(1) Cn. Servīlius Caepiō C. Semprōnius Blaesus cōnsulēs cum ducentīs sexāgintā nāvibus ad Āfricam profectī sunt. Aliquot cīvitātēs cēpērunt.

(2) Praedam ingentem redūcentēs naufragium passī sunt. Itaque cum continuae calamitātēs Rōmānīs displicērent, dēcrēvit senātus, ut ā maritimīs proeliīs recēderētur et tantum sexāgintā nāvēs ad praesidium Ītaliae salvae essent.

    Raids along the Libyan coast, 253 BCE

    (1) Cn. Servīlius Caepiō C. Semprōnius Blaesus cōnsulēs: Caepio and Blaesus made a number of raids along the Libyan coast in 253 BCE without achieving anything significant. On the voyage from Panormus (Palermo) to Rome they encountered another terrible storm and lost 150 ships (Bird).

    profectī suntdeponent verb (AG 190; LS proficīscor)

    (2) passi sunt: deponent verb (AG 190; LS patior)

    cum continuae calamitātēs Rōmānīs displicērent: "since..." cum here is causal (AG 549)

    ut...recēderētur et...essent: indirect command after the verb dēcrēvit (AG 563)

    re: impersonal passive of an intransitive verb (AG 372)

    salvae: "kept'

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates


    abbreviation of the praenomen Gnaeus

    Servīlius, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman gens, e.g. Q. Servīlius, consul 365 B.C.

    Caepiō, ōnis, m.

    the name of a Roman family, Cn. Servīlius Caepiō, consul 253 B.C., Q. (Cn.) Servīlius Caepiō, consul 140 B.C., Q. (Servilius) Caepiō, consul 106 B.C.


    abbreviation of the praenomen Gaius

    Semprōnius, ī, m.

    P. Semprōnius, consul 268 B.C.

    Blaesus, ī, m.

    C. Semprōnius Blaesus, consul 253 B.C.

    Āfrica, ae, f.

    Africa; often the northern part of the continent, especially the part near Carthage

    aliquot [alius + quot], indef. indecl. adj. some, several
    redūcō, ere, dūxī, ductus

    to lead back; draw back; remove

    naufragium, ī [nāvis + frangō], n. shipwreck, ruin
    continuus, a, um [contineō], adj. successive, uninterrupted
    calamitās, ātis, f. a calamity, defeat
    displiceō, ēre, uī, —— to displease
    maritimus, a, um [mare], adj.

    marine, maritime, on the seashore

    salvus, a, um, adj. well, safe, sound
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