nī: if ... not; unless [quid ni? => why not?]
mīrus –a –um: wonderful, strange, remarkable, amazing, surprising, extraordinary
cumque: however, whenever, howsoever, whensoever,
Acherōn –ontis m.: the Acheron, a river of Hades; the lower world
profundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus: to pour forth; pour, shed
pendeō pendēre pependī: to hang, hang down
Tantalus –ī m.: Tantalus, a name, e.g., father of Pelops
cassus –a –um: void; deprived of; fruitless, vain
formīdō formīdinis f.: fear
torpeō torpēre: to be numb/lethargic; be struck motionless from fear
urgeō urgēre ursī: to press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust; spur on, urge; press hard in attack/pursuit, beset, follow hard on heels of; hem in; threaten by proximity; press verbally/argument/point; follow up
inānis inānis ināne: void, empty, hollow; vain; inane; foolish
Tityos –ī m.: Tityos, a giant, son of Jupiter and Elara, who was slain by Apollo for offering violence to Latona
ineō inīre iniī/inīvī initus: to enter
scrūtor scrūtārī scrūtātus sum: to ransack, search carefully, examine thoroughly, explore, search, examine
profectō: surely, certainly
immānis immāne: huge, monstrous
prōiciō –icere iēci –iectum: to cast forth, throw out, fling to the ground
exstō or extō –āre –āvī –ātus: to stand forth or out; rise above
novem; nōnus –a –um: 9, 9th
dispando, -pansum, ere: to spread out, to stretch out
iūgerum –ī n.: a Roman acre, about five eighths of the English acre; a iuger, an acre; pl., iugera, um, acres; fields, lands, ground. (rel. to iungo and iugum)
obtineō obtinēre obtinuī obtentus: to get hold of; maintain; obtain; hold fast, occupy, posess; prevail
perferō perferre pertulī perlātus: to suffer, endure; report
lacerō lacerāre lacerāvī lacerātus: to tear, mutilate; wound; rend (> lacer)
ānxius –a –um: troubled or troubling, disquieting (> ango)
angor, angoris, m.: a strangling, suffocation, anguish, torment, trouble
quīvīs quaevīs quodvīs or (subst.) quidvīs: who or what thou pleasest; any whatever, any
Sīsyphus or –os –ī m.: Sisyphus, son of Æolus, king of Corinth, famous for his cunning and robberies
ā: ah! alas! (lamentation)
populō populāre populāvī populātus: to plunder, devastate
fascis –is m.: a bundle; burden, pl., fasces, ium, the fasces or bundle of rods, a symbol of authority, borne by the lictors before the higher magistrates of Rome, (meton.), civil honors
secūris secūris f.: axe
im-bibō –bibere –bibī –—: to drink in; to imbibe, conceive
ināne –is n.: void space, a void
sufferō –sufferre –sustulī –sublātum: to take up, submit to, undergo, bear, endure, suffer
nīxor –ātus sum intens. (nītor): to lean upon with the idea of effort; struggle forward on
trūdō –ere –sī –sus: to thrust, shove, push
summus –a –um: highest; top (of); last, final
vertex verticis m.: whirlpool, eddy
volvō volvere voluī volūtum: to turn, roll
plānus –ī m.: level ground, a plain
raptim: snatchingly, hastily, suddenly, speedily, hurriedly
pāscō pāscere pāvī pāstum: to nourish, feed
satiō satiāre satiāvī satiātum: to satisfy, sate
circum: about, around; round about, near; in a circle; in attendance; on both sides
fētus –a –um: pregnant, with young; bearing; filled, full, teeming; having brought forth; fruitful.
lepor lepōris m.: pleasantness, agreeableness, attractiveness, charm
opīnor opīnārī opīnātus sum: to suppose, imagine
flōreō flōrēre flōruī: to flourish, blossom, be prosperous; be in one's prime
expleō explēre explēvī explētus: to fill up, fulfil
memorō memorāre memorāvī memorātus: to remember; be mindful of (+ gen./acc.); mention/recount/relate, remind/speak of
latex –icis m.: a liquid; liquor; wine; water
pertundō pertundere pertudī pertūsus: to thrust through, bore through, perforate
congerō –gerere –gessī –gestum: to gather together, collect; pile up
vas vadis m.: one who guarantees court appearance of defendant; surety; bail
Cerberus –ī m.: Cerberus, the three–headed watch–dog of Pluto
furiae –ārum f.: rage, fury, madness, frenzy; vengeance; personif., Furiae, arum, the goddesses of vengeance, the Furies, Allecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone; the Avengers; for the Harpies (> furo)
egestās –ātis f.: poverty, destitution, penury, need, want, personified (> egeo)
Tartarus –ī m. pl. –Tartara –ōrum n.: the lower world, Hades; especially that portion which was set apart for the wicked; Tartarus
horrifer –fera –ferum: fear–bringing; dreadful (> horreo and fero)
ēructō ēructāre ēructāvī ēructātus: to belch out; to vomit, throw forth or out; discharge
faux faucis f.: the throat, gullet; pl. jaws, mouth
aestus aestūs m.: heat; agitation, passion, seething
usquam: anywhere
īnsīgne īnsīgnis n.: medal, decoration
īnsīgnis īnsīgne: conspicuous, manifest, eminent, notable, famous, distinguished, outstanding
luela: an expiation, a punishment
carcer carceris m.: prison, jail
horribilis horribile: dreadful, monstrous
iactus –ūs m.: a cast; leap; shot; reach (> iacio)
deorsum or deorsus: downwards, down
carnifex –icis m.: executioner
rōbur rōboris n.: oak, strength
pix –picis f.: pitch
lamina: a leaf, layer, lamina, plate, thin slice
taeda taedae f.: torch
etsī: although
cōnscius –a –um: having knowledge of, conscious
praemetuō –ere: to fear beforehand, dread
stimulus –ī m.: a prick; spur, (fig.); incentive, sting
torreō –ēre –uī –tostus: to burn, scorch, roast, parch; rush, roll; of a river bank; p., torrens, entis, subst., a torrent, 7.567.
flagellum –ī n.: a scourge or whip; thong (dim. of flagrum, a whip)
intereā: meanwhile
terminus –ī m.: a boundary line; limit, end, destiny
malum malī n.: evil, misfortune, calamity
gravesco, gravescere: to become burdened, grow heavy
Acherusia, -ae f.: A Lake in Epirus, through which the Acheron flows
stultus –a –um: foolish, stupid