(1) Herculius tamen Maximiānus post haec in cōntiōne exercitūum fīlium Maxentium nūdāre cōnātus sēditiōnem et convīcia mīlitum tulit.

(2) Inde ad Galliās profectus est dolō conpositō, tamquam ā fīliō esset expulsus, ut Cōnstantīnō generō iungerētur, mōliēns tamen Cōnstantīnum repertā occāsiōne interficere; quī in Galliīs et mīlitum et prōvinciālium ingentī iam favōre rēgnābat caesīs Francīs atque Alamannīs, captīsque eōrum rēgibus, quōs etiam bēstiīs, cum māgnificum spectāculum mūneris parāsset, obiēcit. Dētēctīs igitur īnsidiīs per Faustam fīliam, quae dolum virō enūntiāverat, profūgit Herculius Massiliaeque oppressus (ex eā enim nāvigāre ad fīlium praeparābat) poenās dedit iūstissimō exitū, vir ad omnem ācerbitātem saevitiamque prōclīvis, īnfīdus, incommodus, cīvīlitātis penitus expers.

    The political machinations and death of Maximian (308-310 CE)

    (1) nūdāre: "to deprive of power" (Hazzard)

    (2) profectus est: the subject is Maximian

    generō: "as his father-in-law." Maximian had given Constantine his daughter Fausta in marriage. 

    mōliēns: "making an effort to" + infin.

    quī: Constantine

    in Galliīs: "in the Gallic provinces"

    quōs ... bēstiīs ... obiēcit: i.e. in the arena as public execution. Supply rēges

    fīliam: Maximian's daughter, Constantine's wife.

    Herculius: Maximian

    Massiliaeque: "at Massilia," locative case (AG 427.3)

    oppressus: "apprehended" > opprimo

    ex eā: supply urbe

    fīlium: Maxentius

    poenās dedit: dare poenās, to pay the penalty (LS do I)

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates

    Herculius, ī, m.

    a cognomen of Maximianus

    Māximiānus, ī, m.

    (1) Gālerius (Valerius) Māximiānus, Roman emperor, 305–311 A.D.; (2) (M. Aurēlius Valerius) Māximiānus, surnamed Herculius, Roman emperor 286–305 A.D.

    cōntiō, ōnis [contr. from conventiō, assembling], f.

    assembly; an address (to the assembly)

    Māxentius, ī, m.

    (M. Aurēlius Valerius) Māxentius, Roman emperor 306–312 A.D.

    nūdō, āre, āvī, ātus [nūdus]

    to make bare, strip, expose

    sēditiō, ōnis [sed + itiō, from eō], f.

    dissension, rebellion, revolt

    convīcium, ī [con + vocō], n.

    clamor, insult, verbal abuse

    Gallia, ae, f.

    the country of the Gauls; modern France and the territories on the west bank of the Rhine. The northern part of Italy was settled by Gauls, and was called Gallia Cisalpina; hence the pl. Galliae. 2

    expellō, ere, pulī, pulsus

    to drive out or away, expel, dislodge

    Cōnstantīnus, ī, m.

    (1) Cōnstantīnus, surnamed "the Great." Roman emperor 306–337 A.D.; (2) Cōnstantīnus, son of (1)

    gener, erī, m.

    a son-in-law

    mōlior, īrī, ītus sum [mōlēs, mass]

    undertake, attempt

    occāsiō, ōnis [occidō, to happen], f.

    an occasion, opportunity

    prōvinciālis, is, m.

    a provincial

    favor, ōris [faveō], m.

    favor, good will, praise

    rēgnō, āre, āvī, ātus [rēgnum]

    to be king, rule

    Francī, ōrum, pl. m.

    the Francī, i.e. "the Freemen," a confederacy of German tribes on the lower Rhine

    Alamannī, ōrum, pl. m.

    the Alamanni, a name applied to a confederacy of German tribes living between the Danube, the Rhine, and the Main

    bēstia, ae, f.

    a beast, animal

    māgnificus, a, um [māgnus + faciō], adj., sup. māgnificentissimus

    splendid, magnificent, noble

    spectāculum, ī [spectō, to look at], n.

    a show, spectacle

    obiciō, icere, iēcī, iectus

    to throw before, put in the way of; put in the hands of; expose

    dētegō, ere, tēxī, tēctus [dē + tegō, to cover]

    to uncover, disclose, betray

    īnsidiae, ārum [īnsideō, to sit upon], pl. f.

    ambush; treachery, plot

    Fausta, ae, f.

    Flavia Māximiāna, the daughter of Maximianus and wife of Constantine the Great

    nūntiō, āre, āvī, ātus [nūntius]

    to tell, announce, report

    profugiō, ere, fūgī, —

    to flee, escape

    Herculius, ī, m.

    a cognomen of Maximianus

    Massilia, ae, f.

    a city in Gaul, modern Marseilles

    opprimō, ere, pressī, pressus

    to crush utterly, overpower, overwhelm

    nāvigō, āre, āvī, ātus [nāvis + agō]

    to sail, navigate

    praeparō, āre, āvī, ātus

    to make ready beforehand, provide

    exitus, ūs [exeō], m.

    a going out; death

    acerbitās, ātis [acerbus], f.

    harshness, severity, unkindness

    saevitia, ae [saevus], f.

    fury, cruelty

    prōclīvus, a, um [prō + clīvus, slope], adj.

    liable, prone

    īnfīdus, a, um [in + fīdus], adj.

    not to be trusted, faithless, treacherous, false

    incommodus, a, um [in + commodus], adj.

    unpleasant, disagreeable; unsuitable, unfit

    cīvīlitās, ātis [cīvīlis], f.

    citizen-like behavior, courteousness, politeness, affability

    penitus, adv.

    deeply, completely

    expers, tis [ex + pars], adj.

    destitute of, devoid of, free from, without


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