1a. ἐπὶ τῆς κολακείας, ὡς ἐπὶ μνήματος, αὐτὸ μόνον τὸ ὄνομα τῆς φιλίας ἐπιγέγραπται.

1b. ὑπὸ τοῦ πλήθους τῶν παρόντων ἐν τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ διατετάραγμαι τὴν γνώμην, καὶ ἐπιλέλησμαι τὸ προοίμιον τῶν λόγων, ὃ παρεσκευασάμην.

      Εἰ τοῖς ἐν οἴκῳ χρήμασιν λελείμμεθα,
      Ἡ δ’ εὐγένεια καὶ τὸ γενναῖον μένει.


2a. οὐδεμία ἔτι τῶν πόλεων ἀκέραιός ἐστιν, ἥτις οὐχ ὁμόρους ἔχει τοὺς κακῶς ποιήσοντας, ὡς τετμῆσθαι μὲν τὰς χώρας, πεπορθῆσθαι δὲ τὰς πόλεις, ἀναστάτους δὲ γεγενῆσθαι τοὺς οἴκους τοὺς ἰδίους, ἀνεστράφθαι δὲ τὰς πολιτείας, καὶ καταλελύσθαι τοὺς νόμους.

2b. ἄνθρωπος ὢν, μέμνησο τῆς κοινῆς τύχης.

2c. μέμνησο ὅτι θνητὸς εἶ.

2d. Εὐριπίδης ἐν Μακεδονίᾳ τέθαπται.


3a. ὁ Σαρδανάπαλλος ἐκεῖνος, ὁ τὸ σῶμα ἐντετριμμένος, καὶ τὴν χαίτην διαπεπλεγμένος, καὶ ἐν πορφυρίσι κατορωρυγμένος, καὶ ἐν βασιλείοις κατακεκλεισμένος, οὐδὲν ἄλλο ἐδίωκεν ἢ εὐδαιμονίαν καὶ ἡδονήν.

3b. οἱ Πυθαγορικοὶ ἔλεγον, ἐνδεδέσθαι τῷ σώματι τὰς ἀνθρώπων ψυχὰς τιμωρίας χάριν.

3c. Τυφὼν, Γῆς υἱὸς καὶ Ταρτάρου, μεμιγμένην εἶχε φύσιν ἀνδρὸς καὶ θηρίου.


4a. τοῦ μὲν ἀνθρώπου ἡ καρδία τῷ μαζῷ τῷ λαιῷ προσήρτηται, τοῖς δὲ ἄλλοις ζώοις ἐν μέσῳ τῷ στήθει προσπέπλασται.

4b. Ῥωμαίων αἱ πολλαὶ γυναῖκες τὰ αὐτὰ ὑποδήματα φορεῖν τοῖς ἀνδράσιν εἰθισμέναι εἰσίν.

4c. Σοφοκλῆς μετὰ τὴν ἐν Σαλαμῖνι ναυμαχίαν, ἔτι παῖς ὢν, περὶ τρόπαιον γυμνὸς ἀληλιμμένος ἐχόρευσεν.

4d. οἱ περὶ τὸν Θεμιστοκλέα Ἕλληνες διεσπαρμένοις τοῖς Πέρσαις συνεπλέκοντο.

4e. τὸ εἱμαρμένον διαφυγεῖν ἀδύνατον.

4f. ἐν τοῖς Δράκοντος νόμοις μία ἅπασιν ὥριστο τοῖς ἁμαρτάνουσι ζημία, θάνατος.

4g. οἱ Γίγαντες ἠκόντιζον εἰς οὐρανὸν πέτρας καὶ δρῦς ἡμμένας.


5a. Πυθαγόρας πρῶτον ἑαυτὸν φιλόσοφον ὠνόμασεν· οἱ δὲ παλαιότεροι σοφοὶ ὠνομάσθησαν.

5b. Πυθαγόρας τῆς αὐτῆς ἡμέρας καὶ κατὰ τὴν αὐτὴν ὥραν ὤφθη ἐν Μεταποντίῳ καὶ ἐν Κρότωνι.

5c. οἱ εὐεργέται τῶν ἀνθρώπων ἀθανάτων τιμῶν ἠξιώθησαν.

5d. ἦν Ἀθηναίοις ποτὲ πάτριον, ἡγεῖσθαι τῆς Ἑλλάδος, καὶ τοῖς τυράννοις ὑπὲρ τῆς ἐλευθερίας ἀνταγωνίζεσθαι.

5e. οὗτος ὁ νόμος ἤρξατο μὲν ἀπὸ Μιλτιάδου, ἤκμασε δὲ ἐπὶ Θεμιστοκλέους, κατέβη δὲ εἰς Κίμωνα, ἐφυλάχθη δὲ ὑπὸ Περικλέους, καὶ ἐθαυμάσθη ὑπὸ Ἀλκιβδιάδου.

5f. Πτολεμαῖος, ὁ Μακεδονίας βασιλεὺς, ὑπὸ Γαλατῶν ἐσφάγη, καὶ πᾶσα ἡ Μακεδονικὴ δύναμις κατεκόπη καὶ διεφθάρη.

5g. Δοῦρις ὁ Σάμιός φησι Πολυσπέρχοντα, τὸν Μακεδόνων στρατηγὸν, εἰ μεθυσθείη, καίτοι πρεσβύτερον ὄντα, ἐν δείπνῳ ὀρχεῖσθαι.

5h. αἱ τιθῆναι ἐμπτύουσι τοῖς παιδίοις, ὡς μὴ βασκανθῶσιν.


6a. νέος ὢν ὁ Πλάτων οὕτως ἦν αἰδήμων καὶ κόσμιος, ὥστε μηδέποτε ὀφθῆναι γελῶν ὑπεράγαν.

6b. λόγος τις ἐστὶ, Ῥοδίους ὑσθῆναι χρυσῷ, χρυσῆν ἐπ’ αὐτοὺς τοῦ Διὸς νεφέλην ῥήξαντος.

6c. Ἡρόδοτος λέγει, ἐπὶ Ἄτυος διὰ λιμὸν εὑρεθῆναι τὰς παιδιάς.

6d. Ἀριάδνην οἱ μὲν φασὶν ἀπάγξασθαι ἀπολειφθεῖσαν ὑπὸ τοῦ Θησέως, οἱ δὲ εἰς Νάξον κομισθεῖσαν Διονύσῳ γαμηθῆναι.

6e. Ἡρακλῆς ἐν Θήβαις τραφεὶς καὶ παιδευθεὶς καὶ μάλιστα ἐν τοῖς γυμνασίοις διαπονηθεὶς περιβόητος ἐγένετο.

6f. Ἀπόλλων καταδικασθεὶς ἐπὶ τῷ τῶν Κυκλώπων θανάτῳ, καὶ ἐξοστρακισθεὶς διὰ τοῦτο ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ, κατεπέμφθη ἐς γῆν, καὶ ἐθήτευσεν ἐν Θετταλίᾳ παρ’ Ἀδμήτῳ καὶ ἐν Φρυγίᾳ παρὰ Λαομέδοντι.

6g. πόνου μεταλλαχθέντος οἱ πόνοι γλυκεῖς.


7a. ὅ μέλλεις πράττειν, μὴ πρόλεγε· ἀποτυχὼν γὰρ γελασθήσῃ.

7b. Βασιλεὺς ὢν, σκόπει, ὅπως οἱ βέλτιστοι μὲν τὰς τιμὰς ἕξουσιν, οἱ δὲ ἄλλοι μηδὲν ἀδικηθήσονται.

7c. Αἰδοῦ σαυτὸν, καὶ ἄλλον οὐκ αἰσχυνθήσῃ.

7d. ἅπαντα δόκει ποιεῖν ὡς μηδένα λήσων· καὶ γὰρ ἐὰν παραυτίκα κρύψῃς. ὕστερον ὀφθήσῃ.


8a. Ὕλας ὁ Θειοδάμαντος παῖς, ἐν Μυσίᾳ ἀποσταλεὶς ὑδρεύσασθαι, διὰ κάλλος ὑπὸ Νυμφῶν ἡρπάγη.

8b. Σοφοκλῆς, ὁ τραγῳδοποιὸς, ῥᾶγα σταφυλῆς καταπιὼν ἀπεπνίγη.

8c. Ἥφαιστος ἐρρίφη ὑπὸ τοῦ Διὸς ἐξ οὐρανοῦ, ὅθεν χωλὸς ἐγένετο.

8d. σχολαστικὸς, ἰατρῷ συναντήσας, ἐκρύβη· πυθομένου δέ τινος τὴν αἰτίαν, ἔφη· καιρὸν ἔχω μὴ ἀσθενήσας, καὶ αἰσχύνομαι εἰς ὄψιν ἐλθεῖν τοῦ ἰατροῦ.

8e. λέγεται, τὸν Κινέαν, ἐπεὶ τὴν τῶν Ῥωμαίων ἀρετὴν κατενόησε, τῷ Πύρρῳ εἰπεῖν, ὡς ἡ σύγκλητος αὐτῷ βασιλέων πολλῶν συνέδριον φανείη.

8f. συγκρινομένων τῶν τριῶν ἠπείρων πρὸς ἀλλήλας, μεγίστη μὲν φανείη ἂν ἡ Ἀσία, εἶτα ἡ Λιβύη τελευταῖα δὲ ἡ Εὐρώπη.

    1a. αὐτὸ μόνον τὸ ὄνομα: “the name itself alone.

    ἐπιγέγραπται: is inscribed,” 3rd sing. perf. ind. pass. > ἐπιγράφω.

    1b. διατετάραγμαι τὴν γνώμην: “I am disturbed in mind,” literally, “as to my mind,” perf. ind. pass. > διαταράσσω.

    γνώμην: acc. of respect , where some understand κατά.

    πεπεδημένη: “fettered.”

    ἐπιλέλησμαι: “I have forgotten,” 1st sing. perf. ind. pass. > ἐπιλανθάνω, in a middle sense.

    ὃ παρεσκενασάμην: “which I had prepared,” 1st sing. 1st aor. ind. mid. > παρασκευάζω. 

    εἰ τοῖς ἐν οἴκῳ, etc.: Two Iambic trimeters. “If we are abandoned by the riches (we once had) within our dwelling, still noble birth and generous sentiment remain."

    λελείμμεθα: 1st pl. perf. ind. pass. > λείπω.

    Οὐδεμία ἔτι τῶν πόλεων, etc.: “no one as yet of states is safe, that has not for neighbors those who will do it harm,” i. e., who watch every opportunity of doing harm; and this, redoubling the watchfulness, ensures at the same time the safety of the state which they wish to injure. 

    ὡς τετμῆσθαι, etc.: “so as to have its territories ravaged, its cities sacked, its private dwellings overthrown, its political institutions subverted, and its laws completely broken up,” literally, “so as for its territories to be ravaged, its cities to be sacked,” etc. Accusatives before infinitives throughout the whole sentence. Intended as an explanation of the evils that bad neighbors would inflict on a state if they succeeded in conquering it.

    τετμῆσθαι: perf. inf. pass. > τέμνω.

    πεπορθῆσθαι: perf. inf. pass. > πορθέω.

    γεγενῆσθαι: perf. inf. pass. > γίνομαι.

    ἀνεστράφθαι: perf. inf. pass. > ἀναστρέφω.

    καταλελύσθαι: perf. inf. pass. > καταλύω.

    2b. Ἄνθρωπος ὢν: “ since you are mortal.”

    τῆς κοινῆς τύχης: “the fortune that is common to all,” i. e., the common nature of misfortune.

    2d. τέθαπται: “lie buried,” 3rd sing. perf. ind. pass. > θάπτω. Observe the continued meaning implied by the perfect.


    3a. Ὁ Σαρδανάπαλλος ἐκεῖνος: “that Sardanapālus yonder.”

    ὁ τὸ σῶμα ἐντετριμμένος: “who (during life) was painted as to his person,” literally, “rubbed in (with colors),” χρώμασι understood.

    ἐντετριμμένος: perf. part. pass. > ἐντρίβω.

    διαπεπλεγμένος: perf. part. pass. > διαπλέκω.

    κατορωρυγμένος: perf. part. pass. > κατορύσσω, with reduplication.

    καὶ ἐν βασιλείοις κατακεκλεισμένος: “and secluded in a palace.” 

    κατακεκλεισμένος: perf. part. pass. > κατακλείω.

    οὐδὲν ἄλλο … ἢ: “nothing else but.”

    3b. ἐνδεδέσθαι: perf. inf. pass. > ἐνδέω.

    τιμωρίας χάριν: “as a punishment,” more literally, for the sake of punishment.”

    χάριν: acc. sing. absolute; where some, however, understand κατά.

    3c. μεμιγμένην φύσιν ἀνδρὸς καὶ θηρίου: “a blended nature of man and beast.”

    μεμιγμένην: perf. part. pass. > μίγνυμι. 


    4a. προσήρτηται: “is attached unto,” 3rd sing. perf. ind. pass. > προσαρτάω.

    τοῖς δὲ ἄλλοις ζώοις: “but in the rest of animals.”

    προσπέπλασται: 3rd sing. perf. ind. pass. > προσπλάσσω.

    4b. Ῥωμαίων αἱ πολλαὶ γυναῖκες, etc.: “the majority of Roman females are accustomed to wear the same sort of sandals with the men.” The article changes the signification of πολύς, and several other adjectives. Thus πολλαὶ γυναῖκες, “many women,” but αἱ πολλαὶ γυναῖκες, “the majority of women;”

      Ῥωμαίων γυναῖκες: literally, “females of the Romans.”

    τοῖς ἀνδράσιν: dat. of similarity, after αὐτός.

    εἰθισμέναι εἰσίν: 3rd pl. perf. ind. pass. > ἐθίζω. 

    4c. γυμνὸς ἀληλιμμένος: “naked and anointed,” perf. part. pass. > ἀλείφω, with reduplication.

    4d. ἀπηγχονισμένας: perf. part. pass. > ἀπαγχονίζω.

    εἴθε γὰρ, ἔφη, etc.: “exclaimed, ‘a capital sight, for would that all trees bore such fruit !’ ” The particle εἴθε here denotes a wish, while γὰρ refers to something that precedes and is understood. This ellipsis, involving an assent on the part of the speaker, we have endeavored to express by the words, “a capital sight.”

    ἤνεγκεν: 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. act. > φέρω.

    4e. διεσπαρμένοις τοῖς Πέρσαις συνεπλέκοντο: “grappled with the scattered Persians,” perf. part. pass. > διασπείρω. 

    4f. τὸ εἱμαρμένον: “what is fated,” perf. part. pass. > μείρω. It may also be rendered as a noun, “fate.”

    4g. ἐμαστίγου: “was flogging,” 3rd sing. imperf. ind. act. > μαστιγόω.

    εἵμαρτο: “it was fated,” 3rd sing. pluperf. indic. pass. > μείρω, rendered as an imperfect.

    καὶ δαρῆναι, Ζήνων ἔφη: “ay, replied Zeno, and to be scourged as often as you stole,” literally, “and to be scourged too.” We have endeavored here to express, by a somewhat free version, the peculiar force of the aorist. Zeno, the founder of the Stoic sect, maintained that all things were the result of absolute necessity. The appeal of the slave is based upon this doctrine.

    δαρῆναι: 2nd aor. inf. pass. > δέρω.

    4h. ἅπασιν … τοῖς ἁμαρτάνουσι: “for all who offended.”

    ὥριστο: 3rd sing. plperf. ind. pass. > ὁρίζω, to be rendered as an imperfect.

    4i. ἡμμένας: “ignited,” perf. part. pass. > ἅπτω. 


    5a. ὠνόμασεν: 3rd sing. 1st aor. ind. act. > ὀνομάζω.

    δὲ: “whereas.”

     5b. τῆς αὐτῆς ἡμέρας: “on the same day,” gen. of time.

    ὤφθη: 3rd sing. 1st aor. ind. pass. > ὄπτομαι.

    5c. ἠξιώθησαν: “were thought worthy of,” 3rd pl. 1st aor. ind. pass. > ἀξιόω, governing the gen., like ἄξιος, from which it comes.

    5d. πάτριον: “an hereditary privilege,” i. e., a privilege handed down to them from their fathers.

    ἡγεῖσθαι: “to stand at the head of,” more literally, “to take the lead of,” pres. inf. mid. > ἡγέομαι.

    5e. ἤκμασε: 3rd sing. 1st aor. ind. act. > ἀκμάζω.

    ἐπὶ: “in the time of.”

    κατέβη: “descended,” i. e., was perpetuated;  3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. act. > καταβαίνω.

    ἐφυλάχθη: 3rd sing. 1st aor. ind. pass. > φυλάσσω.

    ἐθαυμάσθη: 3rd sing. 1st aor. ind. pass. > θαυμάζω. 

    5f. ἐσφάγη: “was slain,” 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. pass. > σφάζω.

    κατεκόπη καὶ διεφθάρη: “was cut to pieces and destroyed.”

    κατεκόπη, 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. pass. > κατακόπτω.

    διεφθάρη: 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. pass. > διαφθείρω.

    5g. εἰ μεθυσθείη: “in case he were intoxicated,” i. e., whenever he was; 3rd sing. 1st aor. opt. pass. > μεθύσκω.

    5h. ἐμπτύουσι τοῖς παιδίοις: “spit into the bosoms of their children.” This curious piece of superstition is still practiced in Greece. (Consult Dodwell’s Travels, vol. ii., p. 36).

    ὡς μὴ βασκανθῶσιν: “that they may not be injured by the evil eye,” literally, “may not be spell-bound.” (Dodwell, vol. ii., p. 30, seq.). 


    6a. Νέος ὢν: “when young.”

    ὀφθῆναι: 1st aor. inf. pass. > ὄπτομαι.

    6b. Λόγος: “a tradition.”

    ὑσθῆναι: “were rained upon,” 1st aor. infin. pass. of ὕω.

    χρυσῆν … ἐπ’ αὐτοὺς, etc.: “Zeus having broken a golden cloud upon them.”

     ῥήξαντος: 1st aor. part. act. > ῥήγνυμι, gen. absolute.

    6c. ἐπὶ Ἄτυος διὰ λίμον, etc.: “that games were invented in the reign of Atys, in consequence of a famine.” The number of daily meals was lessened in consequence of the scarcity, and to call off the attention of the Lydians from this circumstance, games and amusements were introduced.

    εὑρεθῆναι: 1st aor. inf. pass. > εὑρίσκω. 

    6d.  Ἀριάδνην οἱ μὲν φασὶν ἀπάγξασθαι: “some say that Ariadne hung herself.”

    ἀπάγξασθαι: 1st aor. inf. mid. > ἀπάγχω.

    ἀπολειφθεῖσαν: 1st aor. part. pass. > ἀπολείπω.

    οἱ δὲ: “but others,” φασὶ understood.

    κομισθεῖσαν: 1st aor. part. pass. > κομίζω.

    γαμηθῆναι: 1st aor. inf. pass. > γαμέω.

    6e. τραφεὶς: “having been nurtured,” 2nd aor. part. pass. > τρέφω.

    καὶ μάλιστα ἐν τοῖς, etc.: “and having in particular been carefully trained in gymnastic exercises.”

    ἐγένετο: “became,” 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. mid. > γίνομαι.

    6f. ἐπὶ: “on account of.”

    κἀξοστρακισθεὶς διὰ τοῦτο: “and having been banished for this.”

    κἀξοστρακισθεὶς: = καὶ ἐξοστρακισθεὶς, 1st aor. part. pass. > ἐξοστρακίζω.

    6g. Πόνου μεταλλαχθέντος, etc.: “toils are pleasing, when labor is changed,” i. e., change of labor enables us to endure toils more easily.

    μεταλλαχθέντος: 1st aor. part. pass. > μεταλλάσσω. 

    7a. Ὃ μέλλεις πράττειν: “what you are about to do.”

    ἀποτυχὼν: “having failed,” 2nd aor. part. act. > ἀποτυγχάνω.

    γελασθήσει: 2nd sing. 1st fut. ind. pass. > γελάω, with the Attic termination, in place of the common form γελασθήσῃ.

    7b. σκόπει: “see,” 2nd sing. pres. imperat. act. > σκοπέω.

    τὰς τιμὰς: “the honors which are their due,” observe the force of the article.

    μηδὲν: “in no respect.”

    ἀδικηθήσονται: 3rd pl. 1st fut. ind. pass. > ἀδικέω.

    7c. Αἰδοῦ: “respect,” 2nd sing. pres. imperat. mid. > αἰδέομαι.

    7d. Ἅπαντα δόκει ποιεῖν, etc.: “think that you are doing all things, as if about to escape the observation of no one.” The reference being to the same person implied by δόκει, the pronoun does not appear before the infinitive, but is understood in the nominative, and with this nominative λήσων agrees.

    λήσων: 1st fut. part. act. > λανθάνω.

    καὶ γὰρ ἐὰν, etc.: “for even though you may have concealed it for the present, you will afterward be discovered,” i. e., “may have concealed what you are doing.”

    κρύψῃς: 2nd sing. 1st aor. subj. act. > κρύπτω.

    ὀφθήσει: 2nd sing. 1st fut. ind. pass. > ὄπτομαι. 


    8a. ἀποσταλεὶς: 2nd aor. part. pass. > ἀποστέλλω.

    ὑδρεύσασθαι: “to draw water,” 1st aor. inf. mid. > ὑδρεύω.

    ἡρπάγη: “was forcibly carried off, ” 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. pass. > ἁρπάζω.

    8b. καταπιὼν: 2nd aor. part. act. > καταπίνω.

    ἀπεπνίγη: 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. pass. > ἀποπνίγω.

    8c. ἐρρίφη: 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. pass. > ῥίπτω.

    8d. ἐκρύβη: “hid himself,” 3rd sing. 2nd aor. ind. pass. > κρύπτω, in a middle sense.

    πυθομένου: “having inquired,” 2nd aor. part. mid. > πυνθάνομαι.

    καιρὸν ἔχω μὴ ἀσθενήσας: “I have had a fair time of it in not having been sick,” i. e., “I have been lucky enough not to be sick for some time back.” Observe the force of καιρὸν, which, besides its other meanings, has that of “a favorable,” or, “advantageous time;” χρόνον would have denoted mere continuance of time. The verb ἔχω implies here, in fact, “I have had and still have.”

    ἐλθεῖν: 2d aor. infin. act. > ἔρχομαι. 

    8e. Λέγεται, τὸν Κινέαν, etc.: “it is said that Cineas, when he perceived the spirit of the Romans, remarked unto Pyrrhus, that their senate appeared to him an assembly of kings.”

    φανείη: 3rd sing. 2nd aor. opt. pass. > φαίνω, in a middle sense. In such constructions as the present, the optative is employed to denote what is passing in the mind of the individual who speaks, or, in other words, to express his own thoughts, not those of the writer also.

    8f. Συγκρινομένων: “being compared,” gen. absolute.

    φανείη ἂν: “will appear,” a softened expression instead of φανήσεται, and meaning strictly, “will appear in all likelihood.” 

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