5. Mox imperātōrēs creātī sunt Gallus Hostīliānus et Gallī fīlius Volusiānus. Sub hīs Aemiliānus in Moesiā rēs novās mōlītus est; ad quem opprimendum cum ambō profectī essent, Interamnae interfectī sunt nōn complētō bienniō. Nihil omnīnō clārum gessērunt. Sōlā pestilentiā et morbīs atque aegritūdinibus nōtus eōrum prīncipātus fuit.

6. Aemiliānus obscūrissimē nātus obscūrius imperāvit ac tertiō mēnse extīnctus est.

    Chapter 5: Gallus Hostilianus and Volusianus Emperors, 251253 CE

    Gallus Hostīliānus et Gallī fīlius Volusiānus: Eutropius has muddled his prosopography in this passage: Emperor Hostilian (who was the son of Decius) ruled for several months before dying of plague in 251 CE; Volusian (son of Trebonianus Gallus) ruled for a time together with Hostilian, and died in 253 CE.

    Aemiliānus: Aemilian will become the next Roman emperor

    rēs novās: "revolution, revolt" (LS novus I.A.4)

    ad quem opprimendum: "to crush him," gerund purpose clause (AG 503)

    cum ambō profectī essent: cum here is circumstantial (AG 546)

    Interamnae: "at Interamna," locative case (AG 427.3)

    nōn complētō bienniō: "after a reign of less than two years"

    Chapter 6: Aemilianus Emperor, 253 CE

    obscūrissimē nātus obscūrius imperāvit: obscūrissimē modifies nātusobscūrius modifies imperāvit

    tertiō mēnse: Aemilian ruled for three months in 253 CE.

    extīnctus est: he was slain by the soldiers (Hazzard).

    Core Vocabulary | Numbers | Dates


    Hostīliānus, ī, m.

    Gallus Hostīliānus, Roman emperor 251–253 A.D. 5.

    Volusiānus, ī, m.

    son of the emperor Gallus. His father conferred the title of Caesar upon him in 251 A.D. and Augustus in 252 A.D.

    Aemiliānus, ī, m.

    the governor of Pannonia and Moesia in the reign of Gallus, Roman emperor, 253 A.D.

    Moesia, ae, f.

    the modern Bulgaria and Servia, divided into Moesia Superior and Inferior; hence the pl., Moesiae

    mōlior, īrī, ītus sum [mōlēs, mass]

    to struggle, toil; undertake, attempt

    opprimō, ere, pressī, pressus

    to crush utterly, overpower, overwhelm

    ambō, ae, ō, adj.


    Interamna, ae, f.

    a town in Umbria

    compleō, ēre, plēvī, plētus

    to fill (to the brim); complete

    biennium, ī [bis + annus], n.

    two years' time

    omnīnō [omnis], adv.

    in all, altogether, only, in general; at all

    pestilentia, ae [pestis, plague], f.

    a pestilence, plague

    aegritūdō, inis [aeger], f.

    sickness, grief, vexation, mortification

    nōtus, a, um [nōscō], adj.

    well known, familiar

    prīncipātus, ūs [prīnceps], m.

    a chief authority (in the state); headship, leadership; reign, sovereignty

    obscūrē [obscūrus], adv., comp. obscūrius, sup. obscūrissimē

    obscurely 6.

    mēnsis, is, m.

    a month

    exstinguō, ere, stīnxī, stīnctus [ex + stinguō, to extinguish]

    to quench, kill, blot out, destroy, extinguish, put an end to


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