L. Aemiliō cōnsule ingentēs Gallōrum cōpiae Alpēs trānsiērunt. Sed prō Rōmānīs tōta Ītalia cōnsēnsit trāditumque est ā Fabiō historicō, quī eī bellō interfuit, DCCC mīlia hominum parāta ad id bellum fuisse. Sed rēs per cōnsulem tantum prōsperē gesta est. XL mīlia hostium interfecta sunt et triumphus Aemiliō dēcrētus.

    Invasion of the Gauls, 225 BCE

    L. Aemiliō cōnsule: ablative absolute with form of esse assumed (AG 419.a); Lucius Aemilius Papus and Gaius Atilius Regulus were consuls in 225 BCE.

    GallōrumThe Romans, recalling the terrible battle of Allia (Brev. 1.20), were panic-stricken at first. A large army was raised and stationed at Ariminum, where the first attack was expected. But the Gauls passed around the Roman army, and, falling in with a small reserve force, utterly defeated it. Instead of hastening to Rome, they resolved to put their plunder in a place of safety. The Roman army following them met them finally near Telamon, where the decisive battle was fought, and the Gauls were annihilated (Hazzard).

    cōnsēnsit: "united" (Hazzard)

    ā Fabiō historicōQ. Fabius Pictor, the earliest of the annalists. He wrote in Greek an account of the early history of Rome. He is frequently quoted by Livy (Hazzard). He is the only authority cited by Eutropius (Bird).

    interfuit: "was involved in" + dative (LS intersum II.C).

    trāditumque est: "it is reported," used impersonally (AG 207.d)

    DCCC mīlia hominum: In 225 the Romans and their allies were able to field 770,000 men, according to Polybius 2.24. The Gauls allegedly invaded Italy with an army of 170,000 (Polybius 2.23). For the war and the battle of Telamon sea Polybius 2.25–31 and Livy, Epitome 20. (Bird)

    parāta ad id bellum fuisse: indirect discourse after the impersonal verb trāditumque est (AG 577). When forming the perfect passive infinitive, Eutropius frequently uses the pluperfect form of sum, fuisse, instead of the regular present tense, esse, a common usage by Late Latin writers.

    tantum: "alone" (Hazzard)

    triumphus Aemiliō dēcrētus: supply est; for more information on triumphs, see triumphs.

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates

    Aemilius, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman gens; Lūcius Aemilius, consul 224 B.C.; Mārcus Aemilius (Mamercus), dictator

    Gallus, a, um

    pertaining to Gaul. Gallī, ōrum, pl. m., the Gauls. Gallus, ī, m., a Roman cognomen: (1) C. (Cn.) Cornēlius Gallus, governor of Egypt under Augustus; (2) Gallus Hostīliānus, Roman emperor 251–253 A.D.

    Alpēs, ium, f. the Alps
    cōnsentiō, īre, sēnsī, sēnsus to agree; conspire, plot
    Fabius, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman gens. Fabia familia, the Fabian gens. (1) C. Fabius, consul 477 B.C.; (2) Q. Fabius, the first Roman annalist; (3) C. Fabius Pīctor, consul 269 B.C.

    prōsperē [prōsperus], adv.

    propitiously, successfully

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