23.  M. Porciō Catōne et Q. Mārciō Rēge cōnsulibus, sexcentēsimō trīcēsimō et tertiō annō ab urbe conditā, Narbōne in Galliā colōnia dēducta est annōque post ā L. Caeciliō Metellō et Q. Mūciō Scaevolā cōnsulibus dē Dalmatiā triumphātum est.

24.   Ab urbe conditā annō sexcentēsimō trīcēsimō quīntō C. Catō cōnsul Scordiscīs intulit bellum ignōminiōsēque pūgnāvit.

    Ch. 23: Colony Founded at Narbo (118 BCE)

    Velleius Paterculus, Roman History  1.15.5.

    M. Porciō Catōne et Q. Mārciō Rēge cōnsulibus: ablative absolute with form of esse assumed (AG 419a). Marcus Porcius Cato and Quintus Marcius Rex were consuls in 118 BCE.

    Narbōne: This was the first colony of the Romans in Gaul. Later it gave the name of Narbōnēnsis to the province. It was situated on the river Atax, and was of considerable commercial importance (Hazzard).

    ā L. Caeciliō Metellō: L. Caecilius Metellus was consul in 119 BCE and celebrated his triumph in 117 BCE, receiving the cognomen Delmaticus for his successes (Livy, Epitome 62) (Bird). Lucius Aurelius Cotta was the name of his co-consul; Quintus Mucius Scaevola shared the consulship in 117 BCE with another Metellus, named Lucius Caecilius Metellus Diadematus.

    triumphātum est: passive verb used impersonally (AG 208d). For more information, see triumphs

    Ch. 24: Triumph over the Scordisci (114 BCE)

    Livy, Epitome 63; Appian, Illyrian Wars 5.

    Ab urbe conditā annō sexcentēsimō trīcēsimō quīntō: Cato was consul in 114 BCE when he was defeated by the Scordisci in Thrace. Here, as above, the a.u.c. computation is inaccurate (Bird).

    Scordiscīs: dative object of the verb intulit (LS infero I.β). The Scordisci were a people of Pannonia. They were sometimes classed with the Illyrians, but they were remains of an ancient and powerful Celtic nation (Hazzard).

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates


    M., abbreviation of the praenomen Marcus; M'., abbreviation of the praenomen Manius

    Porcius, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman gens.

    Catō, ōnis, m.

    a family name in the Porcian gens. (1) (M.) Porcius Catō, consul 89 B.C.; (2) C. (Porcius) Catō, consul 114 B.C.; (3) M. Porcius Catō, consul 118 B.C.; (4) M. Porcius Catō Uticēnsis


    abbreviation of the praenomen Quīntus

    Mārcius, ī, m.

    (1) Ancus Mārcius, the fourth king of Rome, 640–616 B.C.; (2) C. Mārcius, consul 310 B.C.; (3) Q. Mārcius, surnamed Coriolanus

    Rēx, Rēgis, m.

    Q. Mārcius Rēx, consul 118 B.C.

    Scīpiō, ōnis, m.

    the name of one of the most illustrious families of Rome, Cornēlius Scīpiō, consul 83 B.C., Cn. Cornēlius Scīpiō, consul 222 B.C., L. (Cornēlius) Scīpiō, consul 259 B.C., P. Cornēlius Scīpiō, consul 218 B.C., P. Cornēlius Scīpiō, consul 191 B.C., P. Cornēlius Scīpiō, praetor 94 B.C., P. Cornēlius Scīpiō Āfricānus, consul 205 BC the conqueror of Hannibal in the First Punic War., P. Cornēlius Scīpiō Āfricānus (Minor), consul 147 B.C. He brought the Third Punic War to a close by capturing and destroying Carthage., L. Cornēlius Scīpiō Asiāgenēs, consul 83 B.C., P. (Cornēlius) Scīpiō Nāsīca, consul 91 B.C.

    Narbō, ōnis, m.

    a city in the southern part of Gaul

    Gallia, ae, f.

    the country of the Gauls; modern France and the territories on the west bank of the Rhine. The northern part of Italy was settled by Gauls, and was called Gallia Cisalpina; hence the pl. Galliae.

    colōnia, ae, [colō], f.

    a colony, settlement

    Caecilius, ī, m.

    the name of a Roman gens. Q. Caecilius, consul 206 B.C.

    Metellus, ī, m.

    (1) C. Caecilius Metellus, consul 113 B.C.; (2) L. Caecilius Metellus, consul 251 B.C.; (3) L. Caecilius Metellus, consul 123 B.C.; (4) (Q. Caecilius) Metellus Macedonicus, consul 143 B.C.; (5) Q. Caecilius Metellus (Numidicus), consul 109 B.C.; (6) Q. Caecilius Metellus Creticus, consul 69 B.C.; (7) L. (Caecilius) Metellus, carried on war against Mithradates; (8) M. (Caecilius) Metellus

    Scaevola, ae, m.

    Q. Mūcius Scaevola, consul 117 B.C.

    Scordiscī, ōrum, pl. m.

    a Thracian people

    Dalmatia, ae, f.

    a country bordering on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea


    abbreviation of the praenomen Gaius

    triumphō, āre, āvī, ātus

    to celebrate a triumph

    ignōminiōse [ignōminiōsus, disgraceful], adv.

    ignominiously, disgracefully

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