fulmen fulminis n.: lightening, thunderbolt
concidō concidere concidī: to fall down, fall faint, fall dead, fall victim, fall to earth, fall short, collapse; drop, subside; decline; perish, be slain/sacrificed; lose one's case, fail, give out, lose heart, decay
spūma –ae f.: froth, foam, spray; pl., spray
ingemō –ere –uī –itus: to sigh or groan; groan for (+ acc.); lament, bewail
tremō tremere tremuī: to tremble
artus artūs m.: limb, leg
dēsipiō dēsipere —: to be void of understanding, be silly, act foolishly
extentō -āre -āvī -ātum: to extend, to stretch out, to elongate
nervus –ī m.: muscle, tendon; cord, string
torqueō torquēre torsī tortum: to twist, torture
anhēlō anhēlāre anhēlāvī anhēlātus: to pant; of a furnace, to puff, roar
incōnstāns –antis: inconstant, changeable, fickle, capricious, inconsistent
iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus: to throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss
fatīgō fatīgāre fatīgāvī fatīgātus: to tire, wear out
nī: if ...not; unless; quid ni? = why not?
mīrus –a –um: wonderful, strange, remarkable, amazing, surprising, extraordinary
distrahō –trahere –traxī –tractum: to pull apart, tear to pieces
spūmō spūmāre spūmāvī spūmātus: to foam
salsus –a –um: made salty; salted; salt–, briny
fervescō fervescere –: to become hot, to boil up, to seethe
exprimō exprimere expressī expressum: to press, express
porrō: forward, of space, time, or of mental operations, far off; afterwards, in process of time, then; further
gemitus –ūs m.: a groaning; a groan; sigh; lamentation; cry; noise, roaring
omnīnō: entirely, altogether [after negatives/with numerals => at all/in all]; in general
quod: because, the fact that, which
ēliciō ēlicere ēlicuī: to allure, entice out, elicit
forās: out of doors, out through the doors, forth, out
glomerō glomerāre glomerāvī glomerātus: to form into a ball; mass together
cōnsuō -ere -suī -sūtum: to sew, stich or join together
mūniō mūnīre mūnīvī mūnītus: to fortify; strengthen; protect, defend, safeguard; build (a road)
conturbō conturbāre conturbāvī conturbātus: to confuse, disturb, derange, disorder, confound
seorsum: separately, apart
dīsiciō –ere –iēcī –iectus: to throw, cast asunder; overthrow, demolish; scatter, disperse; cleave
distrahō –ere –trahere –traxī –tractum: to pull apart, tear to pieces
venēnum venēnī n.: poison; drug
reflectō reflectere reflexī reflexus: to bend back, turn backwards, turn about, turn away
latebra –ae f.: hiding place, concealment
vacillō vacillāre vacillāvī vacillātum: to stagger, to sway to and fro, to reel, to hesitate, to vacillate
cōnsurgō –ere –surrēxī –surrēctus: to rise together, rise up; rise at once; rise; rise or spring to the oars, ply
paulātim: little by little, by degrees, gradually; a small amount at a time, bit by bit
receptō receptāre receptāvī receptātus: to take back or out; recover
dēgō –ere –dēgī: to pass, spend
sānō sānāre sānāvī sānātus: to heal
flectō flectere flēxī flexus: to bend, curve, bow; turn, curl; persuade, prevail on, soften
medicīna –ae f.: the healing art; medicine, remedy
praesāgiō praesāgīre —: to forbode, to have as a prognosis, to portend; predict
trāiciō –icere –iēcī –iectum: to transfer; transport; pierce, transfix
prorsum: at all, even a little bit
summa summae f.: peak, summit
dētrahō –ere –trāxī –tractum: to take away from
hīlum, -ī n.: a spot, a trifle; a spot on a seed; (in the negative) not in the least
commūtō commūtāre commūtāvī commūtātus: to change, alter
cumque: however, whenever, howsoever, whensoever,
adorior adorīrī adortus sum: to assail, assault, attack, rise against (military/political/plague); accost, address, improperly influence; undertake, try, attempt, come to grips; begin, set to work
īnfit: one begins; he begins to speak
trānsferō trānsferre trānstulī trānslātus: to transport/convey/transfer/shift; transpose; carry/bring across/over; transplant, copy out (writing); translate (language); postpone, transfer date; transform
tribuō tribuere tribuī tribūtus: to divide, assign; present; grant, allot, bestow, attribute
immortālis immortālis immortāle: immortal, not subject to death; eternal, everlasting, perpetual; imperishable
dēfluō –ere –fluxī –fluxus: to flow down; sail down; alight, descend; fall, descend
continuō: immediately, straightway
aegrēscō –ere: to become sick; grow worse
mortālia –ium n.: human affairs; fortunes, woes
videor vidērī vīsus sum: to seem; be seen
effugium –iī n.: a fleeing away; pl., flight, escape
praeclūdō praeclūdere praeclūsī praeclūsum: to shut off, shut, close
anceps: two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two/opposite directions/fronts; twofold; on two sides/fronts (war/attack); undecided, drawn, hanging in balance (battle); double; w/two meanings; uncertain; dangerous, perilous; ambiguous; unsettled; doubtful
refūtō refūtāre refūtāvī refūtātus: to repel; disprove, refute, falsify, disappoint
convincō convincere convīcī convīctus: to prove wrong, refute
falsum –ī n.: an untruth, falsehood, fraud, deceit
membrātim: piecemeal, singly, severally; by limbs or members
vītālis –e: pertaining to life; essential to life, vital
dēperdō –perdere –perdidī –perditum: to destroy, ruin
digitus digitī m.: finger
līvescō, livescere, livuī: to grow black and blow with bruises, to become livid
unguis –is m.: fingernail; claw, talon
pedes peditis m.: foot soldier, infantryman; pedestrian, who goes on foot; infantry (pl.)
tractim: at length, by degrees, in a drawn-out manner, slowly, little by little
gelidus –a –um: cold, icy
sincērus –a –um: clean, pure, sound, not spoiled, uninjured, whole, entire, real, natural, genuine, sincere
exstō or extō –āre –āvī –ātus: to stand forth or out; rise above
intrōrsum or intrōrsus: towards the inside, inwards, within
condūcō conducere condūxī conductus: to draw/bring together, collect, assemble; unite/join; cause to curdle/coagulate; employ, hire; rent; borrow; contract for, undertake; farm the taxes
dīdūcō –dūcere –dūxī –ductum: to draw apart, separate
nusquam: nowhere; on no occasion
dīlaniō, dīlaniāre, dīlaniāvī, dīlaniātum: to shred, to rip asunder
dispergō –ere –spersī –spersus: to sprinkle, shower around; disperse, scatter; diffuse, dissolve (> dis– and spargo)
intereō interīre interīvī/interiī interitūrus: to perish, die; be ruined; cease
linquō linquere līquī: to leave, relinquish
moribundus –a –um: in a dying condition; ready to die, dying; lifeless; mortal (> morior)
particulatim: little by little, gradually; piecemeal; singly, severally
contrahō contrahere contrāxī contractus: to collect, contract, reduce
obbrūtescō, obbrūtescere, –, –: to become brutish, to become dull
restō restāre restitī: to remain, resist