(1) Iam Rōmānī potentēs esse coepērunt. Bellum enim in centēsimō et trīcēsimō ferē mīliāriō ab urbe apud Samnītas gerēbātur, quī mediī sunt inter Pīcēnum, Campāniam et Āpuliam.

(2) L. Papīrius Cursor cum honōre dictātōris ad id bellum profectus est. Quī cum Rōmam redīret, Q. Fabiō Māximō, magistrō equitum, quem apud exercitum relīquit, praecēpit nē sē absente pūgnāret.

(3) Ille occāsiōne repertā fēlicissimē dīmicāvit et Samnītas dēlēvit. Ob quam rem ā dictātōre capitis damnātus, quod sē vetante pūgnāsset, ingentī favōre mīlitum et populī līberātus est, tantā Papīriō sēditiōne commōtā ut paene ipse interficerētur.

    Second Samnite War, 326–304 BCE

    (1) mīliāriō: for more information on Roman milestones, see note in Brev. 2.4

    apud Samnītas: a Greek form of the accusative. The Samnites were offshoots of the Sabines, occupying the hilly country between the Nar, the Tiber, and the Anio. Their bravery made them the most formidable rival of Rome in Italy. In 290 BCE they were subjected to Rome (Hazzard).

    inter Pīcēnum, Campāniam et Āpuliam: The Samnites lived in between the regions of Picenum, Campania, and Apulia in Italy.

    (2) L. Papīrius Cursor: it was in 325 BCE that L. Papirius Cursor was appointed dictator, Q. Fabius Maximus his magister equitum. Their period of office lasted through 324 BCE (Bird). 

    Quī: connecting relative referring to Papīrius (AG 308.f)

    cum Rōmam redīret: cum clause here is circumstantial (AG 549)

    Q. Fabiō Māximō: called Rulliānus. This Fabius was five times consul and dictator twice. He triumphed over the Samnites, Marsi, Gauls, and Etruscans. He was the great-grandfather of Q. Fabius Maximus, the hero of the Second Punic War (Hazzard).

    sē absente: "in his [Papirius'] absence," ablative absolute with form of the verb esse assumed (AG 419.a)

    pūgnāret: with signal word , indirect command governed by the main verb praecēpit (AG 563)

    (3) Ille: Fabius

    occāsiōne repertāablative absolute using perfect passive participle (AG 419)

    capitis damnātus: "condemned to death," see LS damno II and caput III.a. capitis is genitive of charge (AG 352), referring to Fabius.

    sē vetante: ablative absolute with present active participle (AG 419). Note that refers to Papirius, even though the subject of this sentence is Fabius.

    pūgnāsset: syncopated form of pūgnāvisset, subjunctive in a causal clause (AG 539)

    Papīriō: "against Papirus," dative of reference (AG 376)

    ut paene ipse interficerētur: ipse refers to Papirius. interficerētur is imperfect subjunctive in the result clause after tantā (AG 537).

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates

    mīliārium, ī, n. a milestone, mile
    Samnītēs, um, Gr. acc. pl. Samnītas, pl. m.

    the Samnites, a branch of the Sabine race inhabiting the mountains southeast of Latium

    Pīcēnum, ī, n.

    a division of Italy on the Adriatic Sea, north of Latium

    Campānia, ae, f.

    a district of Italy on the western side, south of Latium

    Apūlia, ae, f.

    a district in the southeastern part of Italy

    Papirius, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman gens 2

    Cursor, ōris, m.

    L. Papīrius Cursor, a celebrated general, six times consul, dictator twice

    dictātor, ōris [dictō, to stay often], m.

    a dictator, a magistrate with supreme power, chosen at times of supreme peril


    abbreviation of the praenomen Quīntus

    Fabius, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman gens. Fabia familia, the Fabian gens. (1) C. Fabius, consul 477 B.C.; (2) Q. Fabius, the first Roman annalist; (3) C. Fabius Pīctor, consul 269 B.C.

    Māximus, ī, m.

    a Roman cognomen meaning "greatest, most powerful"; (1) Q. Fabius Māximus, consul six times; (2) Q. Fabius Māximus, defeated by the Samnites 292 B.C.; (3) Q. Fabius Māximus (Cunctātor), five times consul.

    occāsiō, ōnis [occidō, to happen], f. an occasion, opportunity 3
    fēlīciter [fēlīx], adv., comp. fēlicius, sup. fēlicissimē luckily, successfully
    dīmicō, āre, āvī, ātus to fight
    dēleō, ēre, ēvī, ētus

    to destroy, overthrow, rain

    quod [quī], conj.

    because, supposing that, in that, so far as; quod sī, but if

    favor, ōris [faveō], m. favor, good will, praise
    līberō, āre, āvī, ātus [līber] to set free, release
    sēditiō, ōnis [sed + itiō, from eō], f.

    dissension, rebellion, revolt

    commoveō, ēre, mōvī, mōtus

    to arouse, disturb, move, influence

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