perquam: as much as possible, extremely, exceedingly
pauxillus –a –um: little, small
sēmen sēmenis n.: seed
simplex –icis: artless, naïve, lacking guile
tenuis tenue: thin, fine; delicate; slight, slender; little, unimportant; weak, feeble
moribundus –a –um: in a dying condition; ready to die, dying; lifeless; mortal (> morior)
vapor –ōris m.: vapor, steam; heat
porrō: forward, of space, time, or of mental operations, far off; afterwards, in process of time, then; further
calor –ōris m.: warmth, heat, vital heat (> caleo)
prīmōrdium –ī n.: beginning, origin, commencement
triplex –icis: threefold, triple
sensĭfer –fĕra –fĕrum: producing sensation
mōtus mōtūs m.: motion, movement; disturbance
volūtō volūtāre volūtāvī volūtātus: to roll about; to roll back, reëcho; roll or send through, make resound; of thought, turn over, ponder, think over; meditate; with ellipsis of the acc.; n., fall prostrate (> volvo)
attribuō attribuere attribuī attribūtus: to assign, allot, make over
omnīnō: entirely, altogether [after negatives/with numerals => at all/in all]
expers expertis: lacking
mōbilis –e: easy to move, movable, loose, not firm
tenuis tenue: thin, fine; delicate; slight, slender; little, unimportant; weak, feeble
exstō or extō –āre –āvī –ātus: to stand forth or out; rise above
elementum –ī n.: a first principle, simple substance, element
sensĭfer –fĕra –fĕrum: producing sensation
mōtus mōtūs m.: motion, movement; disturbance
dīdō –ere –dīdidī –dīditus: to spread abroad, disseminate
artus artūs m.: limb, leg
cieō –ēre –cīvī –citus: to cause, to move; stir; agitate, move; excite, kindle, rouse; raise; call upon, invoke; call up, exhibit; of tears, shed
perficiō perficere perfēcī perfectus: to complete, accomplish
figūra figūrae f.: form, shape
calor –ōris m.: warmth, heat, vital heat (> caleo)
mōtus mōtūs m.: motion, movement; disturbance
mobilitō mobilitāre mobilitāvī mobilitatus: to make moveable, to make quick
concutiō –cutere –cussī –cussus: shake, beat, strike; terrify; disturb, distract
vīscus vīsceris n.: innards, viscera, guts
persentīsco persentīscere: to perceive clearly, detect, tingle
medulla medullae f.: marrow, kernel; innermost part
contrārius –a –um: opposite, contrary, hostile
ārdor ārdōris m.: burning, heat, eagerness
temerē: rashly, blindly
penetrō penetrāre penetrāvī penetrātus: to go into, penetrate
permānō permānāre permānāvī permānātus: to flow through; leak through; permeate
malum malī n.: evil, misfortune, calamity
perturbō perturbāre perturbāvī perturbātus: to confuse, throw into confusion; disturb, perturb, trouble; alarm
diffugiō –ere –fūgī: to flee apart; run away, flee
caulae –ārum f.: an opening, a passage; sheepfold, a pore
summus –a –um: highest; top (of); last, final
mōtus mōtūs m.: motion, movement; disturbance
pactum pactī n.: way, manner
cōmō comere cōmpsī cōmptus: to arrange; adorn, make beautiful; embellish
vigeō –ēre –uī: to flourish
aveō avēre: to wish for, long after, desire earnestly, crave
abstrahō –trahere –trāxī –tractum: to drag away
invītus –a –um: reluctant; unwilling; against one's will
egestās –ātis f.: poverty, destitution, penury, need, want, personified (> egeo)
summātim: on the surface, on the outside, slightly
attingō attingere attigī attāctus: to touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to