Readers, scholars and other poets have commented on the Argonautica since the time it was written. Here is a necessarily selective list of what they have had to say, either through discussion or implicit imitation.

Longinus 33.1–4 calls Apollonius ἄπτωτος . . . ποιητής, "a poet without fault", and categorises the Argonautica along side poems which are σύμμετρον ὲν ἐν τοῖς κατορθώμασιν ὑγιὲς δὲ πάντη καὶ ἀδιάπτωτον, "symmetrical in their successes and entirely sound and infallible." Longinus' remarks on Apollonius' lack of sublimity are fully discussed by Richard Hunter in his 2009, "Critical Moments in Classical Literature."

Catullus must have read the Argonautica avidly. He imitates Apollonius constantly throughout his poem 64 (see under Parallel texts in this introduction). 

Vergil was a great admirer and thoughtful critic. Parts of the Aeneid may be read as a commentary on the Alexandrian poem; see further Damien Nelis: Vergil's Aeneid and the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius: 39 (ARCA, Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs) and selected pieces quoted under Parallel Texts. Nelis also has something to say about the Vergil and Apollonius here.

Vergil's admiration and use of the Argonautica is endorsed by Macrobius in his Saturnalia: 

"'Alium' non frustra dixi, quia non de unius racemis vindemiam sibi fecit, sed bene in rem suam vertit quidquid ubicumque invenit imitandum; adeo ut de Argonauticorum quarto, quorum scriptor est Apollonius, librum Aeneidos suae quartum totum paene formaverit, ad Didonem vel Aenean amatoriam incontinentiam Medeae circa Iasonem trasferendo."

‘And it is not for nothing that I said “other (he means Greek authors apart from Homer),” because he did not make his vintage wine from the grapes of only one source: he nicely adapted to his own purposes whatever he found that was worth imitating, from any and every source, going so far as to virtually shape the whole of the Aeneid’s fourth book on the model of Book 4 of the Argonautica by Apollonius, assigning to Dido or Aeneas the unrestrained love that Medea bore for Jason."