(1) Annō trecentēsimō sexāgēsimō quīntō ab urbe conditā, post captam autem prīmō, dīgnitātēs mūtātae sunt, et prō duōbus cōnsulibus factī tribūnī mīlitārēs cōnsulārī potestāte. Hinc iam coepit Rōmāna rēs crēscere.

(2) Nam Camillus eō annō Volscōrum cīvitātem, quae per septuāgintā annōs bellum gesserat, vīcit et Aequōrum urbem et Sūtrīnōrum, omnibus dēlētīs eārundem exercitibus, occupāvit et trēs simul triumphōs ēgit.

    Military Tribunes with Consular Power Elected, 389 BCE

    Annō trecentēsimō sexāgēsimō quīntō ab urbe conditā: 389 BCE, the first year after the sack of Rome by the Gauls in 390 BCE (see Brev. 1.20)

    tribūnī mīlitārēs cōnsulārī potestāte: after the Lex Canuleia of 445 BCE had repealed a statute in the XII Tables prohibiting intermarriage between patricians and plebeians, Canuleius' fellow tribunes proposed that the consulship should be open to plebeians. The senate responded by decreeing that three military tribunes with consular powers should replace the consuls and possibly one of those elected for 444 BCE was a plebeian, but prior to 400 BCE plebeian representation was minimal. They were in office for only three months. Nevertheless, in all but 22 years between 444 BCE and 367 BCE military tribunes were in office (Bird).

    Hinc: "from this time"

    Rōmāna rēs: "the Roman state" (LS rēs II.K.2)

    (2) Camillus: According to Livy (6.2.4), Camillus was reappointed dictator in 389 BCE and defeated the Volsci (after seventy years of war) and the Aequi, and ejected the Etruscans from Sutrium (a Roman ally) which they had just captured (Bird). On Marcus Furius Camillus, see Brev. 1.20

    omnibus dēlētīs eārundem exercitibus: ablative absolute using a perfect passive participle (AG 419)

    trēs simul triumphōs ēgit: "he celebrated three triumphs at once"; i.e., a triumph for each of the cities (Hazzard)

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates

    mīlitāris, e [mīles], adj.

    military; as subst., a soldier; rēs mīlitāris, the art of war, military operations

    cōnsulāris, e [cōnsul], adj.

    of a consul, of consular rank; as subst., an ex—consul

    Camillus, ī, m.

    (M.) Fūrius Camillus, a famous Roman hero; L. Fūrius (Camillus), consul 349 B.C. 2

    Volscī, ōrum, pl. m.

    an ancient tribe living in the south of Latium

    Aequī, ōrum, pl. m.

    the Aequi, a people dwelling in the upper valley of the Aniō, in the mountains forming the eastern boundary of Latium

    Sutrinī, ōrum, pl. m.

    the inhabitants of Sutrium, a city in Etruria in Italy

    dēleō, ēre, ēvī, ētus to destroy, overthrow, rain
    triumphus, ī, m.

    a triumph, a splendid procession in which the victorious general entered the city accompanied by his soldiers and the spoil and captives he had taken. The procession passed around the Capitoline Hill into the Via Sacra, then into the Forum, and up to the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus.


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