quāpropter neque nātālī prīvāta vidētur

esse diē nātūra animae nec fūneris expers.

Sēmina praetereā linquontur necne animāī

corpore in exanimō? quod sī lincuntur et īnsunt,

haut erit ut meritō inmortālīs possit habērī,715

partibus āmissīs quoniam lībāta recessit.

sīn ita sincērīs membrīs ablāta profūgit,

ut nūllās partīs in corpore līquerit ex sē,

unde cadāvera rancentī iam viscēre vermēs

expīrant atque unde animantum cōpia tanta720

exos et exanguīs tumidōs perfluctuat artūs?

quod sī forte animās extrīnsecus īnsinuārī?

vermibus et prīvās in corpora posse venīre

crēdis nec reputās cūr mīlia multa animārum

conveniant unde ūna recesserit, hoc tamen est ut725

quaerendum videātur et in discrīmen agendum,

utrum tandem animae vēnentur sēmina quaeque

vermiculōrum ipsaeque sibī fabricentur ubī sint,

an quasi corporibus perfectīs īnsinuentur.

at neque cūr faciant ipsae quārēve labōrent730

dīcere suppeditat. neque enim, sine corpore cum sunt,

sollicitae volitant morbīs algūque famēque;

corpus enim magis hīs vitiīs adfīne labōrat,

et mala multa animus contāge fungitur eius.

sed tamen hīs estō quamvīs facere ūtile corpus,735

cum subeant; at quā possint via nūlla vidētur.

haut igitur faciunt animae sibi corpora et artūs.

nec tamen est ut quī [cum] perfectīs īnsinuentur

corporibus; neque enim poterunt suptīliter esse

cōnexae neque cōnsēnsū contāgia fīent.740

    713-740: To understand this argument, bear in mind that Lucr. has previously argued (in book II) that worms (vermes, here obviously "maggots") are born spontaneously, not through sexual reproduction. Accordingly, it seems obvious to him that the rotting corpse of a larger animal is a promising location for the production of worms, for the dead animal's anima is dissolved into constituent parts that furnish abundant material for the worms. 

    715: ut merito inmortalis possit haberi a substantive clause of result acting as apparent subject of impersonal erit; the subject of possit is an understood anima.  

    717: sinceris membris: "intact;" obviously the anima has no membra in the way that the corpus does.  

    721: exos et exanguis both modify copiaexos , exossis (adj. < ex + os, ossis) "boneless" seems to be a Lucretian coinage.  

    723: privas (animas) .  

    725: hoc, the subject of videatur, points to the indirect question that follows. est impersonal and existential in the sense of "it is the case," followed by a substantive clause of result (ut ...videatur) in which videatur authorizes the infinitives quaerendum [esse] and agendum [esse]: "... you don't wonder why so many thousands of animae come together where one anima has departed. Still, it is the case that the following [question] seems to be necessary to ask and bring into dispute: whether …." 738 contains a similar use of est.  

    727: venentur semina quaeque / vermiculorum: "hunt for the individual seeds of the wormettes." 

    728: sibi fabricentur "construct for themselves" ubi sint = haec corpora ubi sint similar to the fused relative construction: "those bodies where they are found."  

    731: neque negates suppeditat. dicere suppeditat: dicere is infinitive as subject of suppeditat "to say is not easy."  

    734: mala multa object of fungitur (often with accusative instead of ablative in Lucr. and early writers). contage ablative of cause, but note the quantity of the final syllable (-ē). eius refers to corpus in line 733.  

    735: esto quamvis facere utile corpus "may it be howsoever useful." esto (future imperative) < sum.  

    736: possint relative clause of characteristic.  

    738: utqui an emphatic form of ut.  

    740: consensus genitive singular with contagia "the touches of shared sensation." 

    quāpropter: for what, wherefore, why; therefore

    nātālis –e: of or belonging to one's birth, birth–, natal  

    prīvō prīvāre prīvāvī prīvātus: to deprive of  

    expers expertis: lacking  

    sēmen sēmenis n.: seed  

    linquō linquere līquī: to leave, relinquish; to remain

    necne (in Indirect Question): or not  

    exanimō exanimāre exanimāvī exanimātus: to deprive of life; p., exanimatus, a, um, without breath, breathless; disheartened; terrified (> ex and anima)  

    quod: because, the fact that, which  

    īnsum inesse īnfuī: to be in  


    meritum meritī n.: punishment, reward  

    immortālis immortālis immortāle: immortal, not subject to death; eternal, everlasting, perpetual; imperishable  

    lībō libāre libāvī libātus: to pour, taste  

    sincērus –a –um: clean, pure, sound, not spoiled, uninjured, whole, entire, real, natural, genuine, sincere  

    profugiō profugere profūgī: to flee, escape  

    cadāver –eris n.: a dead body, carcass, corpse (> cado)  

    rancēns, -ntis: rancid, stinking, putrid rancid, stinking, putrid 

    vīscus vīsceris n.: innards, viscera, guts  

    vermis –is m.: a worm  


    exspīrō exspīrāre exspīrāvī exspīrātus: to breathe out; to expire, die  

    animō animāre: to enliven, quicken, animate; to endow with, to give

    exos, -ossis, m., f. or n.: boneless, without bones  

    exsanguis –e: without blood; lifeless; pale with terror, terrified  

    tumidus –a –um: swollen  

    perfluctuo, perfluctuāre, perfluctuāvi, perfluctuātus: to flow through, to swarm over  

    artus artūs m.: limb, leg  

    extrīnsecus: from abroad, from without; externally, extrinsically  

    īnsinuō īnsinuāre īnsinuāvī īnsinuātus: to embosom; to penetrate  

    prīvus, -a, -um: each, every individual; single  

    reputō reputāre reputāvī reputātus: to think, consider  

    mīlia mīlium n.: thousands  


    ūnā: together, together with; at the same time, along with  

    discrīmen discriminis n.: division, crisis  

    venōr venārī venātus sum: to hunt, go hunting; to arrive 

    quīque quaeque quodque: each, every  

    vermiculus, - ī m.: a grub, a tiny worm  

    fabricō fabricāre fabricāvī fabricātus: to construct, frame, build (> fabrica, structure)  


    perficiō perficere perfēcī perfectus: to complete, accomplish  

    suppeditō –suppeditāre: to give in abundance, furnish bountifully, provide, supply freely  

    sollicitus –a –um: concerned, worried; upset, troubled, disturbed, anxious, apprehensive  

    volitō volitāre volitāvī volitātus: to fly around  

    algus -ūs m.: the feeling of cold  

    affīnis –e: a connection by marriage or other close relationship  


    contāges -is f.: contact, touch  

    fungor fungī fūnctus sum: to perform, occupy oneself; to catch 


    subtīlis –e: fine–textured, delicate  

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