(1) Sp. Postumiō Albīnō Q. Mārciō Philippō cōnsulibus M. Fulvius dē Aetōlīs triumphāvit.

(2) Hannibal, quī, victō Antiochō, nē Rōmānīs trāderētur, ad Prūsiam Bīthȳniae rēgem fūgerat, repetītus etiam ab eō est per T. Quīntium Flāminīnum. Et cum trādendus Rōmānīs esset, venēnum bibit et apud Libyssam in fīnibus Nīcomēdēnsium sepultus est.

    The Death of Hannibal (186 BCE)

    For details, see Nepos, Hannibal 12; Livy, Book 39.

    (1) Sp. Postumiō Albīnō Q. Mārciō Philippō cōnsulibus: Ablative absolute with form of esse understood (AG 419.a). Spurius Postumius Albinus and Quintus Marcius Philippus were consuls in 186 BCE.

    M. Fulvius: M. Fulvius Nobilior, as consul, transported an army to Greece in 189 BCE to deal with the Aetolians. He invested Ambracia and forced the Aetolians to come to terms. This conflict was known as the Aetolian War. During his absence he was attacked in the senate by one of the consuls of 187 BCE, M. Aemilius Lepidus. He celebrated his triumph on December 23, 187 BCE (Bird).

    (2) Hannibal: for Rome's war with Hannibal, see Brev. 3.7ff

    victō Antiochō: ablative absolute using a perfect passive participle (AG 419). For Rome's war against Antiochus the Great, see Brev. 4.3–4

    ad Prūsiam: Prusias I of Bithynia

    ab eō: Prusias

    per T. Quīntium Flāminīnum: "by Titus Quintius Flaminius." Eutropius occasionally substitutes per with the Accusative for the Ablative or Dative or agent (Hazzard).

    trādendus: "he was to be handed over," gerundive (AG 507).

    apud Libyssam: "at Libyssa"

    in fīnibus Nīcomēdēnsium: "in the territory of the Nicomedians"

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates

    Quīntius, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman gens.

    Antiochus, ī, m.

    kings of Syria: Antiochus II., called Theos, 261–246 B.; Antiochus III., called the Great, 223–187 B.C.; Antiochus IV., called Epiphanes, 175–164 B.C.

    Prūsiās, ae, m.

    king of Bithynia 228—180 B.C.

    Bīthȳnia, ae, f.

    a country in Asia Minor, on the Propontis and Black Sea

    triumphō, āre, āvī, ātus

    to celebrate a triumph

    Aetōlī, ōrum, pl. m.

    the Aetolians, inhabitants of Aetolia, a division of Greece

    venēnum, ī, n. poison
    Tremellius, ī, m.

    a Roman quaestor who conquered Pseudoperses

    bibō, ere, bibī, (no 4th part) to drink
    Libyssa, ae, f.

    a city of Bithynia in Asia Minor

    Flāminīnus, i, m.

    T. Quīntius Flāmininus, consul 123 B.C.

    Nīcomēdēnsēs, ium, pl. m.

    the inhabitants of Nīcomēdia

    sepeliō, īre, īvī (iī), sepultus to bury, inter
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