Headword Definition Part of Speech Semantic Group Frequency Rank
ā ab abs dev_testing Preposition Place 21
abeō -īre -iī -itum 立ち去る、出かける、(…を)持ち去る、(…と)駆け落ちする、消えうせる Verb: Irregular Motion 553
absum abesse āfuī 席を外す、いない、距離がある Verb: Irregular Travel 445
ac …と…、および、そして、…と…(との間に)、(…も)…も、(…と同時に)また、…しながら、…して(から)、それから Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 36
accēdō -cēdere -cessī -cessum 近づく、接近する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 614
accidō -cidere -cidī 落ちる;起こる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 799
accipiō -cipere -cēpī -ceptum 受け取る、受理する、(…を)受け取る、受け入れる、受ける、経験する、応じる、支える、受け止める、迎え撃つ Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Social Life 110
ācer ācris ācre 鋭い、洞察力のある Adjective: 3rd Declension Other Senses 587
aciēs -ēī f. (二つの線の接する)縁、戦線 Noun: 5th Declension War and Peace 439
ad …(のほう)へ、…まで、…へ、…に、…のほうに(当たって)、…に至るまで Preposition Place 14
addō -dere -didī -ditum 伝える、告げる、教える、割り当てる、あてがう Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Social Life 433
addūcō -ere -dūxī -ductum 結果につながる、(…を)誘導する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 886
adeō -īre -iī -itum ...に行く Verb: Irregular Motion 595
adeō (副詞)…である程度に Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 555
adhibeō -hibēre -hibuī -hibitum (…に)当てる、塗る、つける、当てる、用いる、(…に)適用する、応用する、注ぐ、傾ける、(…に)専念する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Making/Doing 959
adhūc そんなにまで、今までのところでは Adverb Place 379
adveniō -īre -vēnī -ventum たどり着く、到着する Verb: 4th Conjugation Travel 987
adversus -a -um 相対、対立している、不向きな Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension War and Peace 657
adversus (-um) (副詞また前置詞)相対、対立している、不向きな Adverb War and Peace 460
advertō -vertere -vertī -versum 向かう Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 986
aedēs -is f. 建物、住宅 Noun: 3rd Declension The House 965
aeger aegra aegrum 病気の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Life and Being 810
aegrē 辛うじて、どうやら、辛くも、(非常に)苦労して、やっと、 Adverb Life and Being 984
aequē 等しく、同様に、均等に、均一に Adverb Justice 904
aequor aequoris n. 水準面、海、平原 Noun: 3rd Declension Earth and Water 424
aequus -a -um 等しい Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Justice 610
āēr āeris m. 空気 Noun: 3rd Declension Air and Fire 845
aes aeris n. 銅、ブロンズ Noun: 3rd Declension Business/Money 744
aetās -tātis f. 年齢、人生の一時期 Noun: 3rd Declension Lengths of Time 308
aeternus -a -um 永久に続く、永遠の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Lengths of Time 734
aethēr aetheris n. きれいな高層大気、青空、天空 Noun: 3rd Declension Air and Fire 851
aevum -i n. 永遠、生涯、年齢 Noun: 2nd Declension Lengths of Time 875
afferō afferre attulī allātum もたらす Verb: Irregular Verbs of Transport 514
afficiō -ficere -fēcī -fectum 影響を及ぼす(奪格支配) Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Social Life 958
ager agrī m. 野原 Noun: 2nd Declension Animals/Plants 324
agitō -āre 運転する、駆り立てる、推進する、作動させる Verb: 1st Conjugation Verbs of Compelling/Directing 578
āgmen -minis n. 行進路 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 358
agō agere ēgī āctum 駆る、行う、行動する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 69
aiō 肯定する;断言する、保証する Verb: Irregular Speech/Oratory 406
albus -a -um 白い Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Vision 925
aliēnus -a -um 外国の、奇妙な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Geography 367
aliquandō いつか、ついに Adverb Time 763
aliquis -quae -quod 若干の、多少の Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 77
aliter そうでなければ、それと違って Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 782
alius -a -ud 他の、別の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Pronouns/Interrogatives 37
alō alere aluī alitum 養う Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Life and Being 817
alter altera alterum うちのもう一方 Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 148
altus -a -um 高い、深い Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Geography 159
amīcitia -ae f. 友情 Noun: 1st Declension Social Life 690
amīcus -a -um 友好的な; 名詞:友達 Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 198
āmittō -mittere -mīsī -missum 行かせる、追い払う Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 486
amnis -is m. 川、急流 Noun: 3rd Declension Earth and Water 467
amō -āre 愛する;恋している Verb: 1st Conjugation Love 219
amor -ōris m. 愛情 Noun: 3rd Declension Love 116
amplus -a -um 大きい、雄大な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 915
an または、にしても Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 94
anima -ae f. 息、生命、霊魂 Noun: 1st Declension Life and Being 493
animal -ālis n. 生物、動物 Noun: 3rd Declension Animals/Plants 547
animus -ī m. 霊魂、精神 Noun: 2nd Declension Life and Being 40
annus -ī m. Noun: 2nd Declension Lengths of Time 167
ante ~の前 Preposition Time 112
antequam 以前に Conjunction Time 787
antīquus -a -um 古代の、昔の、以前の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Lengths of Time 617
aperiō aperīre aperuī apertum 開く Verb: 4th Conjugation The House 837
appāreō -ēre -uī 現われる Verb: 2nd Conjugation Vision 830
appellō -pellāre 呼ぶ、命名する Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 700
aptus -a -um 適当な、相応しい Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 916
apud 近く、~の前 Preposition Place 205
aqua -ae f. Noun: 1st Declension Earth and Water 272
āra -ae f. 祭壇 Noun: 1st Declension Religion 374
arbitror arbitrārī arbitrātus sum 考える、思考 Verb: Deponent Education/Knowledge 963
arbor arboris f. 樹木 Noun: 3rd Declension Animals/Plants 468
ārdeō ārdēre ārsī ārsum 燃える、照り輝く、熱望する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Air and Fire 618
argentum -ī n. 銀、貨幣 Noun: 2nd Declension Business/Money 849
arma -ōrum n. pl. 武器、兵器 Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 98
ars artis f. スキル、技能 Noun: 3rd Declension Education/Knowledge 258
arvum -ī n. 耕地、畑 Noun: 2nd Declension Animals/Plants 637
arx arcis f. 城、頂上 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 638
ascendō -ere -scendī -scēnsum 上昇する、登る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Travel 990
aspiciō -ere -spēxī -spectum 見る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Vision 483
adsum adesse affuī 出席する Verb: Irregular Place 279
astrum -ī n. 星、星座 Noun: 2nd Declension Air and Fire 685
at しかし、それでも Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 74
atque その他、さらに、そして;比較級とともによりも Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 35
auctor -ōris m. 創作者、創始者、創設者 Noun: 3rd Declension Writing/Poetry 546
auctōritās -ātis f. 影響、権力、権威 Noun: 3rd Declension Social Life 898
audāx audācis 大胆な、斬新な、無謀な Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 876
audeō audēre ausus sum あえて~する、したがる Verb: 2nd Conjugation Personality Traits/Characteristics 270
audiō -īre -īvī/-iī -ītum 聞く、聞こうとする Verb: 4th Conjugation Other Senses 165
auferō auferre abstulī ablātum 取り除く Verb: Irregular Verbs of Transport 556
augeō augēre auxī auctum 増える、増加する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Making/Doing 709
avis -is f. Noun: 3rd Declension Animals/Plants 855
aura -ae f. 微風、そよ風 Noun: 1st Declension Air and Fire 420
aureus -a -um 金色の、金(製)の、華麗な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Business/Money 691
auris -is f. Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 366
aurum -ī n. 金、黄金、金貨 Noun: 2nd Declension Business/Money 303
aut または Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 24
autem そのうえ、しかし、しかしながら Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 123
auxilium -ī n. 支持、手伝い、援助 Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 543
barbarus -ī m. 外国人、野蛮人 Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 768
beātus -a -um 幸福な、恵まれた、富裕な、幸運な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 408
bellum -ī n. 戦争 Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 86
bene よく Adverb Personality Traits/Characteristics 235
beneficium -ī n. 奉仕、優しさ Noun: 2nd Declension Social Life 182
bonus -a -um 良い、優秀な、善良な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 68
bōs bovis m. 雄牛 Noun: 3rd Declension Animals/Plants 808
brevis -e 短い、浅い、簡潔な Adjective: 3rd Declension Measurement 589
breviter 簡単に Adverb Measurement 992
cadō cadere cecidī cāsum 落ちる、倒れる、死する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Violence 210
caecus -a -um 目の不自由な、よく見ない、暗い、はっきりしない Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Vision 728
caedēs -is f. 殺害、屠殺 Noun: 3rd Declension Violence 415
caedō caedere cecīdī caesum 殴る、殺す、倒す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Violence 612
caelestis -e 天国の、神の Adjective: 3rd Declension Air and Fire 960
caelum -ī n. 空、天空,天国 Noun: 2nd Declension Air and Fire 117
campus -ī m. 平原、野原 Noun: 2nd Declension Earth and Water 391
candidus -a -um 白い、色白の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Vision 692
canis -is m./f. Noun: 3rd Declension Animals/Plants 687
canō canere cecinī cantum 歌う、詩に作る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Writing/Poetry 389
capiō capere cēpī captum つかむ、握る、捕まえる、強奪する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō War and Peace 131
caput capitis n. 頭、頭部、首 Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 124
careō -ēre -uī 欠く、足りない Verb: 2nd Conjugation Business/Money 572
carmen -inis n. 歌、歌曲、短詩 Noun: 3rd Declension Writing/Poetry 254
cārus -a -um 親愛な、愛しい Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 462
castrum -ī n. 要塞、要塞地 Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 224
castus -a -um 純粋な、無垢の、純潔な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 838
cāsus -ūs m. 落下、機会、事故 Noun: 4th Declension Violence 344
caveō cavēre cāvī cautum 注意する、用心する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Violence 941
causa -ae f. 理由、原因(+gen);責任;口実;目的 Noun: 1st Declension Speech/Oratory 107
cēdō cēdere cessī cessum 行く、動かす、もたらす、譲渡する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō War and Peace 304
celebrō -āre 込み合う、群がる Verb: 1st Conjugation The City 893
celer -is -e 速い、即座の Adjective: 3rd Declension Time 745
celeriter 急いで、速く Adverb Time 967
cēnseō cēnsēre cēnsuī cēnsum 評価する、思考する、決定する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Education/Knowledge 928
centum Adjective: Numeral Measurement 730
cernō cernere crēvī crētum 識別する、分ける Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Education/Knowledge 655
certē 確かに、間違いなく Adverb Measurement 601
certō -āre 競技,格闘、試合で勝負 Verb: 1st Conjugation Athletics 864
certus -a -um 確信して、決まった Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 285
cēterum あとは、ほかに、それはともかく Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 571
cēterus -a -um もう一方の、その他、残り Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Pronouns/Interrogatives 596
cibus -ī m. 食物 Noun: 2nd Declension Life and Being 863
cingō cingere cīnxī cīnctum 一周する、囲む、包囲する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō War and Peace 814
cinis cineris m./f. 灰、燃えさし Noun: 3rd Declension Air and Fire 779
circā ~の周囲に Preposition Place 735
citus -a -um 速い、急な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Time 590
cīvis -is m./f. 公民 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 471
cīvitās -ātis f. 市民権、国家 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 346
clāmor -ōris m. 抗議、叫ぶ Noun: 3rd Declension Speech/Oratory 605
clārus -a -um 明確な、はっきりした、著名で Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 395
classis -is f. (社会)階級、区分、艦隊 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 505
claudō claudere clausī clausum 閉じる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō The House 392
coepī coepisse coeptus 始める Verb: Irregular Time 312
cōgitō -āre 思考する、熟考する Verb: 1st Conjugation Education/Knowledge 515
cōgnōscō -gnōscere -gnōvī -gnitum 学ぶ、理解する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Education/Knowledge 339
cōgō cōgere coēgī coāctum 集まる、強要する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 250
cohors cohortis f. 歩兵隊 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 666
colligō -ere -lēgī -lēctum 集める Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 820
colō colere coluī cultum 居住する、耕作する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Animals/Plants 333
color -ōris m. Noun: 3rd Declension Vision 725
coma -ae f. Noun: 1st Declension The Body 405
comes comitis m./f. 仲間、付き添い人、従者 Noun: 3rd Declension Social Life 448
committō -mittere -mīsī -missum 結合する、委託する(+dat.);行う Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Social Life 608
commūnis -e 共通の、全般の Adjective: 3rd Declension The City 660
comparō -āre 比較する Verb: 1st Conjugation Business/Money 890
compōnō -pōnere posuī positum 建設する、手配する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Making/Doing 443
concēdō -cēdere -cessī -cessum 譲渡する、撤退する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō War and Peace 663
condīciō -ōnis f. 協定、条件 Noun: 3rd Declension Business/Money 920
condō -dere -didī -ditum 建設する、創建する.、蓄える;隠す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō The City 540
cōnferō cōnferre contulī collātum 集める Verb: Irregular Verbs of Transport 645
cōnficiō -ficere -fēcī -fectum 完了する、成し遂げる;全滅させる、消費する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Violence 894
cōnfiteor cōnfitērī cōnfessus sum 認める、告白する、明かす Verb: Deponent Justice 972
coniunx coniugis m./f. 配偶者、夫、妻 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 218
cōnor cōnārī cōnātus sum 試みる Verb: Deponent Making/Doing 905
cōnsequor -sequī -secūtus sum 追求する、追いつく、到達する Verb: Deponent Motion 917
cōnsilium -ī n. 案、評議会 Noun: 2nd Declension The City 217
cōnsistō -sistere -stitī 主張する、構成される Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Speech/Oratory 780
cōnstituō -stituere -stituī -stitūtum 設立する、結合する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Making/Doing 652
cōnstō -stāre -stitī 一緒に立っている;存続する;一致する;確定している、周知である;(~から)なる Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 731
cōnsuētūdo -inis f. 習慣、慣習 Noun: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 954
cōnsul -ulis m. 執政官(共和制期ローマの最高官職;毎年2名を選出) Noun: 3rd Declension The City 321
cōnsulō -sulere -suluī -sultum よく考える、世話する(+dat)、対処する、相談する(+acc) Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō The City 757
cōnsūmō -sūmere -sūmpsī -sūmptum 使う、使い果たす、(時を)過ごす、殺す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Life and Being 869
contemnō -temnere -tempsī -temptum 軽蔑する、無視する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Emotions 615
contineō -tinēre -tinuī -tentum 結合する、含む、保存する、抑制する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Verbs of Compelling/Directing 804
contingō -tingere -tigī -tactum 触れる、隣接する、関わる、起こる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Place 494
contrā 相対して、それに対して、逆に(+acc) Preposition Place 271
conveniō -venīre -vēnī -ventum 集まる、集合する;同意する:適合する Verb: 4th Conjugation Social Life 698
convertō -vertere -vertī -versum 回転させる;移動させる;変わる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 834
convīvium -iī n. 宴会、会食者、客 Noun: 2nd Declension Social Life 921
cōpia -ae f. 豊富、大量;(pl)部隊 Noun: 1st Declension War and Peace 331
cor cordis n. 心臓;人;いとしい人 Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 795
cornu -ūs n. Noun: 4th Declension Animals/Plants 591
corpus corporis n. 身体、肉体 Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 75
corrumpō -rumpere -rūpī -ruptum 損傷する、破壊す;腐敗させる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Violence 870
crēdō crēdere crēdidī crēditum 信ずる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Education/Knowledge 109
creō -āre 産む;創造する;引き起こす;選出する Verb: 1st Conjugation Making/Doing 978
crēscō crēscere crēvī crētum 成長する;強大になる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Animals/Plants 609
crīmen -inis n. 告発;非難;犯罪 Noun: 3rd Declension Justice 475
culpa -ae f. 過失、罪;責任 Noun: 1st Declension Justice 769
cum ~といっしょに;~と同時に Preposition Conjunctions/Adverbs 10
cūnctus -a -um 全部の、全体の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 292
cupīdō -inis f. 熱望、情欲、貪欲 Noun: 3rd Declension Love 906
cupiō -ere -īvī -ītum 切望する;愛着を示す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Love 441
cūr なぜ、どうして Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 404
cūra -ae f. 注意、配慮、関心 Noun: 1st Declension Love 186
cūrō -āre 配慮する、世話する,気に掛ける(+acc) Verb: 1st Conjugation Love 743
currō currere cucurrī cursum 走る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Athletics 562
currus -ūs m. 馬車;戦車;競走用馬車 Noun: 4th Declension Athletics 491
cursus -ūs m. 競走;航路;進行 Noun: 4th Declension Athletics 351
custōs custōdis m. 見張人、監視人;保護者;看守 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 622
damnō -āre 損害をを与える;有罪の判決をする Verb: 1st Conjugation Justice 751
damnum -ī n. 損害;罰金 Noun: 2nd Declension Violence 926
~から;~から出た;~によって(+abl) Preposition Place 46
dēbeō dēbēre dēbuī dēbitum 負債がある;義務がある Verb: 2nd Conjugation Business/Money 155
decem 10(の) Adjective: Numeral Measurement 914
dēcernō -cernere -crēvī -crētum 判決する;承認する;宣言する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Education/Knowledge 800
decet decēre decuīt 適している Verb: Impersonal Personality Traits/Characteristics 718
decus decoris n. 美;光栄;徳 Noun: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 548
dēdūcō -dūcere -dūxī -ductum 引き下ろす;(船を)出帆させる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Travel 661
dēfendō -fendere -fendī -fēnsum 防ぐ;抵抗する;保護する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō War and Peace 653
dēferō -ferre -tulī -lātum 運ぶ;落とす;(船を)進ませる;申告する Verb: Irregular Verbs of Transport 805
deficiō -ficere -fēcī -fectum 背く;不足する;見捨てる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō War and Peace 676
deinde/dein それから、その後、以後 Adverb Time 150
dēnique ついに、最後に;つまり;さらに Adverb Time 796
dēscendō -scendere -scendī -scēnsum 降りる;沈む;伝わる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Travel 802
dēserō -ere dēseruī dēsertum 見捨てる、見放す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 544
dēsīderō -āre あごがれる、熱望する Verb: 1st Conjugation Love 892
dēsinō -sinere -siī -situm 中止する;放棄する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 624
dēsum -esse -fuī 欠けている、不在である Verb: Irregular Business/Money 463
deus -ī m.; dea -ae f. 神、造物主 Noun: 2nd Declension Religion 42
dexter -tra -trum 右の;幸運な;有利な;器用な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Place 260
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictum 指示する;指定する;任命する;演説する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Speech/Oratory 33
diēs diēī m./f. 日、一日 Noun: 5th Declension Lengths of Time 54
differō differre distulī dīlātum 分散させる、広げる;延期する;異なる Verb: Irregular Making/Doing 880
difficilis -e 困難な、面倒な Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 861
dīgnitās -ātis f. 価値;品位;優美;名誉 Noun: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 956
dīgnus -a -um 相応しい、値する Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 291
dīligō -ligere -lēxī -lēctum 尊敬する、愛する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Love 973
dīmittō -mittere -mīsī -missum 送りだす、派遣する;解散させる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 777
discēdō -ere -cessī -cessum 分かれる;立ち去る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Travel 726
disciplīna -ae f. 教えること;学識;訓練 Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 982
discō -ere didicī 学ぶ;聞き知る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Education/Knowledge 465
diū: 日中;長い間;ずっと以前 Adverb Time 361
dīversus -a -um 異なった方向を向いた;反対の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Other Senses 641
dīves dīvitis 金持ちの;豊かな;高価な Adjective: 3rd Declension Business/Money 564
dīvidō -ere dīvīsī dīvīsum 切り離す、分離する;分配する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Making/Doing 628
dīvitiae -ārum f. pl. 富、豊富 Noun: 1st Declension Business/Money 712
dīvus -a -um 神の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Religion 962
dō dare dedī datum 与える、提供する Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 28
doceō -ēre -uī doctum 教える、教授する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Education/Knowledge 393
doleō -ēre doluī 痛む;苦しむ;嘆き悲しむ Verb: 2nd Conjugation Emotions 785
dolor -ōris m. 苦痛;悲嘆 Noun: 3rd Declension Emotions 193
dolus -ī m. だますこと、詐欺 Noun: 2nd Declension Deception 701
dominus -ī m.; domina -ae f. 家主;所有者;支配者 Noun: 2nd Declension The Household 241
domus -ūs f. 家、住居 Noun: 4th Declension The House 73
dōnec の限りは;まで Conjunction Time 771
dōnō -āre 贈る Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 606
dōnum -ī n. 贈り物;賞品 Noun: 2nd Declension Social Life 476
dormiō -īre 眠る;活動しない Verb: 4th Conjugation Life and Being 975
dubitō -āre 疑う;迷う Verb: 1st Conjugation Education/Knowledge 521
dubius -a -um 疑っている;疑わしい Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Deception 528
dūcō dūcere dūxī ductum 引く、引っ張る;導く;結婚する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 133
dulcis -e 甘い;親愛な Adjective: 3rd Declension Other Senses 383
dum する間に;まで Conjunction Time 103
duo duae duo 二つの;両方の Adjective: Numeral Measurement 221
dūrus -a -um 堅い;粗い;過酷な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Other Senses 249
dux ducis m./f. 指導者;指揮官 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 239
ecce ほら、見よう Adverb Vision 643
ēdīcō -dīcere -dīxī -dictum 言明する、陳述する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Speech/Oratory 996
ēdō ēdere ēdidī ēditum 発する;宣言する;出版する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Speech/Oratory 688
ēdūcō -dūcere -dūxī -ductum 連れ出す;(部隊を)進軍させる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 935
efficiō -ficere -fēcī -fectum 生産する;もたらす Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Making/Doing 573
effundō -fundere -fūdī -fūsum 注ぎ出す、こぼす Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Earth and Water 719
ego meī mihi mē Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 11
ēgredior ēgredī ēgressus sum 出て行く;上陸する;出帆する Verb: Deponent Travel 912
ēgregius -a -um すぐれた;名誉ある Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 860
ēligō ēligere ēlēgī ēlēctum 引き抜く;選択する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō The City 942
enim なぜならば;確かに;例えば Conjunction Pronouns/Interrogatives 57
eō īre iī/īvī itum 行く、来る Verb: Irregular Motion 97
そこへ Adverb Place 470
epistula -ae f. 手紙 Noun: 1st Declension Writing/Poetry 951
eques equitis m. 騎手;騎士身分のローマ市民 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 296
equus -ī m. Noun: 2nd Declension Animals/Plants 248
ergō のゆえに;従って Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 134
ēripiō -ripere -ripuī -reptum 引きはがす;奪い取る;救う Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Verbs of Transport 349
errō -āre 放浪する、さまよう Verb: 1st Conjugation Travel 402
error -ōris m. さまようこと;誤り Noun: 3rd Declension Travel 832
et と;そして Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 1
etiam まだ;再び;さらに Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 67
ex, ē から、より Preposition Place 26
excipiō -cipere -cēpī -ceptum 引き上げる;除外する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Verbs of Transport 394
exemplum -ī n. 写し;例;手本 Noun: 2nd Declension Speech/Oratory 519
exeō -īre -iī -itum 出る、出て行く Verb: Irregular Motion 597
exerceō -ercēre -ercuī -ercitum 訓練する;忙しく働かせる;利用する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Athletics 576
exercitus -ūs m. 訓練された軍隊 Noun: 4th Declension War and Peace 267
exigō -igere -ēgī -āctum 追い出す;売り出す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 500
exīstimō -āre 評価する;思う;決定する Verb: 1st Conjugation Education/Knowledge 613
experior -perīrī -pertus sum 試す;努力する;経験する Verb: Deponent Education/Knowledge 713
exsilium -ī n. 追放、流刑 Noun: 2nd Declension Travel 794
exspectō -āre 待つ;期待する Verb: 1st Conjugation Vision 442
extrēmus -a -um 最も外側の;最後の;極度の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Geography 385
fābula -ae f. 会話;話;物語;作り話;神話;劇 Noun: 1st Declension Writing/Poetry 966
faciēs -ēī f. 外観;様相;容貌 Noun: 5th Declension Vision 479
facilis -e 容易な、簡単な Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 451
facinus facinoris n. 行為;犯罪 Noun: 3rd Declension Justice 646
faciō facere fēcī factum する;作る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Making/Doing 32
factum -ī n. 行為;事実;結果 Noun: 2nd Declension Making/Doing 611
fallō fallere fefellī falsum 騙す;裏切る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Deception 503
falsus -a -um 間違った;にせの;偽りの Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Deception 633
fāma -ae f. うわさ;言い伝え;評判 Noun: 1st Declension Speech/Oratory 278
famēs -is f. 飢え;飢饉 Noun: 3rd Declension Life and Being 828
familia -ae f. 家族 Noun: 1st Declension The Household 943
fateor fatērī fassus sum (真実であると)認める;告白する Verb: Deponent Justice 689
fātum -ī n. 運命;天寿を全うすること、自然死 Noun: 2nd Declension Religion 157
fax facis f. たいまつ;燃え木 Noun: 3rd Declension Air and Fire 511
fēlīciter 幸運に、幸福に Adverb Personality Traits/Characteristics 994
fēlīx -īcis 幸福な、幸運な Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 309
fēmina -ae f. 女、女性 Noun: 1st Declension People 501
ferē 殆ど、ほぼ Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 907
ferō ferre tulī lātum 運ぶ、持っていく Verb: Irregular Verbs of Transport 45
ferrum -ī n. 鉄;鉄器具;剣;武力 Noun: 2nd Declension Violence 231
ferus -a -um 野生の;(土が)耕作されていない Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Animals/Plants 222
fessus -a -um 疲れ果てた;弱った Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Life and Being 625
fidēlis -e 誠実な、信頼できる Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 979
fidēs -eī f. 信頼;誠実:忠実 Noun: 5th Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 184
fīlia -ae f.; fīlius -ī m. 娘;息子 Noun: 1st Declension The Household 909
fingō fingere fīnxī fīctum 形づくる;創造する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Making/Doing 721
fīnis -is m. 境界(線);領域、領土 Noun: 3rd Declension Geography 236
fīō fierī factus sum なる;作られる Verb: Irregular Life and Being 146
flamma -ae f. 炎;激情 Noun: 1st Declension Air and Fire 298
fleō flēre flēvī flētum 泣く;したたる;悲しむ Verb: 2nd Conjugation Emotions 457
flōs flōris m. 花;開花;蜜 Noun: 3rd Declension Animals/Plants 818
fluctus -ūs m 波;流れ Noun: 4th Declension Earth and Water 498
flūmen -inis n. 流れ;川 Noun: 3rd Declension Earth and Water 283
fluō fluere fluxī fluxum 流れる;広がる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Earth and Water 772
foedus -a -um 嫌悪すべき;醜い;恥すべき Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Other Senses 922
fōns fontis m. 泉;水源 Noun: 3rd Declension Earth and Water 706
for fārī fātus sum 話す、言う;予言する Verb: Deponent Speech/Oratory 739
fōrma -ae f. 姿;美しさ;肖像 Noun: 1st Declension Other Senses 422
fors fortis f. 偶然、運 Noun: 3rd Declension Religion 993
forsitan, fortasse ことによると、ひょっとして Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 833
forte 偶然に Adverb Religion 579
fortis -e 強い、たくましい;勇敢な Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 286
fortūna -ae f. 運命 Noun: 1st Declension Religion 138
forum -ī n. 公共広場;市場 Noun: 2nd Declension The City 811
frangō frangere frēgī frāctum こわす;破る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Violence 345
frāter frātris m. 兄弟 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 225
frequēns -ntis たびたびの、頻繁な Adjective: 3rd Declension Measurement 918
frōns frontis f. 額;前面 Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 559
frūctus -ūs m. 収穫物;果実;成果;満足 Noun: 4th Declension Animals/Plants 927
frūmentum -ī n. 穀物 Noun: 2nd Declension Animals/Plants 936
fruor fruī frūctus sum 利用する、享受する;楽しむ Verb: Deponent Emotions 923
frūstrā 間違って;無益に;理由なく Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 694
fuga -ae f. 逃走;追放 Noun: 1st Declension Travel 364
fugiō fugere fūgī fugitum 逃げる;追放される;消える Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Travel 177
fugō -āre 逃走させる、追い払う Verb: 1st Conjugation Travel 957
fundō fundere fūdī fūsum 注ぐ;ぬらす;溶かす Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Earth and Water 523
fūnus fūneris n. 葬儀;死体;死 Noun: 3rd Declension Religion 524
furor -ōris m. 狂乱、熱狂;激情、激怒 Noun: 3rd Declension Emotions 466
fore 存在する Verb: Irregular Life and Being 985
gaudeō gaudēre gāvīsus sum 喜ぶ、楽しむ Verb: 2nd Conjugation Emotions 407
gaudium -ī n. 喜び、楽しみ Noun: 2nd Declension Emotions 727
gēns gentis f. 氏族;血統 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 194
genus generis n. 家系;民族;子孫 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 170
gerō gerere gessī gestum 運ぶ;もつ;生み出す;行う Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō War and Peace 237
gīgnō gīgnere genuī genitum 産む、生ずる;引き起こす Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Life and Being 667
gladius -ī m. 剣、刀 Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 862
glōria -ae f. 名声;栄誉;誇り Noun: 1st Declension Social Life 360
gradus -ūs m. 歩み;前進;段階;階級 Noun: 4th Declension War and Peace 577
grātia -ae f. 美しさ;行為;親切;人気 Noun: 1st Declension Social Life 380
grātus -a -um 魅力的な、感じの良い Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 434
gravis -e 重い;困難な;厳しい Adjective: 3rd Declension Measurement 140
habeō habēre habuī habitum 持つ、所有する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Other Senses 39
haud 全く…でない Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 226
hic haec hoc これ、この人 Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 7
hīc ここに、この場所に Adverb Place 80
hiems hiemis f. 冬、寒さ Noun: 3rd Declension Lengths of Time 803
hodiē 今日 Adverb Lengths of Time 981
homō hominis m. 人、人間 Noun: 3rd Declension People 88
honestus -a -um 名誉となる;名門の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 580
honor -ōris m. 名誉、栄誉;敬意;高位の官職 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 290
hōra -ae f. 一時間 Noun: 1st Declension Lengths of Time 664
hortor hortārī hortātus sum 激励する、促す Verb: Deponent Speech/Oratory 887
hospes hospitis m. 客;主人役;見知らぬ人 Noun: 3rd Declension Social Life 873
hostis -is m./f. 見知らぬ人;敵 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 93
hūc ここへ、こちらへ Adverb Place 368
hūmānus -a -um 人間の;親切な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension People 355
humus -ī f. 大地、地面;地方 Noun: 2nd Declension Earth and Water 740
iaceō iacēre iacuī 横たわる Verb: 2nd Conjugation The House 228
iaciō iacere iēcī iactum 投げる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Athletics 899
iam 現在 Adverb Time 34
ibi そこに Adverb Place 619
īctus -ūs m. 攻撃;打つこと Noun: 4th Declension Violence 819
īdem eadem idem 同様のもの Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 59
ideō それゆえに、その理由で Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 679
igitur それゆえに、従って Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 313
ignis -is m. 火;火事、火災 Noun: 3rd Declension Air and Fire 151
ille illa illud あれ,あの Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 8
illīc そこに、あそこに Adverb Place 396
illūc そこへ、そちらへ Adverb Place 955
imāgō -inis f. 肖像;姿 Noun: 3rd Declension Vision 754
imperātor -ōris m. 指揮者、支配者;皇帝 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 723
imperium -ī n. 命令、指令;権力;帝国 Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 200
imperō -āre 要求する;命令する;支配する Verb: 1st Conjugation War and Peace 602
impetus -ūs m. 攻撃 Noun: 4th Declension Violence 421
impleō -ēre -plēvī -plētum 満たす;完了する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Earth and Water 671
impōnō -ere -posuī -positum 置く;課する;任命する;加える Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Measurement 437
in の中に Preposition Place 5
incidō incidere incidī 落ちる、流れ込む;起こる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 871
incipiō -cipere -cēpī -ceptum 始める Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Time 411
inde それから、そこから Adverb Place 328
indicō -āre 公表する;暴露する;査定する Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 980
īnferō īnferre intulī illātum 進撃する、ある人を攻撃する Verb: Irregular War and Peace 742
īnferus -a -um 下方の、下部の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Geography 428
ingenium -ī n. 気質;天性;才能;天才 Noun: 2nd Declension Education/Knowledge 387
ingēns ingentis 巨大な Adjective: 3rd Declension Measurement 202
ingrātus -a -um: 不愉快な、いやな Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 592
ingredior -gredī -gressus sum: 踏み込む、始める Verb: Deponent Motion 885
inimīcus -a -um: 敵の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 952
initium -ī n.: 開始、始まり Noun: 2nd Declension Time 865
iniūria -ae f.: 不正、不当な行為、侮辱 Noun: 1st Declension Justice 381
inquam, inquis, inquit, inquiunt: 言う、述べる Verb: Irregular Speech/Oratory 163
īnstituō -stituere -stituī -stitūtum: 置く、設置する、建てる Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Making/Doing 931
īnsula -ae f.: Noun: 1st Declension Geography 908
integer -gra -grum: 手をつけていない、未使用の、全部の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 815
intellegō -legere -lēxī -lēctum: 知覚する、理解する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Education/Knowledge 512
intendō -tendere -tendī -tentum: 引っ張る、広げる、伸ばす Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 895
inter の間に Preposition Place 64
interficiō -ficere -fēcī -fectum 殺す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Violence 699
interim その間に Adverb Time 693
interrogō -āre 質問する、尋ねる Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 953
intersum -esse -fuī 間にある Verb: Irregular Place 760
intrā 内側に、内部に Preposition Place 704
intrō -āre 入る Verb: 1st Conjugation Motion 766
inveniō -venīre -vēnī -ventum (偶然)出会う、発見する Verb: 4th Conjugation Travel 316
invidia -ae f. 悪意、(嫉妬)の対象、悪評 Noun: 1st Declension Emotions 707
ipse ipsa ipsum ~自身 Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 22
īra irae f. 怒り、敵意 Noun: 1st Declension Emotions 187
īrāscor īrāscī īrātus sum 怒る Verb: Deponent Emotions 809
is ea id 彼、彼女、それ Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 13
iste ista istud あの、その、かの Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 81
ita この(その)ように Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 120
itaque そしてこのように;従って Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 208
item 同様に Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 932
iter itineris n. 旅、旅行 Noun: 3rd Declension Travel 230
iterum 再び、もう一度 Adverb Time 758
iubeō iubēre iussī iussum 命じる Verb: 2nd Conjugation Justice 84
iūdex iūdicis m. 審判者、裁判官 Noun: 3rd Declension Justice 839
iūdicium -ī n. 裁判、判決 Noun: 2nd Declension Justice 749
iūdicō -āre 裁く、判決を下す Verb: 1st Conjugation Justice 565
iugum -ī n. くびき、絆、山脈 Noun: 2nd Declension Animals/Plants 335
iungō iungere iūnxī iūnctum つなぐ、連結する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Making/Doing 513
iūrō -āre 誓う、誓約する Verb: 1st Conjugation Justice 896
iūs iūris n. 法、法律、正当 Noun: 3rd Declension Justice 314
iūstus -a -um 正当な、合法の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Justice 770
iuvenis -is m. 青年 Noun: 3rd Declension People 277
iuvō iuvāre iūvī iūtum 助ける、援助する;喜ばせる Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 390
labor -ōris m. 労働;苦難 Noun: 3rd Declension Business/Money 201
labōrō -āre 働く、苦しむ Verb: 1st Conjugation Business/Money 900
lacrima -ae f. Noun: 1st Declension Emotions 354
laedō laedere laesī laesum 傷つける、害する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Violence 783
laetus -a -um 喜んでいる、うれしい Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Emotions 262
lapis lapidis m. Noun: 3rd Declension Earth and Water 840
lateō latēre latuī 潜伏する、隠れる Verb: 2nd Conjugation Deception 695
latus -eris n. 幅の広い Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 382
lātus -a -um 側面 Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 824
laudō -āre ほめる Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 435
laus laudis f. 賞賛、栄誉 Noun: 3rd Declension Social Life 444
lēgātus -ī m. 使節、副官 Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 464
legiō -ōnis f. 軍団 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 370
legō legere lēgī lēctum 集める;選ぶ;読む Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Writing/Poetry 419
levis -e 軽い Adjective: 3rd Declension Measurement 220
lēx lēgis f. 法、法律 Noun: 3rd Declension Justice 264
liber librī m. 書物、本 Noun: 2nd Declension Writing/Poetry 901
līber lībera līberum 自由な、独立した Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Justice 229
lībertās -ātis f. 自由 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 495
libet libēre libuit or libitum est 好ましい Verb: Impersonal Social Life 729
libīdō -inis f. 欲望、情欲 Noun: 3rd Declension Love 761
licet licēre licuit licitum est 許されている Verb: Impersonal Justice 175
licet としても Conjunction Justice 778
līmen līminis n. 玄関、敷居 Noun: 3rd Declension The House 516
lingua -ae f. 舌、ことば Noun: 1st Declension The Body 732
littera -ae f. 文字、作品 Noun: 1st Declension Writing/Poetry 710
lītus -oris n. 海岸、海辺 Noun: 3rd Declension Geography 245
locus -ī m. 場所、地域 Noun: 2nd Declension Geography 62
longē 遠くに、かなたに Adverb Measurement 400
longus -a -um 長い、遠い、広い Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 142
loquor loquī locūtus sum 話す、示す、言う Verb: Deponent Speech/Oratory 310
lūmen luminis n. Noun: 3rd Declension Vision 375
lūna -ae f. 月;月光 Noun: 1st Declension Air and Fire 902
lūx lūcis f. 光、光源;輝き;昼、日中 Noun: 3rd Declension Air and Fire 299
maestus -a -um 悲しみに沈んだん;悲惨な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Emotions 669
magis もっと、さらに Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 90
magister magistrī m. 監督者、指揮者、管理者 Noun: 2nd Declension Education/Knowledge 933
māgnitūdō -inis f. 大きさ;大きな広がり Noun: 3rd Declension Measurement 672
māgnus -a -um 大きな、多数の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 25
māiōrēs māiōrum m. 先祖、父祖 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 764
male 悪く Adverb Personality Traits/Characteristics 603
mālō mālle māluī むしろ…を好む Verb: Irregular Emotions 598
malus -a -um 悪い、不正な、邪悪な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 227
maneō manēre mānsī mānsum 留まる、泊まる Verb: 2nd Conjugation Travel 357
manus -ūs f. Noun: 4th Declension The Body 48
mare -is n. Noun: 3rd Declension Earth and Water 125
marītus -ī m. Noun: 2nd Declension The Household 654
māter mātris f. Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 127
māteria -ae f. 材料、素材;題材、主題 Noun: 1st Declension Speech/Oratory 857
medius -a -um 中央の、真ん中の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Place 162
membrum -ī n. 身体の部分、肢 Noun: 2nd Declension The Body 481
meminī meminisse 記憶している;思い出す Verb: Irregular Education/Knowledge 670
memoria -ae f. 記憶力、記憶 Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 627
mēns mentis f. 知性、頭 Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 173
mēnsa -ae f. 食卓、テーブル Noun: 1st Declension The House 747
mereō merēre meruī meritum 稼ぐ、儲ける Verb: 2nd Conjugation Business/Money 852
metuō metuere metuī 恐れている、心配している Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Emotions 429
metus -ūs m. 恐怖、心配 Noun: 4th Declension Emotions 215
meus -a -um 私の Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 41
mīles -itis m. 兵士 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 161
mīlle (pl.) mīlia 千の Adjective: Numeral Measurement 247
mīror mīrārī mīrātus sum 驚く Verb: Deponent Emotions 504
misceō miscēre miscuī mixtum 混ぜる、混合する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Earth and Water 425
miser misera miserum 不幸な、悲惨な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Emotions 137
mittō mittere mīsī missum 行かせる、送る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 114
modo ただ、だけ Adverb Time 152
modus -ī m. 量、数、大きさ Noun: 2nd Declension Measurement 195
moenia -ium n. pl. 防壁、防塞都市、城 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 593
mollis -e 柔らかい、快い Adjective: 3rd Declension Other Senses 356
moneō monēre monuī monitum 警告する;忠告する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Speech/Oratory 711
mōns montis m. 山、丘 Noun: 3rd Declension Geography 242
mora -ae f. 遅れ、延期 Noun: 1st Declension Time 399
morbus -ī m. 病気 Noun: 2nd Declension The Body 658
morior morī mortuus sum 死ぬ、枯れる Verb: Deponent Life and Being 253
moror morārī morātus sum 防げる、遅らせる Verb: Deponent Time 581
mors mortis f. 死亡 Noun: 3rd Declension Life and Being 95
mortālis -e 死ぬべき運命の Adjective: 3rd Declension Life and Being 950
mōs mōris m. 慣習、風習 Noun: 3rd Declension Social Life 181
moveō -ēre mōvī mōtum 動かす Verb: 2nd Conjugation Motion 192
mox 間もなく Adverb Time 469
mulier -eris f. 女、妻 Noun: 3rd Declension People 961
multitūdō -inis f. 大量、多数 Noun: 3rd Declension Measurement 733
multus -a -um 多数の、大きい Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 43
mundus -ī m. 世界;天;宇宙 Noun: 2nd Declension Earth and Water 350
mundus -a -um 清潔な;上品な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 997
mūnus mūneris n. 義務、務め、役目 Noun: 3rd Declension Social Life 276
mūrus -ī m. 防壁 Noun: 2nd Declension The House 508
mūtō -āre 移動させる、取り換える、変える Verb: 1st Conjugation Making/Doing 315
nam or namque というのも、確かに Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 61
narrō -āre 話す、言う Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 910
nāscor nāscī nātus sum 生まれる、誕生する Verb: Deponent Life and Being 266
nātūra -ae f. 出生、自然、素質 Noun: 1st Declension Life and Being 180
nātus -ī m. 息子 Noun: 2nd Declension The Household 211
nāvis -is f. Noun: 3rd Declension Travel 353
ne (enclitic) (直接疑問)…か Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 238
(語句を否定して)…しない Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 47
nec そして…でない Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 19
necesse (indecl. adj.) 必然の、避けられない Adjective: Indeclinable Business/Money 773
necessitās -tātis f. 必然性、不可避 Noun: 3rd Declension Business/Money 911
nefās n. indecl. 犯罪、悪人 Noun: Indeclinable Justice 541
negō -āre 否定する、拒絶する Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 294
negōtium -ī n. 仕事、活動 Noun: 2nd Declension Business/Money 846
nēmō 誰もない Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 179
nemus nemoris n. 森、森林 Noun: 3rd Declension Animals/Plants 461
neque …でない Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 72
nesciō -scīre 知らない、気づかない Verb: 4th Conjugation Education/Knowledge 525
nisi, nī (もし)…でなければ Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 100
niger nigra nigrum 黒い Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Vision 634
nihil, nīl Noun: Indeclinable Measurement 55
nimis or nimium 過度に、非常に Adverb Personality Traits/Characteristics 841
nimius -a -um 過度の、極端な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 502
nōbilis -e 高名な、高貴な Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 455
noceō nocēre nocuī 傷つける、害する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Violence 509
nōlō nōlle nōluī 好まない、拒絶する Verb: Irregular Emotions 458
nōmen -inis n. 名前 Noun: 3rd Declension Social Life 135
nōn …でない Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 6
nōndum まだ…でない Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 436
nōs nostrum/nostrī nōbīs nōs 我々、私たち Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 51
nōscō nōscere nōvī nōtum 知る、確認する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Education/Knowledge 347
noster nostra nostrum 我々の Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 52
nōtus -a -um 知られた Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 477
novus -a -um 新しい Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Time 139
nox noctis f. Noun: 3rd Declension Lengths of Time 119
nūdus -a -um 裸の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension The Body 545
nūllus -a -um ない、無意味な、存在しない Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Pronouns/Interrogatives 49
num ではないだろうね Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 924
nūmen -inis n. Noun: 3rd Declension Religion 452
numerus -ī m. 総数、数量 Noun: 2nd Declension Measurement 338
numquam 決して…ない Adverb Time 251
nunc 今、現在 Adverb Time 50
nūntius -ī m. 使者、通知 Noun: 2nd Declension Travel 919
ob のために、の前に Preposition Place 449
occīdō -cīdere -cīdī -cīsum 打ち殺す、殺す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Violence 801
occupō -āre つかむ、占有する Verb: 1st Conjugation War and Peace 472
occurrō -currere -cucurrī -cursum 急いで会いに行く;(偶然)出会う Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Education/Knowledge 677
oculus -ī m. Noun: 2nd Declension The Body 206
ōdī ōdisse 憎む、嫌う Verb: Irregular Emotions 790
odium -ī n. 憎しみ、反感、嫌悪 Noun: 2nd Declension Emotions 522
offerō offerre obtulī oblātum 出会う;差し出す;もたらす Verb: Irregular Verbs of Transport 812
officium -ī n. 奉仕;義務 Noun: 2nd Declension The City 607
ōlim 以前に;将来いつか Adverb Time 574
omnis -e 全体の;すべての Adjective: 3rd Declension Measurement 18
onus oneris n. 重さ;荷;負担 Noun: 3rd Declension Measurement 842
opera -ae f. 労力;仕事;行為 Noun: 1st Declension Business/Money 843
oportet -ēre -uit するのが当然である;必ず起こる Verb: Impersonal Social Life 806
oppidum -ī n. (特に、ローマ市以外の)町 Noun: 2nd Declension The City 635
ops opis f. 力;権力;資力、財産 Noun: 3rd Declension Business/Money 318
optō -āre 選択する Verb: 1st Conjugation Personality Traits/Characteristics 417
opus operis n. 仕事;作品 Noun: 3rd Declension Business/Money 332
ōrātiō -ōnis f. 演説;発言 Noun: 3rd Declension Speech/Oratory 736
orbis -is m. 円形のもの;orbis terrārum全世界 Noun: 3rd Declension Geography 322
ōrdō -īnis m. 戦列;秩序 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 416
orior orīrī ortus sum 昇る;起きる;始まる Verb: Deponent Time 642
ōrō -āre 祈る Verb: 1st Conjugation Religion 755
ōs ōris n. 口;顔 Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 147
os ossis n. Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 696
ostendō ostendere ostendī ostentum 差し出す;現わす Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Other Senses 371
ōtium -ī n. ひま、休暇 Noun: 2nd Declension Social Life 715
paene ほとんど、ほぼ Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 944
pār paris 等しい Adjective: 3rd Declension Measurement 281
parcō parcere pepercī parsum 節約する;大切にする;控える Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō War and Peace 412
parēns -ntis m./f. 親;先祖 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 190
pāreō pārēre pāruī 服従する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Verbs of Compelling/Directing 847
pariō parere peperī partum 生む;生ずる;獲得する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Life and Being 829
parō -āre 用意する:提供する Verb: 1st Conjugation Making/Doing 160
pars partis f. 部分 Noun: 3rd Declension Measurement 65
parum 不十分に、少なすぎて Adverb Measurement 204
parvus -a -um 小さい Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 143
pateō patēre patuī 開いている;広がる、伸びる Verb: 2nd Conjugation Geography 550
pater patris m. 父;先祖 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 71
patior patī passus sum 受ける;耐える Verb: Deponent Verbs of Compelling/Directing 185
patria -ae f. 祖国、故郷 Noun: 1st Declension Geography 342
paucī -ae -a 少数の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 858
paulō, paulum わずかに、少し Adverb Measurement 872
pauper -eris 貧乏な Adjective: 3rd Declension Business/Money 844
pāx pācis f. 平和 Noun: 3rd Declension War and Peace 388
peccō -āre 間違いをする;罪を犯す Verb: 1st Conjugation Justice 792
pectus -oris n. 胸;乳房 Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 183
pecūnia -ae f. 財産、富 Noun: 1st Declension Business/Money 530
pecus -oris n. 家畜 Noun: 3rd Declension Animals/Plants 566
pellō pellere pepulī pulsum 押す;打つ Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Violence 563
pendō pendere pependī pēnsum はかりにかける、支払う Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Business/Money 988
per …を通って Preposition Place 30
perdō -dere -didī -ditum 破壊する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Violence 488
pereō -īre -iī -itum 死ぬ、破滅する Verb: Irregular Violence 268
pergō pergere perrēxī perrēctum 進む;続ける Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 821
perīculum -ī n. 危険 Noun: 2nd Declension Violence 265
permittō -mittere -mīsī -missum 行かせる;譲る;許す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 702
perpetuus -a -um 不断の;永久の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Lengths of Time 891
pertineō -tinēre -tinuī 広がる;目指す;関係する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Education/Knowledge 866
perveniō -venīre -vēnī -ventum 着く、到着する Verb: 4th Conjugation Travel 409
pēs pedis m. Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 199
petō petere petīvī petītum 向かう;追跡する;捜し求め Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 83
pietās -tātis f. (家族・友人への)情愛、孝心:信義 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 767
pius -a -um (家族・友人への)愛情深い、忠実な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 748
placeō placēre placuī placitum 喜ばれる、快い、好ましい Verb: 2nd Conjugation Social Life 287
plēbs plēbis f. 平民、庶民 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 649
plēnus -a -um 充満した、いっぱいの Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 459
plērumque 大部分、たいてい Adverb Measurement 974
plērus- plēra- plērumque 大部分の、たいていの Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 968
poena -ae f. 罰、懲罰 Noun: 1st Declension Justice 223
poēta -ae m. 詩人;劇作家 Noun: 1st Declension Writing/Poetry 913
pondus ponderis n. 重さ、重量 Noun: 3rd Declension Measurement 636
pōnō pōnere posuī positum 置く、据える Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Transport 102
pontus -ī m. 大海 Noun: 2nd Declension Earth and Water 630
populus -ī m. 民族;人民;民衆 Noun: 2nd Declension The City 122
porta -ae f. Noun: 1st Declension The City 759
portō -āre 運ぶ Verb: 1st Conjugation Measurement 853
pōscō pōscere popōscī 要求する、求める Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Speech/Oratory 487
possum posse potuī できる、可能性がある Verb: Irregular Making/Doing 23
post その後、後で Preposition Time 164
posteā 今後、将来 Adverb Time 964
posterus -a -um 次の、あとからの Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Time 877
postquam 後で、以来 Conjunction Time 384
potēns potentis 強力な、影響力のある Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 567
potestās -ātis f. 力、能力;政治力、影響力 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 737
potis -e 能力のある Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 947
praebeō -ēre -uī -itum 差し出す;提供する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Verbs of Transport 584
praeceptum -ī n. 助言;命令;規則 Noun: 2nd Declension Justice 825
praecipiō -cipere -cēpī -ceptum 先取する;命令する;忠告する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Speech/Oratory 945
praeda -ae f. 戦利品;略奪物 Noun: 1st Declension War and Peace 626
praemium -ī n. 報酬、償い Noun: 2nd Declension Business/Money 680
praesēns -ntis (今ここに)いる、ある Adjective: 3rd Declension Place 822
praesidium -ī n. 保護;護衛(隊) Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 582
praestō -stāre -stitī -stitum 前に立つ;しのぐ;…のほうがよい Verb: 1st Conjugation Other Senses 423
praeter そばを通って;さらに、そのうえ Preposition Place 756
praetereā さらに、そのうえ;その後 Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 681
praetor -ōris m. 指導者;指揮官 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 878
precor -ārī 祈る Verb: Deponent Religion 492
premō premere pressī pressum 押す、圧する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō War and Peace 240
pretium -ī n. 価値;価格;賃金;報酬 Noun: 2nd Declension Business/Money 629
prex precis f. 祈り、祈願 Noun: 3rd Declension Religion 520
prīmum 始め、最初の部分 Adverb Time 252
prīmus -a -um 最初の、第一の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Time 91
prīnceps -cipis 指導者;皇帝 Adjective: 3rd Declension The City 317
prīncipium -ī n. 始め、開始 Noun: 2nd Declension Time 948
prior prius より以前の Adjective: 3rd Declension Time 526
prīvātus -a -um 私的な;私人の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Social Life 882
prius or priusquam 以前に、かつて Adverb Time 484
prō …の前に;…のために Preposition Non-Directional Prepositions 128
probō -āre 証明する;是認する Verb: 1st Conjugation Verbs of Compelling/Directing 784
prōcēdō -cēdere -cessī -cessum 前に進む;進軍する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 746
procul 遠くに Adverb Place 397
prōdō prōdere prōdidī prōditum 押し出す;もたらす;裏切る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Transport 929
proelium -ī n. 戦い Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 348
proficīscor -ficīscī -fectus sum 出発する Verb: Deponent Travel 835
prohibeō -ēre -uī -itum そらす;防ぐ;禁ずる Verb: 2nd Conjugation Verbs of Compelling/Directing 604
prōmittō -mittere -mīsī -missum 約束する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 720
prope 近くに Preposition Place 189
properō -āre 急いで行う;急がせる Verb: 1st Conjugation Motion 537
prōpōnō -pōnere -posuī -positum 前に置く;展示する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Speech/Oratory 930
proprius -a -um 自分の;特別の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Pronouns/Interrogatives 854
propter …のために Preposition Non-Directional Prepositions 560
prōsum prodesse profuī 役立つ Verb: Irregular Social Life 373
prōtinus まっすぐ前へ;すぐに Adverb Time 903
prōvincia -ae f. Noun: 1st Declension The City 620
pūblicus -a -um 国家の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension The City 517
pudor pudōris m. 恥ずかしさ Noun: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 616
puella -ae f. 少女 Noun: 1st Declension People 233
puer puerī m. 少年;奴隷 Noun: 2nd Declension People 191
pūgna -ae f. 殴り合い Noun: 1st Declension Violence 650
pugnō -āre 戦う Verb: 1st Conjugation Violence 708
pulcher -chra -chrum 美しい Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Vision 569
putō -āre 思案する;考える Verb: 1st Conjugation Education/Knowledge 166
quā どの道を通って;どのように Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 336
quaerō -rere -sīvī -sītum 探す;獲得する;探求する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Education/Knowledge 113
quālis -e どのような;何という Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 263
quam どれほど;何と Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 29
quamquam …とはいえ Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 644
quamvīs どれだけ(多く)でも Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 489
quandō いつ Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 621
quantum どれほどの量 Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 557
quantus -a -um どれほど大きい(多い) Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 311
quārē どんな方法で、なぜ Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 786
quasi まるで…かのように Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 938
quattuor 4(の) Adjective: Numeral Measurement 867
que …と…、また、そして Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 4
quemadmodum どんなふうに、どのように Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 531
queror querī questus sum 不平を言う、訴える Verb: Deponent Emotions 518
quī quae quod どの、何の、どのような;なんという Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 3
quia だから Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 132
quīcumque quaecumque quodcumque だれ(何)でも Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 284
quīdam quaedam quoddam だれか、何か、ある人 Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 126
quidem 確かに、全く Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 136
quiēscō quiēscere quiēvī quiētum 休養する、休む;横になる、眠る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Life and Being 969
quīn どうして(なぜ);いやむしろ Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 456
quīppe 確かに、実際 Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 499
quis quid だれ、何、どれ Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 212
quisquam quicquam/quidquam だれも、何も;だれか、何か Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 280
quisque quaeque quidque 各人、おのおの、だれでも Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 197
quisquis quidquid …するものはだれ(何)でも Pronoun Pronouns/Interrogatives 129
quō どこへ、何のために Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 305
quōmodo どのように Conjunction Pronouns/Interrogatives 831
quondam かつて、昔 Adverb Time 542
quoniam だから Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 510
quoque 同じく、同様に Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 76
quotiēns 何回、何度 Adverb Pronouns/Interrogatives 970
rapiō rapere rapuī raptum ひったくる;略奪する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Violence 273
rārus -a -um 目が粗い;まれな Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 752
ratiō -ōnis f. 計算;説明;計画 Noun: 3rd Declension Education/Knowledge 256
recēdō -cēdere -cessī -cessum 後退する;消え去る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 826
recēns -ntis 最近の;新しい Adjective: 3rd Declension Time 781
recipiō -cipere -cēpī -ceptum 撤退する;戻す;受ける Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Verbs of Transport 319
rēctus -a -um まっすぐな;直接の;直角の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 823
reddō -dere -didī -ditum もとに戻す;引き渡す;もたらす Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Transport 174
redeō -īre -iī -itum 帰る、戻す Verb: Irregular Motion 301
referō referre rettulī relātum 持ち帰る;報告する Verb: Irregular Verbs of Transport 171
regiō -ōnis f. 境界線;地方 Noun: 3rd Declension Geography 585
rēgius -a -um 王の、王家の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 561
rēgnum -ī n. 王国;王領、領土 Noun: 2nd Declension Geography 121
regō regere rēxī rēctum 支配する、君臨する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō The City 554
relinquō -linquere -līquī -lictum 置いていく;残る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 144
reliquus -a -um 残っている、その他の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 788
reor rērī rātus sum 思う、考える Verb: Deponent Education/Knowledge 774
reperiō -perīre -pperī -pertum 発見する、見つける Verb: 4th Conjugation Education/Knowledge 765
repetō -petere -petīvī -petītum 再び始める;繰り返す Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 651
rēs reī f. 物、物事 Noun: 5th Declension Life and Being 38
respicio -ere -spēxī -spectum 振り返る;期待する;回顧する;配慮する Verb: 3rd Conjugation -iō Vision 722
respondeō -spondēre -spondī -spōnsum 答える Verb: 2nd Conjugation Speech/Oratory 535
retineō -tinēre -tinuī -tentum しっかりつかまえる;阻止する;保持する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Verbs of Compelling/Directing 647
revertō -vertere -vertī 引き返す、帰る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Motion 995
revocō -āre 呼び戻す Verb: 1st Conjugation Social Life 813
reus -ī m. 被告人 Noun: 2nd Declension Justice 888
rēx rēgis m. 王、君主 Noun: 3rd Declension The City 60
rīdeō -ēre rīsī rīsum 笑う;あざける Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Emotions 874
rīpa -ae f. Noun: 1st Declension Earth and Water 662
rogō -āre 問う、尋ねる Verb: 1st Conjugation Speech/Oratory 551
rumpō rumpere rūpī ruptum 破裂させる;破る Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Violence 480
rūrsus 後方へ;再び Adverb Place 440
rūs rūris n. 田舎 Noun: 3rd Declension Geography 879
sacer sacra sacrum 神聖な、聖なる Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Religion 398
sacerdōs -dōtis m./f. 祭司、神官 Noun: 3rd Declension Religion 939
saeculum -ī n. 世代;一生;一世紀 Noun: 2nd Declension Lengths of Time 776
saepe しばしば、頻繁に Adverb Time 145
saevus -a -um 獰猛な;勇猛な、苛酷な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 244
salūs -ūtis f. 健康;無事 Noun: 3rd Declension Life and Being 549
sānctus -a -um 神聖な、聖なる Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Religion 659
sanguis -inis m. Noun: 3rd Declension The Body 214
sānus -a -um 健康な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Life and Being 946
sapiēns -ntis 賢明な Adjective: 3rd Declension Education/Knowledge 453
sapientia -ae f. 知恵 Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 797
satis, sat 十分に、全く、確かに Adverb Measurement 341
saxum -ī n. 石、岩 Noun: 2nd Declension Earth and Water 306
scelus -eris n. 呪い;犯罪 Noun: 3rd Declension Justice 154
scientia -ae f. 知識、学識 Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 971
scīlicet 確かに、明らかに Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 889
sciō -īre -īvī/-iī -ītum 知っている、精通している Verb: 4th Conjugation Education/Knowledge 172
scrībō scrībere scrīpsī scrīptum 書く Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Writing/Poetry 568
secundus -a -um 次の、次位の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 836
sēcūrus -a -um 心配していない、平静な Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 697
sed しかし Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 20
sedeō sedēre sēdī sessum すわる Verb: 2nd Conjugation The House 506
sēdēs -is f. 席;住居 Noun: 3rd Declension The House 403
semel 一度、一回 Adverb Time 789
semper 常に、いつでも Adverb Time 149
senātus -ūs m. 元老院 Noun: 4th Declension The City 329
senex -is m. 老人 Noun: 3rd Declension People 558
sēnsus -ūs m. 感覚、知覚;感情、気持ち Noun: 4th Declension Emotions 793
sententia -ae f. 意見;判決 Noun: 1st Declension Education/Knowledge 586
sentiō sentīre sēnsī sēnsum 知覚する、感ずる;経験する Verb: 4th Conjugation Other Senses 302
sepulcrum -ī n. Noun: 2nd Declension Life and Being 949
sequor sequī secūtus sum 後から行く;追う Verb: Deponent Motion 108
sermō -ōnis m. 対話;話題 Noun: 3rd Declension Speech/Oratory 575
serviō -īre 奴隷である;従属する Verb: 4th Conjugation The Household 883
servō -āre 世話をする;観察する Verb: 1st Conjugation The Household 289
servus -ī m. (若い)奴隷 Noun: 2nd Declension The Household 496
seu あるいはもし;あるいは…か Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 343
もし…ならば Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 16
sīc この(その)ように Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 79
sīcut ちょうど…のように Adverb Conjunctions/Adverbs 791
sīdus -eris n. 星、星座 Noun: 3rd Declension Air and Fire 359
sīgnum -ī n. しるし、目印;軍旗 Noun: 2nd Declension War and Peace 261
silva -ae f. 森、森林 Noun: 1st Declension Animals/Plants 234
similis -e 似ている、類似した Adjective: 3rd Declension Personality Traits/Characteristics 414
simul 同時に Adverb Time 274
sine …がなく Preposition Non-Directional Prepositions 104
singulī -ae -a おのおのの Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 507
sinō sinere sīvī situm 許す、…させておく Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Verbs of Compelling/Directing 717
sinus -ūs m. 衣服;湾;曲がりくねっていること Noun: 4th Declension Earth and Water 478
sīve あるいはもし;あるいは…か Conjunction Conjunctions/Adverbs 362
socius -a -um 仲間の、連合した;共同の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Social Life 372
sōl sōlis m. 太陽 Noun: 3rd Declension Air and Fire 320
soleō -ēre -uī -itum …する習慣である Verb: 2nd Conjugation Personality Traits/Characteristics 246
sōlum ただ、だけ Adverb Measurement 897
solvō solvere solvī solūtum 解く、出帆する Verb: 2nd Conjugation Travel 325
sōlus -a -um 一人の、単独の Adjective: 1st and 2nd Declension Measurement 176
somnus -ī m. 睡眠 Noun: 2nd Declension Life and Being 438
sonō sonāre sonuī sonitum 音がする;反響する Verb: 1st Conjugation Other Senses 583
soror -ōris f. 姉妹 Noun: 3rd Declension The Household 497
sors sortis f. くじ;運命;予言 Noun: 3rd Declension Religion 639
spargō spargere sparsī sparsum ばらまく Verb: 3rd Conjugation -ō Earth and Water 532
spatium -ī n. 空間 Noun: 2nd Declension Air and Fire 426
speciēs -ēī f. 見ること;外観;像 Noun: 5th Declension Vision 599
spectō -āre 見る;考える;検査する Verb: 1st Conjugation Vision 473