1a. ἡ τυραννὶς ἀδικίας μήτηρ ἐστίν.

1b.  ὁ δειλὸς τῆς πατρίδος προδότης ἐστίν.

1c. Ἄδωνις, ἔτι παῖς ὢν, Ἀρτέμιδος χόλῳ ἐν θήραις ὑπὸ συὸς ἐπλήγη.

1d.  πρόκνη ἐγένετο ἀηδὼν, Φιλομήλα χελιδὼν, Τηρεὺς ἐγένετο ἔποψ.

1e.  ὁ ἐλέφας τὸν δράκοντα ὀρρωδεῖ.

1f. Γλαῦκος, ἔτι νήπιος ὑπάρχων. μῦν διώκων, εἰς μέλιτος πίθον πεσὼν ἀπέθανεν.


2a. διεσπάσαντο τὸν Πενθέα αἱ Μαινάδες, καὶ αἱ Θρᾷτται τὸν Ὀρφέα, καὶ τὸν Ἀκταίωνα αἱ κύνες.

2b. οἱ ἀγαθοὶ ἄνδρες θεῶν εἰκόνες εἰσίν.

2c. τὴν Ἰταλίαν ᾤκησαν πρῶτοι Αὔσονες αὐτόχθονες.

2d. ἅπαντες οἱ λέοντές εἰσιν ἄλκιμοι.


3a. σταγόνες ὕδατος πέτρας κοιλαίνουσιν.

3b. ὁ ὄρτυξ ἡδύφωνος καὶ μαχητικός.

3c. οἱ Φοίνικες τῷ Ἡρακλεῖ ὄρτυγας ἔθυον.

3d. οἱ πέρδικες ἐν τῇ Ἀττικῇ εὔφωνοι, οἱ δὲ ἐν Βοιωτίᾳ ἰσχνόφωνοι ἦσαν.

3e. ἡ παροιμία λέγει, παλίμπαιδας τοὺς γέροντας γίγνεσθαι.

3f.   παλαιὸς μῦθος λέγει τοὺς Μυρμιδόνας ἐκ μυρμήκων ἄνδρας γεγονέναι.


4a. οἱ Νομάδες τῶν Λιβύων οὐ ταῖς ἡμέραις, ἀλλὰ ταῖς νυξὶν ἀριθμοῦσιν.

4b. Περίανδρος ἐρωτηθεὶς, τί μέγιστον ἐν ἐλαχίστῳ, εἶπε, φρένες ἀγαθαὶ ἐν σώματι ἀνθρώπου.

4c. γνώμη κρείσσων ἐστὶν ἢ ῥώμη χερῶν.

4d. εὐωδία καὶ μύρον γυψὶν αἰτία θανάτου.

4e. γυναιξὶ κόσμον ἡ σιγὴ φέρει.

4f. χαλεπόν ἐστι λέγειν πρὸς γαστέρα, ὦτα οὐκ ἔχουσαν.


5a. Ἥφαιστος τὼ πόδε χωλὸς ἦν.

5b. ἡ Μήδεια γράφεται τὼ παῖδε δεινὸν ὑποβλέπουσα· ἔχει δὲ ξίφος ἐν χερσί· τὼ δὲ ἀθλίω καθῆσθον γελῶντε, μηδὲν τῶν μελλόντων εἰδότε, καὶ ταῦτα ὁρῶντε τὸ ξίφος ἐν ταῖν χεροῖν τῆς μητρός.

    Third declension nouns: Goodell 98-142.

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    Liquid stems ending in -λ, -ν, -ρ: ἅλς μήν ἀγών (99), λιμήν δαίμων ῥήτωρ (102), πατήρ, ἀνήρ, μήτηρ θυγατήρ (106), Δημήτηρ (108), 

    Guttural stems ending in -κ, -γ, -χ: φύλαξ, αἴξ, φάλαγξ (109), θρίξ ἄναξ (111)

    Labial and dental stems ending in -π, -β -τ: κλώψ Ἄραψ γέλως (112) and in -τ, -δ, -θ: ἐλπίς, χάρις, ὄρνις (114)

    Neuter stems ending in : σῶμα, τέρας (118)

    Masculine stems ending in -ντ: γίγας, ὀδούς, λέων (121)

    Stems ending in -εσ, -ασ: γένος, κρέας (124), κέρας (126), Σωκράτης, Περικλῆς (127), Ἄρης (128), αἰδώς (129)

    Stems ending in -ι, -υ: πόλις, πῆχυς, ἄστυ (130), σῦς, ἰχθύς (132)

    Stems ending in -ευ, -αυ, -ου: ἱππεύς ναῦς, βοῦς (136), οἶς (138)

    Stems ending in -ω, -ο: πειθώ, ἥρως (141)

    Irregulars: γυνή, Ζεύς, κύων, μάρτυς, ὄναρ, Πνύξ, πρεσβεύτης, πῦρ, υἱός, χείρ (142)

    1a.  ἡ τυραννὶς: “tyranny,” more literally, “the (state) tyranny.” Declines like ἐλπίς (G. 114). 

    1b.  τῆς πατρίδος: “of his country,” gen. sing. > πατρίς. Declines like ἐλπίς (G. 114). 

    1c.  Ἄδωνις: Adonis, mortal lover of the goddess Aphrodite. Declines like ἐλπίς (G. 114). 

    ἔτι παῖς ὢν: “being yet a mere boy,” i.e., while he was yet a mere boy. παῖς (G. 101).

    ὢν: pres. part. > εἰμί

    Ἀρτέμιδος: gen. > Ἄρτεμις. Declines like ἐλπίς (G. 114).

    ἐν θήραις: “in the hunt," literally, “amid huntings.” 

    συὸς: gen. sing. > σῦς (G. 132).

    ἐπλήγη: “was wounded,” 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. pass. > πλήσσω.


    1d.  ἀηδών: the nightingale. ἀηδών, ἀηδόνος, ἡ declines like δαίμων (G. 102), though with a different accent. The tragic story of the sisters Procne and Philomela is told memorably by Ovid in Metamophoses 6.142-674.

    ἐγένετο: “became," 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. mid. > γίνομαι. 

    χελιδὼν: the swallow. Declines like δαίμων (G. 102), though with accent like ἀηδών ἀηδόνος, ἡ. 

    Τηρεὺς: Tereus, husband of Procne and rapist of Philomela. Declines like ἱππεύς (G. 136).

    ἔποψ: the hoopoe

    1e.  τὸν δράκοντα: “the serpent,” acc. sing. > δράκων. Declines like λέων (G. 121).

    ὀρρωδεῖ: 3rd sing. pres. ind. act. > ὁρρωδέω.

    1f. ἔτι νήπιος ὑπάρχων: “being yet quite young,” i.e., while he was yet quite young.

    ὑπάρχων: pres. part. act. > ὑπάρχω. 

    μῦν: acc. sing. > μῦς. Declines like σῦς (G. 132).

    διώκων: “pursuing,” i.e., as he pursued; pres. part. act. > διώκω. 

    εἰς μέλιτος πίθον, etc.: “having fallen into a large vessel of honey, lost his life.” Or, more freely, “fell into, etc., and lost his life.” A participle and verb, as in the present instance, may be freely rendered by two verbs. 

    μέλιτος: genitive > μέλι μέλιτος τό, see (G. 118).

    πεσὼν: 2nd aor. part. act. > πίπτω. 

    ἀπέθανεν: 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. act. > ἀποθνήσκω. 

    2a.  διεσπάσαντο: “ tore in pieces,” 3rd pl. 1st aor. ind. mid. > διασπάω. The middle voice implies that they did the deed for themselves, i.e., to gratify their own blind fury.

    Πενθέα: acc. sing. > Πενθεύς. The article with this proper name, as also with Ὀρφέα and Ἀκταίονα, though not translated, implies that these three individuals and their respective stories were well known. 

    Μαινάδες: nom. pl. > Μαινάς. Declines most like ἐλπίς

    αἱ κύνες: "his hounds,” nom. pl. > κύων. Declines like μήν (G. 99).

    2b.  ἄνδρες: nom. pl. > ἀνήρ (G. 106). 

    εἰκόνες: nom. pl. > εἰκών. Declines like ἀγών (G. 99). 

    2c.  ᾤκησαν: “ inhabited,” 3rd pl. 1st aor. ind. act. > οἰκέω. 

    πρῶτοι: nom. pl. > πρῶτος.  

    αὐτόχθονες: “an indigenous race,” nom. pl. > αὐτόχθων. Declines like ἀγών (G. 99).

    2d.  ἅπαντες:  nom. pl. > ἅπας. 

    εἰσιν: “are,” 3rd pl. pres. ind. > εἰμί


    3a.  ὕδατος: gen. sing. > ὕδωρ. Declines like τέρας, τέρατος, τό (G. 118).

    κοιλαίνουσιν: “hollow out,” 3rd pl. pres. ind. act. > κοιλαίνω. 

    3b.  ὄρτυξ: supply ἐστί. 

    3c.  Φοίνικες: nom. pl. > Φοίνιξ. Declines like φύλαξ, φύλακος, ὁ (G. 109).

    τῷ Ἡρακλεῖ: “unto the god Hercules,” dat. sing. > Ἡρακλῆς. Declines like Περικλῆς, Περικλέους, ὁ (G. 127).

    ἔθυον: 3rd pl. imperf. ind. act. > θύω. 

    3d.  πέρδικες: nom. pl. > πέρδιξ. Declines like φύλαξ, φύλακος, ὁ (G. 109).

    οἱ δὲ: “but those," literally, “but the (partridges),” πέρδικες being understood. 

    ἦσαν: “were,” 3rd pl. imperf. ind. > εἰμί

    λέγει: 3rd sing. pres. ind. act. > λέγω. 

    3e.  παλίμπαιδας τοὺς γέροντας, etc.: “that the old are in a state of second childhood,” more literally, “that the old become second children.” Acc. with inf.

    παλίμπαιδας: acc. pl. > παλίμπαις. Declines like παῖς, παιδός, ὁ, ἡ (with different accentuation).

    γέροντας: acc. pl. > γέρων. Declines like λέων, λέοντος, ὁ (G. 121).

    γίγνεσθαι: pres. inf. mid. > γίγνομαι.  

    3f.  Μυρμιδόνας: acc. pl. > Μυρμιδών. Declines like δαίμων, δαίμονος, ὁ (G. 102).

    ἐκ μυρμήκων: “from ants." The order is, τοὺς Μυρμιδόνας γεγονέναι ἄνδρας ἐκ μυρμήκων. 

    μυρμήκων: gen. pl. > μύρμηξ. Declines like φύλαξ, φύλακος, ὁ (G. 109).

    ἄνδρας: acc. pl. > ἀνήρ (G. 106). It is the acc. after γεγονέναι, as Μυρμιδόνας is the acc. before it. 

    γεγονέναι: "became,” i.e., were changed into. 


    4a.  οἱ Νομάδες τὸν Λιβύων: “the Nomads of the Libyans,” i.e., the Libyan Nomads.

    ταῖς ἡμέραις: “by days," more literally, “by the days (which pass)." 

    ταῖς νυξὶν: “by nights." νύξ declines like ἄναξ, ἄνακτος, ὁ (G. 111.c) with different accentuation.

    ἀριθμοῦσιν: 3rd pl. pres. ind. act. > ἀριθμέω.

    4b.  ἐρωτηθεὶς: “having been asked,” i.e., when he was asked; 1st aor. part. pass. > ἐρωτάω.

    τί μέγιστον, etc.: “what is the greatest thing in the smallest compass,” literally, “what is greatest in smallest (space), supply ἐστί. 

    μέγιστον: superlative > μέγας. 

    ἐλαχίστῳ: superlative > μικρός, properly from ἐλαχύς. 

    εἶπε: “said,” 2nd aor. ind. act. > εἴπω. 

    φρένες ἀγαθαὶ, etc.: “a sound mind in a human body,” literally, “sound thoughts in a human being’s body." 

    φρένες: nom. pl. > φρήν

    σώματι: dat. sing. > σῶμα, σώματος, τό (G. 118).

    4c.  γνώμη: “understanding." 

    κρείσσων: “better." 

    ἢ ῥώμη χερῶν: “than strength of hands"; ῥώμη is the nom. to ἐστί understood. 

    χερῶν: gen. pl. > χείρ. The regular gen. pl. is χειρῶν, for which we have here the poetic form χερῶν, which is also Ionic. 

    4d.  γυψὶν: dat. pl. > γύψ, declines like αἴξ, αἰγός, ἡ (G. 109).

    αἰτία: “are a cause,” supply εἰσίν. 

    4e.  γυναιξὶ: dat. pl. > γυνή (G. 142.1). The order is, ἡ σιγὴ φέρει κόσμον γυναιξί. 

    φέρει: “ brings with it,” 3rd sing. pres. ind. act. > φέρω.

    4f.  χαλεπόν: “a difficult matter." 

    λέγειν πρὸς:  “to speak to,” i.e., to reason with. 

    γαστέρα: acc. sing. > γαστήρ. Declines like πατήρ, πατρός, ὁ (G. 106).

    ὦτα οὐκ ἔχουσαν: “since it has not ears.” Literally, “not having ears." 

    ὦτα: acc. pl. > οὖς. 

    ἔχουσαν: acc. sing. fem. pres. part. act. > ἔχω. 


    5a.  τὼ πόδε: “as to his two feet,” i.e., in both his feet. 

    πόδε: acc. dual > πούς; acc. of respect (G. 537), where some supply κατὰ to govern it. 

    ἦν: 3rd sing. imperf. ind. > εἰμί.

    5b.  ἡ Μήδεια: "Medea,” more literally, “the (well-known) Medea.” 

    γράφεται: “is painted,” i.e., is represented in a picture. 

    παῖδε: acc. dual > παῖς

    δεινὸν ὑποβλέπουσα: “sternly eyeing.” The verb ὑποβλέπω here denotes, literally, to look at one from under the eyelids, with a lowering expression. The adjective δεινὸν is used here adverbially. 

    ἔχει δὲ: “ she holds moreover,” 3rd sing. pres. ind. act. > ἔχω. 

    τὼ δὲ ἀθλίω, etc.: “while the two wretched ones sit smiling,” i.e., the two unhappy children, etc. 

    ἀθλίω: dual > ἄθλιος. 

    καθῆσθον: 3rd dual pres. ind. > κάθημαι. 

    γελῶντε: nom. dual pres. part. act. > γελάω. 

    μηδὲν τῶν μελλόντων εἰδότε: “knowing nothing of the things about to happen,” i.e., of what is about to befall them. 

    μηδὲν: neuter > μηδείς. μηδείς, μηδεμία, μηδέν is formed off of the numeral adjective εἵς, μία, ἕν (G. 187).

    μελλόντων: gen. pl. pres. part. act. > μέλλω. 

    εἰδότε: perf. part. act. > εἴδω, contracted from εἰδηκότε; nom. sing. εἰδώς, contracted from εἰδήκως. 

    καὶ ταῦτα ὁρῶντε: “and that too, although seeing." The expression καὶ ταῦτα is analogous to the Latin expressions idqueet eaet haec, etc. 

    ὁρῶντε: pres. part. act. > ὁράω. 

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