(1) Multī exanimātum opīnantur nimiā crūditāte (inter cēnandum enim epulīs indulserat), aliī odōre cubiculī, quod ex recentī tēctōriō calcis grave quiēscentibus erat, quīdam nimietāte prūnārum, quās gravī frīgore adolērī multās iusserat.

(2) Dēcessit imperiī mēnse septimō, tertiō decimō Kal. Mārt., aetātis, ut quī plurimum vel minimum tradunt, tertiō et trīcēsimō annō, ac benīgnitāte prīncipum, quī eī successērunt inter dīvōs relātus est. Nam et cīvīlitātī propior et nātūrā admodum līberālis fuit.

(3) Is status erat Rōmānae reī, Ioviānō eōdem et Varroniānō cōnsulibus, annō urbis conditae mīllēsimō centēsimō et octāvō decimō. Quia autem ad inclitōs prīncipēs venerandōsque perventum est, interim operī modum dabimus. Nam reliqua stilō māiōre dīcenda sunt, quae nunc nōn tam praetermittimus quam ad māiōrem scrībendī dīligentiam reservāmus.

    The death of the emperor Jovian. And the start of the rule of Valentinian I and Valens, 364 CE. 

    (1) nimiā crūditāte: "violent indigestion" (Hazzard)

    inter cēnandum enim epulīs indulserat: "for he had indulged in rich food while dining" (Bird); cēnandum is a gerund (AG 507).

    ex recentī tēctōriō calcis: "because of a recent plastering of lime" (Bird)

    nimietāte prūnārum: "from an excess of coals" i.e., carbon monoxide poisoning

    (2) prīncipum, quī eī successērunt: Valentinian I and Valens

    inter dīvōs: For more information on the deification of Roman emperors, see Apotheosis

    (3) Ioviānō eōdem et Varroniānō cōnsulibus: "when Jovian and (his son) Varronianus were consuls," i.e. 364 CE. 

    perventum est: impersonal verb (AG 207.d)

    stilō māiōre: "in a more elevated style" (Bird)

    ad māiōrem scrībendī dīligentiam: "for a more careful composition" (Bird), scrībendī is a genitive gerund form (AG 507)

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates


    exanimō, āre, āvī, ātus [ex + anima]

    to put out of breath, kill; weaken

    opīnor, ārī, ātus sum

    to think, believe

    crūditās, ātis [crūdus, unripe], f.

    overloading of the stomach; indigestion

    cēnō, āre, āvī, ātus [cēna]

    to dine, eat

    epulae, ārum, pl. f.

    a banquet, feast

    indulgeō, ēre, dulsī, dultus

    to be complaisant; be kind, be tender; yield, grant, spare; bestow, confer

    odor, ōris, m.

    odor, stench

    cubiculum, ī [cubō, to lie down], n.

    a bedchamber

    tēctōrium, ī [tegō, to cover] n.

    a covering, cover; plastering

    calx, cis, f.

    limestone, lime; the goal of the race—course

    nimietās, ātis [nimius], f.

    a too great number or quantity; superfluity, excess

    prūna, ae, f.

    a burning coal, live coal

    frīgus, oris, n.


    adoleō, ēre, uī [ad + oleō, to emit a smell]

    to turn to vapor, burn

    dēcēdō, ere, cessī, cessus

    to go away, withdraw, depart; to die (sc. vītā) 2

    mēnsis, is, m.

    a month

    Kal. = Kalendae, ārum, pl. f.

    the Kalends, the first day of the month

    (1) Mārtius, a, um, adj.; (2) Mārtius, ī, m.

    (1) pertaining to Mars; (2) the month of March; usually used as an adj., Mārtius, a, um, agreeing with mēnsis, Kalendae, Nōnae, Īdūs

    benīgnitās, ātis [benīgnus], f.

    good-will, kindness

    succēdō, ere, cessī, cessus

    to come up, advance; succeed, follow

    cīvīlitās, ātis [cīvīlis], f.

    the art of government, politics; courteousness, politeness, affability

    propior, us [prope], comp. adj.

    nearer; sup. proximus, nearest, next; latest, last; next, following

    admodum [ad + modus], adv.

    up to the full limit, very, exceedingly

    līberālis, e [līber], adj.

    free-born, noble; liberal, generous

    status, ūs [stō], m.

    state, position, rank 3

    Ioviānus, ī, m.

    (Flavius Claudius) Ioviānus, Roman emperor 363–364 A.D.

    Varroniānus, ī, m.

    consul 363 A.D.

    inclutus, a, um, adj.


    veneror, ārī, ātus sum

    to worship, revere, respect, honor

    stilus, ī, m.

    stylus, pen

    praetermittō, ere, mīsī, missus

    to permit to go by, let pass, let go; omit, neglect

    dīligentia, ae [dīligēns], f.

    diligence, activity, earnestness

    reservō, āre, āvī, ātus

    to keep back, reserve, preserve


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