesto 13)

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates

    innumerus, a, um [in + numerus], adj.


    clārēscō, ere, clarui, —— [incho. of clāreō, to be bright]

    to grow bright; become audible, sound clear; become illustrious, grow famous

    mīlitāris, e [mīles], adj.

    military; as subst., a soldier; rēs mīlitāris, the art of war, military operations

    appĕtens (adp-), -entis

    eager for (money), greedy

    prōsperus, a, um [prō + spēs], adj.

    according to one's hopes, favorable, prosperous

    industria, ae, f.

    industry, diligence; ability

    Gothī, ōrum, pl. m.

    the Goths, a Germanic people

    cīvīlis, e [cīvis], adj.

    pertaining to a citizen; civil; polite, moderate

    prōflīgō, āre, āvī, ātus

    to rout, overthrow

    posterior, us, gen. ōris, comp.


    conlocō, āre, āvī, ātus

    to place, arrange, station, establish

    līberālis, e [līber], adj.

    free-born, noble; liberal, generous 2

    dēdō, dere, didī, ditus

    to give up, surrender; devote

    adfectātor, ōris [adfectō], m.

    one that strives for

    līberālitās, ātis [līberālis], f.

    generosity, kindness; a gift

    docilitās, ātis [docilis, teachable], f.

    gentleness, docility

    nōnnūllus, a, um [nōn + nūllus], adj.

    some, several

    occāsiō, ōnis [occidō, to happen], f.

    an occasion, opportunity

    praetermittō, ere, mīsī, missus

    to permit to go by, let pass, let go; omit, neglect

    opulentus, a, um [ops], adj.

    rich, wealthy


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